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Pharmaceutical industry of India, as well as many other countries, use Quaternary Phosphonium salts in order to make different drugs and medications. These chemical compounds are basically the kind of chemicals that are in strong shape and can easily get dissolved in fluid arrangements. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, also known as QUATS are found in a lot of things we use every day. Read this document by TatvaChintan to know Why QUATS is the Most Controversial Yet Highly-Demanded Chemical Compound?<br>
Why QUATS is the Most Controversial Yet Highly-Demanded Chemical Compound?
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, also known as QUATS are found in a lot of things we use every day. They are widely used as surface disinfectants and as antiseptics in mouthwashes, lozenges, nasal spray, baby wipes, moisturizers, shaving cream, body wash, toothpaste, spermicidal jellies, eye drops, shampoos, eye drops, and lotions.
QUATS are highly demanded by products makers because 1. Theyhavestrongantimicrobialproperties 2. Theyareodorless 3. Theyaretasteless 4. Theyaremoderatelytoxic 5. Theyarenon-corrosive 6. Theyarestable, thereforetheygoodshelflife 7. Theyareeasilydiluted 8. TheyarenotaffectedbypH
QUATS are highly demanded by products makers because ManypeopleknowaboutQUATSandthattheyareinthebody productsandcleaningproductsthattheyusefrequently; however, somepeoplemaynotknowwhatQUATSare, which couldbebecausetheyhaveneverfoundtheword “QUATS” listedasoneoftheingredientsonproductslabelsor containers.
The reason for this is that there are a lot of substitute names for QUATS. someofthemarelistedbelow: 1. Polyquaternium 2. Benzalkoniumchloride 3. Benzathoniumchloride 4. Grapefruitseedextract 5. Distearyldimoniumchloride 6. Vegetableoilquaternary 7. Stearalkoniumchloride
The reason for this is that there are a lot of substitute names for QUATS. 8. Catatonicsurfactants 9. Didecyldimethylammoniumchloride 10. Dioctyldimethylammoniumchloride 11. Behentrimoniumchloride 12. Begentrimoniummethosulphate 13. Polyquaternium 14. Biodegradablefabricsofteningagents
TherearealotofserioussideeffectsofQUATS, oneofwhichis death. Yes, thesideeffectsofQUATScanbefatalandtheyare fastbecomingthecompoundsthathealthpractitionerswarn peopletodesistfromusing.
The harmful effects of QUATS are listed below 1. QUATSarelungirritantsandcanleadtobreathingproblems 2. Theycancauseskinirritationandcanleadtorashes 3. Theycancauseconvulsion 4. Dependingontheconcentration, itcouldcauseburningofthe gastrointestinallining 5. Theycancausenauseaandvomiting 6. SomeharmfulbacteriacanresistQUATs 7. Theycanleadtobirthdefects
TATVACHINTANPHARMACHEMPVTLTD” isfoundedin VADODARA, GUJARAT, INDIAonApril25, 1996, with manufacturingplantatANKLESHWAR, GUJARAT, INDIA Itisapharmaceuticalcompanywhichproduces TetrabutylammoniumBromideaswellasthewholerange ofPhaseTransferCatalyst ( PTC ) & QuaternaryAmmonium Compounds ( QUATS ). Theyarethebiggestsuppliersof chemicalproductInIndia
Address: 502/17, G.I.D.C, Ankleshwar393002, India Phoneno. +91-2646-253593 / 238991 Mail: shekhar@tatvachintan.com