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Smoking kills them too…

Smoking kills them too…. Octobriann Olverson. Did you ever think….

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Smoking kills them too…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Smoking kills them too… Octobriann Olverson

  2. Did you ever think… • About how smoking is also a type of endangerment for a child? Most people do not realize how badly they are harming children just by smoking one cigarette. I feel that this act should be punished just as if a child were endangered by abuse, neglect or even even more harmful substances. • 50-67% of children under five live in homes with at least one adult smoker • ….and these adults are killing these children….

  3. This plan is needed for… • Not just the community, but the country. And if not just the country, the world. Children cannot save themselves when they are stuck in a room with a parent, guardian, family member or even a person in a room who is light up a cigarette just to help themselves. This is child endangerment and will kill not just the kid more than the original smoker.

  4. Do You approve? Many parents don’t see the harm…

  5. How does smoking affect children and how…? • Child’s lungs and respiratory tracts • decreaseslungefficiency • impairs lung function in children of all ages • increases both the frequency and severity of childhood asthma • can aggravate sinusitis, rhinitis, cystic fibrosis, and chronic respiratory problems • increases the number of children’s colds and sore throats • The fetus and newborn • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome • cleft lip or palate • blood flow change • lower birth weight

  6. Cont… • Child’s brain • causes behavioral problems • modestimpairment in school/home • Child’s ears • increases both the number of ear infections a child will experience and the duration of the illness • irritates the eustachiantube which causes swelling and obstruction which interferes with pressure equalization in the middle ear • causes hearing loss

  7. But we can help! But We Can Help! But We Can Help!

  8. Really simple. • Making sure people are educated about the dangers of smoking around a child is step one in the process of helping save children from this endangerment. And where we should do this?.... Parenting classes!

  9. What’s needed? • We need experts! People who really know about this problem and are willing to come in and speak to parents about the dangers. They can either volunteer or be paid a small wage to educate these parents.

  10. Supples? • Ash trays • Paper Products • Snacks

  11. Outcome? • Great! The program will be apreciated and even if we do not save every child, at least one is better than none…

  12. Thank You

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