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This presentation discusses the influence of hot bubbles around nascent planets on their migration, accretion, and detectability. It covers topics such as planet formation, migration rates, observability, and population synthesis. The talk highlights the importance of upcoming instruments and observations in understanding accretion disk physics and the behavior of embedded planets.
Stars to Disks Gainesville - Apr. 14th 2007 “The hot bubbles around nascent planets : Influence on migration, accretion and detectability” Hubert Klahr, MPI für Astronomie Willy Kley, Tübingen & Sebastian Wolf, MPIA Geoff Bryden, JPL; Kees Dullemond, Thomas Henning, Oliver Fernandez, etc. MPIA; Doug Lin Santa Cruz Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Outline: Motivation: Pop. Synthesis Klahr & Kley 2006 The hot blob -- photosphere Influence on migration rates Observability Conclusions/Outlook Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Jupiter mass at 5AU 3D radiation hydro of planet disk interaction with the TRAMP code. Van Leer Hydro plus flux limited diffusion at 100x200x25 grid cells: domain: 1.25 AU < r < 25 AU Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Klahr & Feldt 2004; Klahr & Kley 2006
Outline: Klahr & Kley 2006 Zoom down to the Jupiter surface! Two new cases: 9 & 30 Mearth The hot blob -- photosphere Influence on migration rates Conclusions/Outlook Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Population Synthesis: Extrasolar giant planet formation models See also Poster P5-9 by Christophe Mordasini! Courtesy: Willy Benz and the Bern group/see also Ida & Lin
Known Planets: Courtesy by Jeremy Richardson May 2006 Based on data compiled by J. Schneider
Jupiter mass at 5AU 3D radiation hydro of planet disk interaction with the TRAMP code. Van Leer Hydro plus flux limited diffusion at 100x200x25 grid cells: domain: 1.25 AU < r < 25 AU Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg Klahr & Feldt 2004; Klahr & Kley 2006
A Young Jupiter... > 1000yrs Temperature, velocity and density contours.
Disk or Donut around Jupiter? Pressure scale height in “Blob” over the Roche lobe.
A Young Jupiter... > 1000yrs Temperature, velocity and density contours.
Color = photospheric temp. vs. photosph. Height of disk! height phi radius
High res.: Color = photospheric temp. Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Color = photospheric temperature Photospheric height. high res.: 30 Mearth Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Color = temperature -- surface = heighthigh res.: 9 Mearth • accretion & migration rates as function of:planet and disk mass, location, turbulence, opacity, irradiation,etc. Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Torques for a 9 MEarth planet: Random migration or Type XXXIX migration? Shift in corotation torques Negative = outward drift! Caveat: is in a Dead Zone
after D’Angelo, Henning & Kley 2003bplus new results by: Klahr, Bryden & Kleyalso found by Paardekooper & Mellema • Warning: • Paardekooper & Mellema • As well as our simulations • Had no viscosity, e.g. dead zone. • Unpredictable disk evolution. • Remember talks by Matsumura and Pudritz % planet-disk % planet-disk % planet-disk Outward drift: -10-4/yr
Dead zone evolution: This is 2D... What happens in 3D? Wünsch, Klahr & Rozyczka, 2005 Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Hydro + flux limited Diffusion + ray tracing Inner Rim: with Kees Dullemond
Height and temperature of photosphere for disk emission in the case of irradiation from the central object: Flux limited diffusion plus ray tracing during the hydro run! Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Test of Radiation transport:scattered light/role of inner disk TRAMP (Radiation- Hydro) MC3D (S. Wolf)
Test of Radiation transport:scattered light scattered light emitted light
Test of Radiation transport:scattered light scattered light emitted light
Imaging in the Mid-infrared (~10micron) Hot Accretion Region around the Planet 10mm surface brightness profile of a T Tauri disk with an embedded planet (inner 40AUx40AU, distance: 140pc) [Wolf & Klahr 2005] i=60deg i=0deg Science Case Study for T-OWL: Thermal Infrared Camera for OWL (Lenzen et al. 2005) Justification of the Observability in the Mid-IR for nearby objects (d<100pc)
Conclusions: migration depends on disk evolution. ;) MHD/dead-zone/Irradiation/Evaporation/ multiple Planets/etc. ...thats why comparisons to upcoming instruments/observations are so important! (VLTI, LBT, ALMA, ELT etc. ) Embedded Planets will be our measuring device for accretion disk physics! Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Outlook: 1.) Parameter Study: Disk Mass/position/Planet Mass 2.) => feeding Population Synthesis Simulations 3.) MPI version of TRAMP for “PIA” (256 processors) Hubert Klahr - Planet Formation - MPIA Heidelberg
Temperature, velocity and density contours. A Very Young Jupiter...
Transiting Planets: mass + radius We need to learn how they migrate and stop there!