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Introducing Captain Amjad H. Faizi. C.E.O Institute of Safety & Human Factors 1998- Consultant Civil Defense of Pakistan 2003-
Introducing Captain Amjad H. Faizi C.E.O Institute of Safety & Human Factors 1998- Consultant Civil Defense of Pakistan 2003- Advisor to Sultanate of Oman on matter pertaining to Gulf Air 2005 Consultant to Mongolian Airlines 2002-2004 Federal Secretary Road Safety & Traffic Education 1997-1998 Conceived, wrote, produced & directed the entire educational campaign before ISB-LHE Motorway was inaugurated in Nov 97 Special Assistant Technical M.D. PIA 1996-1997 Chief Pilot Corporate Safety 1990-1996 Pioneered Introduction of Human Factors to Flight Operations PIA & CAA Pakistan 1992-1995 Member Environment Committee Boeing 1992-1995 Listed amongst the top ten Human Factors & Corporate Safety experts by SAFAC, IATA 1993-1997 The only NASA Trained Human Factors Facilitator in Pakistan Has authored twelve (12) professional books/manuals Has read twenty five (25) Research Papers at national & international forums.
Let us begin in the name ofALLAHthe most merciful & benevolent beyond any reckoning!
Diagnostically, the current slide towards apparent destabilization and possible total destruction can be halted onlyby infusing National Discipline or Quami Nazm-o-Zabt As such, may I request the pleasure of your involved attention for the next twenty (20) minutes Working together, we may herald beginning of new era Working together,we may give new lease of hope to our children, the generations to come! Please do ask all the questions you want to but only after the completion of this Presentation
Project TarbiyyatGah Nation Building of the First Kind
In all probability the train you saw in the preceding slide is going nowhere; God forbid, just like our motherland, Pakistan Obvious question is: Why Why Why Why Why
This Why is very important and needs your constructive and involved attention
First thing first, let us recognize the importance of Prioritization. In Urdu word ‘Prioritization’ can best be translated as Tarjeehaat
Priorities are the Tracks on which plan for personal life, corporate functioning and Nation Building must always be based. Else, one is bound to be ‘Derailed’
Let us identify Teen-Lafzi Qomi Tarjeehaatournational priorities as declared in the Lahore Resolution of 1940
National Priorities Qomi Tarjeehaat Faith orYaqeen-e-mohkam (Not Eimaan) Unity orIttehad Discipline orNazm-o-zabt (Not Tanzeem)
True Happiness as well as meaningful Success can be experienced onlyby rational, selfless, noble and objective Prioritization
Importance of Prioritization • Central idea in Time Management Prioritization • Core issue in personal Decision Making Prioritization • Most important for Corporate Planners Prioritization • Absolute essential for Harmony at Home Prioritization • First step towards meaningful Success Prioritization
Today, if Pakistan is to be safeguarded and rebuilt We need to assign top most priority to Nation Building
What is the main difference in between the North & South, the Developed and Developing, the First and Third world? Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture Safety Culture
What all constitutes Safety Culture? Safety Culture is the sum-total of two applications on nationwide basis: • Conscious & continuous display of Civic Sense by each member of society in every walk of life • Strict adherence to prescribed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) when at work
Whereas it is quite possible to enforce reasonable adherence to SOP by strict implementation on organizational basis; it is quite another story to practice Civic Sense as legalized way of national life
As such, what is the most significant and notable difference in between them and us? Civic SenseCivic senseCivic senseCivic SenseCivic SenseCivic Sense Civic Sense Civic Sense Civic Sense Civic Sense Civic Sense Civic Sense Civic Sense
What does Civic Sense embody? Civic Sense comprises of: • Law-abiding, hygienic, tolerant community living PLUS + • Road Sense for Road Safety PLUS + • Conserving the national resources like water, gas, fuel & electricity PLUS + • Preserving the natural habitat like animal life and forestry
What is Civic Sense? Learning to give others’ their Rightsbefore expecting
What is Road Sense? It is the applied Civic Sense by every road user
Ironic is the fact that in most Developing Countries Road Safety is often talked about, but without ever mentioning Road Sense.
Roads of a given country are the national schools where young, old, rich and poor learn to ‘Yield’ or ‘Give’ others’ their Rights, willingly and graciously Roadsare where one begins to learn the true spirit of tolerance, which assigns no discrimination, harbors no hatred and carries no malice
Roads are where first seeds of Civic Sense are implanted by learning to continuously display exacting Road Sense, which is entirely based on ‘Yielding’ Right of Way
In learning to ‘YIELD’Right of Way what is primarily changed at national level Attitude Attitude Attitude Attitude Attitude AttitudeAttitudeAttitude Attitude Attitude Attitude Attitude
Additionally Pakistanis, by and large, are considered rather crude. What is worst, most of us are not inclined to be courteous enough or willing to display correct mannerism or etiquette
Above it all, Despite the fact that English is also our official Language, we are too shy to converse in English or simply, are not proficient enough Lest we forget that English has emerged as Global Language and there is no turning back. It has gained such an acceptance that today in China alone 500,000foreigners are employed as English Language instructors. South Korea employs more than 45,000 foreigners as English teachers It is only because of proficiency in English Language, that Philippines, despite being 20% of our population, earns 300% more revenue as remittances by their human resource employed world over (18 b Vs 6 b $)
Over the past three decades, our globe has shrunk in such a manner that all people have begun looking into each others way of life Considering that 75% of global business is part of Service Industry and the fact that one of our biggest national asset is export of Human Resource , we need to take serious stock of our national planning
Facts: Out of our 175 million population, almost 60% Pakistanis are below the age of 30 years. This figure translates in to 105 million persons With our literacy rate hovering around35%, it would not be difficult to conclude that an overwhelming majority of our populace has never been exposed to words like Civic Sense, Road Sense, Courtesy, Telephone Courtesy, Road Courtesy, Office Decorum,Etiquette & Manners, Dress Sense, Body Hygiene, Deportment etc
Crucial: We as a nation have thus far failed to differentiate in between words; literacy rate and education Fact is that large number of new schools, institutes and universities are sprouting all over Pakistan but without any effort assigned to develop Soft Skills like etiquettes & manners, courtesy, community living, road sense, community & personal hygiene, communication skills etc Unfortunately, instead of politeness and decorum, we have adopted Jugat Baazi and Sab Chalta Hai as our national behavior Presently, with the entire world keeping Pakistan in every-day-focus, it is of crucial importance that we took remedial stepsASAP
Emerging scenario on the national horizon is so compelling and vivid that it literally dictates the script If we were to plan, nay, even dream for any meaningful and lasting progress, the following national targets must be achieved on NOW or NEVER basis: Infusion of Safety Culture, including Civic Sense, Road Sense and mandatory application of S.O.Ps Inculcation of courtesy, manners, personal hygiene and grooming Elementary proficiency in spoken English
If we fail to achieve ‘Infusion of Safety Culture’ OR ‘Inculcation of courtesy, manners and personal grooming’ OR ‘Proficiency in spoken English’ on priority basis, we may not survive in the emerging world order
Hence this plan!However, mine are not the last words. Please feel free to rethink, reconstruct or rearrange!
Establishing nation-wide network of TarbiyyatGah
Prayers & Hope: • At this decisive juncture of our history, every Pakistani, disgruntled and disappointed with our leadership, past and present, is praying for the well-being of Pakistan • We all are praying for a savior from heavens but there is no munno-salva to be had. If we truly want to save Pakistan and give hope to our children, we will have to shoulder this responsibility in person • Establishing a chain of TarbiyyatGah all over Pakistan would be like building a bigger dam than Tarbela, Warsak & Mangla put together. Only then we may start spelling ‘Hope’ as TarbiyyatGah
As such, establishing TarbiyyatGah, at every possible nook and corner of Pakistan should become our top national priority However, considering that our national leadership, including media, written or electronic, has thus far failed to prioritize nation building as top-most priority, it becomes the vowed duty of entrepreneurs and individuals alike, to embark upon ‘Jihad’ in the form of establishing TarbiyyatGah all over Pakistan
Can one embark upon a journey without first determining the destination or the Manzil one wishes to reach? It is only after one has firmly decided on a Manzil, that appropriate route or Raasta is planned Only then one may decide on the Stopovers
Destination=Vision=Manzil Route = Mission = Raasta Visionis also a khuli aankhon say dekha huoa Khawaab Creation of Pakistan is a vivid example of such aVision, khuli aankhon say dekha huoa Khawaab
It is time enough to have another Vision, one more ‘khuli aankhon ka khawaab’ We must dream a new dream, vow for a new destination as ourQomi Manzil With Qomi Manzil in mind, let us also decide upona Mission as ourQomi Raasta
Hamaari Manzil Ba’Tarteeb, Taraqqi-yafta Pakistan Hamaara Raasta Safety Culture ka Nifaaz, Tehzeeb Kay Saath Hamaaray Pehlay Qadm Rehnay Sehnay ki Tarbiyyat (Civic Sense) Road Sense ki Tarbiyyat HSE ki Tarbiyyat (Industrial Safety)
TarbiyyatGah kay Training Modules: • Industrial Safety Management Training • Industrial Safety Indoctrination • Human Factors as the Deciding Factor • Training for OHSAS 18001 (HSE) • Road Sense for Road Safety • Civic Sense for community living • Courtesy, Etiquettes & Manners • Dress Sense & Personal Grooming • ElementarySpoken English Proficiency • Corporate Team Building • Establishing SOP via Check Lists • Emergency Response Planning & Execution • Safety Surveys & Safety Audits • Accident Investigation Training & • Training of Master Trainer for all subjects above
Initial Launch: Set up a Pilot Project, which initially offers training only for selected few subjects like: Road Sense for Road Safety Importanceof SOP & PPE in HSE Training Courtesy & Manners, Personal hygiene & grooming Ethics & mechanics for Civic Sense Overseas Orientation Training Elementary Proficiency in spoken English Ultimate Goal: To establish a country-wide chain of Tarbiyyat-Gah as located in every mentionable mohallah in every city. For the sake of standardization all-to-be-employed-trainers must be trained at the Pilot Project
Extra Ordinary Good Omen: Mr. Behram Rafi, Managing Director, Engineering Kinetics Limitedhas truly become a pillar of strength by offering to establish the 1st TarbiyyatGah at Plot # 50, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore. More importantly, he along with his colleagues, Chief Operating Officer Mr. Ghulam Mustafa, Executive Director Mr. Ali Behram & Mr. Ghulam Muhuyy-ud-Din have also resolved to take active part in promoting the concept of TarbiyyatGah for every Pakistani Renovation and uplifting of existing structure is to begin immediately. We are beyond words to express ourselves
Plan-in-brief: • Set up Head Quarters of TarbiyyatGah on plot # 50, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat Lahore • Develop this TarbiyyatGah as model institute, protected by registering it as ‘Trade Mark’ • Planto build this TarbiyyatGah in such a manner that in foreseeable future, it can be converted as StandardizationTarbiyyatGah for Master Trainers • Plot # 50 TarbiyyatGah should become self-sustaining within first six (06) months of its existence • Plot # 50 TarbiyyatGah be retained as Model TarbiyyatGah as well as the Head Office • Other TarbiyyatGahz, in order to maintain the standardization, be allowed to carry the name only if a qualified institute or certified group of persons were to operate it as franchise • TarbiyyatGah mayor may not be registered as NGO
Strategic Planning: We should offer our training facilities to the following in the descending order: • Industrial production & manufacturing units • Service providing organizations • Private & Governmental agencies engaged in activities concerning overseas employment • Law enforcement agencies, especially Traffic Police and all Drivers’ Training Schools • Training of teachers, lecturers and instructors of schools, colleges, institutes & universities • Training of radio and TV anchors, play writers, directors & producers • Training of populace at large
Already in pipeline: • EKL is planning to invite Chief Operating Officers and senior executives of all their clients, past & present, for a three-hour seminar titled Human Factors & Safety Culture at LUMS. This event be planned before 15th November, 2009 • During this seminar, proposal for the launching of first TarbiyyatGah be presented in order to solicit their support
What do we expect from the receiver of this Presentation? Understanding of the prevalent situation and deciding on Bunyaadi Tarbiyyat as # 1 priority Networking to make this conviction transform in a nationwide campaign Working on feasibility for establishing one TarbiyyatGah in a given specific vicinity Offering services to function as salaried trainer/facilitator of TarbiyyatGah(CV Required) Providing feedback
Thank you! It will be a privilege to receive your comments, suggestions and questions In case you feel like calling, my cell # are 0321-3000-786 & 0321-2000-786 You can email me on either of the two below: amjad@safetyfactors.org.pk amjad.faizi@ddfcgroup.com