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Quaternary Sector. New economic opportunities, environmental and social. A new round of endless growth and new global research directions. One world, if you want. www.societisme.jimdo.com. The Quaternary Sector.
Quaternary Sector • New economic opportunities, environmental and social. • A new round of endless growth and new global research directions. • One world, if you want .... www.societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector This non partisan study aims to show that our civilization (human) will continue for millennia on one condition: that a second monetary variable is passed in the next few decades. Two monetary variables : many years of preparation for what purpose? This is the miracle hither to all our problem ? - Save the human race from its ecological and social decline by directing all human and company mercantilism in the right direction : mercantilism useful ( because incorruptible in medium of exchange) - Structuring a new economic cycle satisfactory model for an infinite time (full employment ) through the opening of new market social and environment global currency pegged to the (measurable for store of value) - Meet The stipulations ( profitability ) of the world's largest economic entities so that it approves the project by preparing them with transitions of unit of account - Allow all global research focus on the important problem (ecological, social and technological ) - Allow the use of new technologies and the development of advanced technology without conflicts of interest with existing technologies ( bottom linearity of revenue for existing businesses) Opening a social and environment monetary variable World Federalist tool and create of environment wealth 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
Opening a social and environment monetary variable - World federalist tool and create of environment wealth This project was selected to participate in economic competition “Invent 2020” and it has earned the right to be invited by the Circle of economists at the economic meetings of Aix-en Provence in 2013 with : • Award Michel AgliettaScientific advisor, Center of International Studies and Forecasting (CEPII) Jacques AttaliWriter, President, Planet Finance Jean-Paul BaillyChairman and CEO, Le Groupe La Poste Jean-Christophe Iseux Baron Von PfettenPresident, Royal Institute of East-West Strategic Studies Hubert BazinPartner, DS Avocats Jean-Louis BeffaHonorary Chairman of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, Chairman of Lazard Asia Financial Advisory Charles BeigbederPresident of Gravitation SAS Jameleddine Belhaj AbdallahDirector General , Caisse des depôts et Consignations Tunisia Yochai BenklerBerkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies Co-Director, Harvard University Pervenche BerèsChairwoman of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament Laurent BergerGeneral Secretary of the CFDT Jared BernsteinChief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser for the Vice President of the United States Jean BeunardeauDirecteur Général (CEO) de HSBC France. Rosario BifulcoChairman of Sorin Group Christophe Blanchard-DignacCEO, La Française des Jeux Frank BoMayor of Växjö Peter BofingerProfessor of Economics and Member of the German Council of Economic Experts Maurizio BorlettiChairman and Managing Partner of Borletti Group and Chairman of Printemps Holding SA François BourguignonChief Economist and first Vice President of the World Bank in Washington Sharan BurrowGeneral Secretary of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Philippe CamusChairman of the Board, Alcatel-Lucent Lawrence CannonAmbassador of Canada to France Antonella CarusoDirector of DPA’s Middle East and West Asia Division, MEWAD José CórdobaProfessor at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Benoît CœuréMember of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank Dominique CeruttiPresident and Deputy CEO of NYSE Euronext Jean-Louis ChaussadeChief Executive Officer of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT Morald ChiboutDirecteur Général d’Autolib’ Michel CicurelCEO of Michel Cicurel Conseil Online contest: http://www.lecercledeseconomistes.asso.fr/palmares-les-laureats-sont Name selected : Marius Bienvenot 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
Opening a social and environment monetary variable - World federalist tool and create of environment wealth This project was selected to participate in economic competition “Invent 2020” and it has earned the right to be invited by the Circle of economists at the economic meetings of Aix-en Provence in 2013 with : • Award Jean-Pierre ClamadieuChief Executive Officer of SOLVAY Steve ClemonsWashington Editor-at-Large for The Atlantic Elie CohenResearch Director at France's national scientific research center (CNRS) Christophe de BackerCEO of Edmond de Rothschild Group Pierre-André de ChalendarChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain Philippe de Fontaine Vive CurtazSenior Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Jean-Paul de GaudemarProfessor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University Christophe de MargeriePrésident-Directeur Général de Total Thierry de MontbrialFounder and President of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) Augustin de RomanetChairman & CEO of Aéroports de Paris Kemal DervisVice President and Director, Global Economy and Development Program of the Brookings Institution Loraine Donnedieu de Vabres-TraniéManaging partner at JeantetAssociés Esther DufloAbdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics in the Department of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Carlos Espinosa de los MonterosHigh Commissioner of the Government for Brand Spain Gang FanDirector of National Institute of Economic Research Ramon FernandezDirector-General of the Treasury Directorate-General, France João Carlos FerrazExecutive Director, Brazilian Development Bank Gilles FinchelsteinManaging Director of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation Elsa ForneroScientific Coordinator of CeRP – Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies Jendayi FrazerDistinguished Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon University Francis FukuyamaOlivier Nomellini Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) Pierre GadonneixChairman of World Energy Council Ahmed GalalManaging Director of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) Louis GalloisPublic Investment Commissionner for the State Investment Agency Jaime García-Legaz PonceSecretary of State for Trade, Spain Clara GaymardCEO and President of GE France Philippe GermaCEO, WWF France Carlos GhosnChairman and CEO of the Renault-Nissan Alliance Online contest: http://www.lecercledeseconomistes.asso.fr/palmares-les-laureats-sont Name selected : Marius Bienvenot 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
Opening a social and environment monetary variable - World federalist tool and create of environment wealth This project was selected to participate in economic competition “Invent 2020” and it has earned the right to be invited by the Circle of economists at the economic meetings of Aix-en Provence in 2013 with : • Award Francesco GiavazziProfessor of Economics at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy Anil K. GuptaFounder, Honey Bee Network Koichi HamadaSpecial Adviser to the Prime Minister, Japan Lars HeikenstenExecutive Director, The Nobel Foundation Yihan HuChief Economist and Head of Research Managing Director at Haitong International Securities Group Limited Patrick HubertPartner, Clifford Chance's Paris office Hadeel IbrahimFounding Executive Director – Strategy and External Relations, Mo Ibrahim Foundation Motoshige ItohPresident of the National Institute for Research Advancement Jean-Pierre JouyetChief Executive Officer of the Caisse des Dépôts Mustapha K. NabliInternational consultant and member of the Board of the Global Development Network. Anna Kinberg BatraChairman of the Committee of Finance in the Swedish Parliament and parliamentary group leader for the Moderate Party Etienne KleinDirector of the Research Laboratory on Matter Sciences at CEA (LARSIM) Olivier KleinChief Executive Officer of Bred Banque Populaire Wolf KlinzMember of the European Parliament Eric LabayeChairman of the McKinsey Global Institute Bruno LafontChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lafarge Christine LagardeManaging Director, International Monetary Fund Marwan LahoudPresident of EADS France Nezha LahrichiPresident, National Council for Foreign Trade, Morocco Pascal LamyDirector-General, World Trade Organisation Philippe LazareChairman and CEO of Ingenico Eric Le BoulchChairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of CM-CIC Securities Hervé le BrasResearch Director, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Hye Min LeeAmbassadeur de la République de Corée en France et en Principauté de Monaco Didier LombardChairman of STMicroelectronics Eric LombardChairman and Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Cardif Gunnar LundAmbassador, Embassy of Sweden* Nora LustigSamuel Z. Stone Professor of Latin American Economics, Tulane University Claudia M. BuchProfessor at University of Tübingen Online contest: http://www.lecercledeseconomistes.asso.fr/palmares-les-laureats-sont Name selected : Marius Bienvenot 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
Opening a social and environment monetary variable - World federalist tool and create of environment wealth This project was selected to participate in economic competition “Invent 2020” and it has earned the right to be invited by the Circle of economists at the economic meetings of Aix-en Provence in 2013 with : • Award Dominique MaillardChairman, Réseau de Transport d’Electricite Jean-Pierre MartelFounding partner of Orrick Rambaud Martel Thierry MartelCEO, Groupama André MassonDirector of studies at the EHESS Max JadotChief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Fortis Achille MbembeProfessor, University of the Witwatersrand Tito MboweniChairman of ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI LTD Kathryn McDowellManaging Director, London Symphony Orchestra Gérard MestralletChairman & CEO of GDF SUEZ Per MolanderDirector-General of the Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate, Stockholm Pierre MonginPrésident-Directeur général du Groupe RATP Laurent MorelChairman of the Executive Board, Klépierre Jayendra NaidooCo-Founder and Executive Chairman, J&J Group Youssou N’DOURMinister of Tourism and Leisure, Senegal Christian NoyerGovernor, Banque de France Dorothée OuissikaPrincipal Statistician of African development Bank Yannos PapantoniouPresident of the Centre for Progressive Policy Research Valérie PécresseDeputy, French National Assembly Yves PerrierCEO of Amundi Jean-Luc PlacetPresident, Fédération SYNTEC Georges PlassatChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Carrefour Christopher PottsManaging Director, Kepler Cheuvreux Henri ProglioChairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF Stéphane PuelManaging partner of Gide Loyrette Nouel Olli RehnVice-President, European Commission Didier ReyndersDeputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs, Belgium René RicolPresident of Ricol Lasteyrie Hartmut RosaProfessor of Sociology and Social Theory, Friedrich Schiller University Alec RossSenior Advisor for Innovation Online contest: http://www.lecercledeseconomistes.asso.fr/palmares-les-laureats-sont Name selected : Marius Bienvenot 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
Opening a social and environment monetary variable - World federalist tool and create of environment wealth This project was selected to participate in economic competition “Invent 2020” and it has earned the right to be invited by the Circle of economists at the economic meetings of Aix-en Provence in 2013 with : • Award Jin Roy RyuChairman & CEO of Poongsan Group Philippe SajhauVice Président IBM France en charge du programme "Smarter Cities" « Pour des villes plus intelligentes» Guillaume SarkozyGeneral Manager of Malakoff Médéric (France) Pierre SellalSecretary General, Ministre of Foreign and European Affairs, France Jean-Dominique SenardCEO, Michelin Group Hersh ShefrinMario L. Belotti Professor, Santa Clara University Carol SirouPresident, Standard & Poor’s Ratings, France Nassim Nicholas TalebProfessor, New York University Polyctechnic Institute Rintaro TamakiDeputy Secretary-General of the OECD Akihiko TanakaPresident of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Georges TerrierPartner of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Thiam TidjaneGroup Chief Executive, Prudential Bethlehem Tilahun AlemuFounder and CET of soleRebels footwear Nicolas TissotCFO, Alstom Jean-Claude TrichetFormer President, European Central Bank Adair TurnerSenior Fellow, Institute for New Economic Thinking Antony TurnerCo-founder and CEO, Carbon Visuals Ltd Tatiana ValovayaMinister, development of the integration and macroeconomics, Eurasian economic commission Hubert VédrineActive Partner of HUBERT VEDRINE CONSEIL Andrés VelascoSenior Academic Advisor to the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University Serge VillepeletSenior Partner, PwC Philippe WahlChairman of the Executive Board of La Banque Postale Hiroshi WatanabeCEO, Executive Managing Director, Japan Bank for International Cooperation Rémy WeberChairman and CEO, CIC Lyonnaise de Banque Jens WeidmannPresident of Deutsche Bundesbank Susan Wolburgh JenahPresident and CEO, Investment Industry Regulatory Organization, Canada Charles WyploszDirector of the International Centre for Money and Banking Studies Li YangVice President and research fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Lionel ZinsouCEO, Pai Partners Online contest: http://www.lecercledeseconomistes.asso.fr/palmares-les-laureats-sont Name selected : Marius Bienvenot 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector Opening a social and environment monetary variable World Federalist tool and create of environment wealth PREAMBLE M Charles Rivkins , currently Ambassador of the United States in France , told us when he came to the University of Corsica Pasqual Paoli the interest now devoted to NICT ( Techniques of Information and Communication News) . For many, it is a quaternary sector. In this proposed study, there is no question of NICT directly, but it is a real new quaternary sector who no longer corresponds to the first three sectors although there rooted ( now 10% of GDP French ) but the development of a whole new sector of the economy: social and environmental actions and a global perspective services. Now profitable via a second environment monetary variable , they would support the profitability of financial institutions (with two monetary managements) , would open the floodgates of entrepreneurial competitiveness , not would affect the profitability of big existing company while providing the opportunity for our civilization plutocratic finally become sustainable with global environmental point of view. In short, a study of vital global interest. 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector A MATTER OF BEST THINK TANKS ? Source : University Pennsylvania, 2011, Global "Go-to Think Tank", Report 2010 If we assumed it was there was enough think tank, which governs all? To get in the best interests of our civilization, is it not the only one concerned in the first place? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector A NEW TOPIC OF DISCUTION OR A SOLUTION TO ALL TOPICS OF DISCUTION ? • bilderberg meeting : • contractual innovation : 6-9 June 2013 Hertfordshire, England Jobs, Entitlements and Debt Can the US and Europe Grow Faster and Create Jobs? Is America Withdrawing from the World? With 2nd dimensional monetary : Many new jobs societal (social and environment) with the opening of new global market in a currency parallel without borders! 31 May-3 June 2012 Chantilly, Virginia, USA The State of Trans-Atlantic Relations Is Vigorous Economic Growth Attainable? The Future of Democracy in the Developed World The US Political Landscape The European Political Landscape The Politics and Geo-Politics of Energy Imbalances, Austerity and Growth Sustainability of the Euro and its Consequences China's Economic and Political Outlook With 2nd dimensional monetary : Launch preparation with Nord companies for large financial entities are profit and transform their lobbying in societal political cost transforming the global economic landscape with the new global societal monetary cost the giants of the energy would manager partnership of leading global banks managing the new conversion between THE currency and other currencies in global co-existence With 2nd dimensional monetary : emerging economies benefit from social the societal technologies is not a threat for North the world realized the need for societal this new currency to disrupt the study objectives and power companies could focus on technology if the population does not stagnate at 10 billion, an additional cost for the one-child policy? 9-12 June 2011 St. Moritz, Switzerland Emerging Economies: Roles and Responsibilities Technological Innovation in Western Economies: Stagnation or Promise? China's Domestic Challenges China's Regional and Global Challenges Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power Demographic Stresses 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector A ENVIRONMENTAL TOOL EXPECTED BY SOME BENEVOLENT GIANT ? Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. Memoirs, David Rockefeller, October 15, 2002, p. 405 On the very long term the ecology, the social and the new technology are certainly an integral part of global best interests. Global political integration finally found his perfect installation with one second unifying societal monetary variable in its indexing : the ecology, the social and the technology. No global common political without common global will. What better global common commitment than global common societal and technology monetary profit ? It's the global monetary into two fractions for one world, if you will. Marius Bienvenot, September 11, 2013 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector double flow management by financial institutions. The idea is simple: split the three economic sector and assigning a second variable monetary parallel A FOURTH SOCIETAL ECONOMIC SECTOR THAT EXTENDS INFINITELY AND REVISITED THREE OTHER ? Societal monetary source Classical monetary source New global markets creative societal resources Current global markets 10% of GDP Is societal Societal Quaternary Sector Innovations for next 100 years ? Service Tertiary Sector Industry Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Sector Secondary Sector 2013 Quaternary Sector Societal 2113 Agriculture, Industry, Service Agriculture Primary Sector 50% 50% Global Market Global Market 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector A DUAL FLOW PROVIDED BY THE FED WITHOUT TOUCHING THE FRACTIONAL RESERVE SYSTEM More a company is profitable, but against the societal survival, more she is paid with more in income (end of his disbursements, increased of his profits) The release of a second monetary parallel variable, Parallel Project developed world currency since 2010 by the IMF ( BANCOR ) can save the world by a simple principle: The new societal monetary variable (indexed on the production of societal wealth controled by the Fed ) convertible in classic monetary variable (current ) serves only reward ! She serves as a lever linearization incomes for big existing businesses so that it retains its leadership in the market in future ages (2200); The sales forecast business must be maintained and paid for as long as desired by the company so that its profitability by the no disbursements and expenses are better (no panic caused by the lack of new business). Humanity has no price. She give more value of 10% of the national GDP societal currently present in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. She opens the pay and the global societal sector who currently is no creative of wealth. She resolve 100% of the global environmental challenges through all that made our civilization (several centuries) We must just determine the first actors of the new monetary variable ( Meetings and Study, think tank ) . 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector BANKING SYSTEM (UNIVERSAL BANKS) A DOUBLING OF THE ECONOMY CONDUCIVE TO BANKS Environment loans (E) conventional loans ($-€-£) Environment interest (E) conventional interest ($-€-£) environment saving invested (E) traditional savings invested ($-€-£) HOUSEHOLDS BUSINESS purchases of shares and bonds environment (E) purchases of shares and conventional bonds ($-€-£) purchases of goods and services environment & social (E) purchases of goods and services classical ($-€-£) environment & social income paid (wages, dividends, interest)(E) conventional income paid (wages, dividends, interest)($-€-£) 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector A BETTER RENTABILITY OF BANK CAN SAVE THE WORLD ? • Selling currency to private sector • (classical credits & investments) • Selling currencies to private sector • (classical and environmental credits & investments) • Federal Reserve • - • Imbalance public • Recipes - Expenditure • Federal Reserve • - • Classical Fed • Slow recovery of balance public • Recipes - Expenditure • Classical Fed • environmental Fed • United States Department of the Treasury • United States Department of the Treasury • TAXES • TAXES • TAXES • Classical Independents regulators and authorities • Environmental Independents regulators and authorities • environmental Flow • Classical Flow • Public debt • Independent regulator and authorities • Cash rent paid to the banking system by the State • Agency debt • Cash rent paid to the banking system by the State • Public debt • Classical Regulation & Monetarisation • Environmental Regulation & Monetarisation • Agency debt • Purchases • with Interest • Regulation & Monetarisation • money creation • Purchases • with Interest • money creation • Banking System (World Bank) • Banking System (World Bank) 2113 ? • Deposits and savings classical of private agents • Deposits and savings environmental of private agents • Deposits and savings of private agents 2013 • A classical currency • a environmental currency • a volatile currency • environmental costs • social costs • environmental resource • social resources 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector A DUAL FLOW PROVIDED BY THE FED WITHOUT TOUCHING THE FRACTIONAL RESERVE SYSTEM 2013 2113 ? ? • A doubling of the economy conducive to banks ? It would be far too dangerous and difficult to move forward on the necessary development of two monetary variables administrative structure at its source If the structure remains the same, a simple new societal indexing office directly under the current system would indexing this new variable 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector INDEXING OF CURRENCY ALWAYS OVERSEEN & CONTROLLED BY A FED loans societal value current currency 2113 ? several global currency ($, €, £, ...) ? chairs, control, develop or valid one world currency (Temporal in H...) second parallel monetary variable Large private company Global Societal Desk (Fed) develops currency based on priority • A doubling of the economy conducive to banks ? global desk Think Tank 1 global desk Think Tank 2 global desk Think Tank 3 global desk Think Tank 4 global desk Think Tank 5 global desk Think Tank 6 global desk Think Tank 7 global desk Think Tank 8 Hours labor M3 water M2 drill mW electricity M3 oil Pounds of CO2 obsolescence coefficient (>1) coefficient (> 1) 6 or 7 geographic area 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector MAINTAINING THE CONFIDENCE OF DOLLARS A time or the superpowers are awaking of the interest of their Natural Resources (China), and that currency turns out to be the only solution to guide each of Earthly soul and private entity to the survival of our civilization , what better designer currency current creators? It is a gigantic project, the world will not to save if we are snapping the fingers. Devised obsession Current global obsession New obsession 1=1.618033… 2113 ? 1=1.1456… Created by the Fed, this currency parallel keep the dollar as the reference value (of confidence). Promoting the dollar as preferred currency values ? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector DIFFICULT TRANSITION, NEW SIMPLE USE SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE Take Europe as a test area. In Europe at every change of currency (Franc in €uro), the franc (F) and the euro (€) were in all purses and all labels. The difference is that the two currencies was not used in adjusted parallel action to pay. two variable currency on label Automatic payment of the two variables two variable currency present in the wallet two variable currency in business accounting two variable currency in global exchange two variable currency in payslip 2113 ? In Fine, use is normal and people will realize purchases without worrying about the simplicity of the act, saving the earth and their children. What is the value of a global elite if it is not to save the world putting the tools in place? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector DIFFICULT TRANSITION, NEW SIMPLE USE SYSTEM FOR PEOPLE • Environment wealth creation • Social wealth creation • Societal flow Inflation, money creation, exchanges, conversion societal money in classical money = societal wealth creation. • = • + • Products and services 100% societal bought • Products and services 0% societal bought ? households • Products and services currrent bought • Classical expenses 2113 ? • Societal expenses • Classical • incomes Market for goods and services • Products and services 100% societal • Societal • incomes • Products and services 0% societal ? • Societal • incomes • Products and services current business • Classical • incomes 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector 3 FAMILY OF PRICES Market for goods and services 2113 ? One selling price (rare) Two selling price (habitual) One selling price in the current monetary variable One selling price in the societal monetary variable One selling price in the current monetary variable and one selling price in the societal monetary variable Market for goods and services 100% societal Market for goods and services 0% societal Market for goods and services partly societal Humanitarian product or service, responsible, solidarity not determined chemical The most part of products and service 1 vaccine against tetanus 10$ not determined 200(E) local chicken (water 800L) 10$ - 2(E) Industrial chicken (water 2700L) 5$ - 20(E) Very important reminder: the “Societal“ variable is converted into “Current" variable, and not vice versa. 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector 2 OF 3 CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT ARE INVERSES TO PREVENT PUBLIC DISORDER social crisis Public disorder The unemployment origin costs for society Economic origin Structural origin Demographic and sociological origin 2313 ? -Technical progress and productivity developments. All innovations to Improve the efficiency of the productive system considers the societal resource (partially employment) as to improve -Economic crisis and slowing growth. Reversal of the economic situation with new societal market leading to growth. -Company relocations and competition from developing countries. Partial resettlement of big companies lured by new societal gains, conversion of businesses decline and appearance of new little businesses (internationally). -Rigidity of the labor market. The new societal market, the new research direction of companies and the doubling of the economy will bring up a new good plasticity in the labor market until arriving at the perfect society: 100% recycling, 0 pollution, very few unemployed. This company will be a perfect cycle of infinite growth: employment is a part of the resource. • -Unemployment inconsistency. Situations in which coexist shortages of workforce and unemployment. • -Development of women's work. • -Demographic trends: growth in the labor force. Increasing age classes corresponding to those born after the Second World War (Baby-Boom). 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector NEW WORLDWIDE SOCIETAL MARKET : NEW HUMAN CIVILIZATION 2113 ? Societal department in Fed would have the difficult task of defining the priority areas of action but also of research (by delegation to think tanks). Banks would have the task to verify the correspondence between these axes and the other entities. They would become societal (social and environmental) analysts. The new worldwide societal market is infinite but must be defined by priority axes by the Fed. The continents of waste, lack of ozone, workforce ... Experts must be defined by the fed. 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector BETTER SOCIAL RESPECT OF ANCIENTS AND NEW PENSION FUNDS ? Our pension system needs a big simplification. The differences are already many between public, private or special. But there are the distinctions between basic plans, supplementary, complementary, additional ... differences and complexities that conceal reality, make it very difficult understanding by stakeholders and they block the reform of pension optional, mandatory, by distribution, by funded... Some certainties even if this money can save the world by promoting large economic entities it should not lose confidence in the current currency contributors pension funds. The French model seems interresting but the numbers of workers compared to the number of 60 years+ reduced as shown in the table below. The French model can to be improve with a second monetary variable? The social need of the ancients of worldwide requires it necessarily a retirement, a savings, a insurance or it's a possibility market for societal company? 2213 ? Observed Projected Example of France 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector HUMAN AGRICULTURE 100% BIO ? The English University of Essex in 2006 give a synthesis made in 57 countries on 37 million hectares. It concludes that the yields are 79 % higher in organic farming in the tropics. Olivier de Schutter, a united nations countrapporteur for the right to food , wrote in 2010: " To feed the world, agroecology outperforms industrial agriculture on a large scale . " united nations. We can feed 10 billion people without clearing a hectare more . From an agronomic point of view? In the 1960s , it was given a goal, that of an industrial agricultural revolution , and succeeded. Why not today? What to expect from the reform of the CAP, the Common Agricultural Policy in 2013 ? Organic farming give more labor. But today , it is more advantageous to buy a machine to hire... And with a second societal variable in money? The objective of the Grenelle achieve 20% organic agriculture by 2020 was not bad . Signed by all parties , it allowed to switch things . But the Environmental Conference last September , the goal was set at 7% in 2017... à l' INRA french institute research , only 2 % to 3 % of researchers are above. And with a second societal variable in money? Improved profitability Financial ( 2 streams ) for Monsanto ? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector ONE REAL EXAMPLE 2113 ? An bio chicken who eat locally consumes 800 litters of water per chicken. It costs about 15 € in supermarkets. An Industrial chicken who eat the soja of the Amazon rainforest razed consumes 2,700 litters of water per chicken. It costs less than 7 € in supermarket. These revenue recognition does not take into account the diverse consummation polluting otherwise we would be worse. With two variables in the currency for push the Buyers' to turn to bio, the bio chicken could cost (15 €-5h) and an industrial chicken (€ 7 - 20h). We must study and we confront between economist for to provide concrete examples (there are more than 10999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 examples each atom marketed worldwide!) .... the price in (€, £, $) being cut and modified elements. This simple reform can save the world with human agriculture 100% Bio? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector ECONOMY AND RELIGION Of very many religions around the world seems to expect a benevolent reform and restructuring. Maybe it’s a chance to enjoy it in an intelligent way ? Non-partisan , this project want offer a simple economic system reform by proposing a second world monetary variable tangible, divisible , palpable, real, that transcends time and in benevolent intrinsic values. Whoever would see a threat to his business or person can not be seized beyond the benevolent intent of the project, its economic potential. Even now from the most harmful product in the world is found in the project a potential best financial return in the short term , beyond the survival of humanity over thousands of years (potentially) . This project don't want put aside any entity ( legal or natural ) , regardless of the sector of activity of the entity by financially for better profitability of all existing large companies, without exceptions. This is the sine qua non for everyone involve in this project. Economic value must be the only reference values for this project but many tracks are to explore country by country, area by area, for people accept this benevolent (social and environmental) project. 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector INNOVATIONS, TECHNOLOGIES, AND QUANTUM PHYSICS We don't know all laws that describe the universe at scales of space and time. To understand individual behavior or group of atoms or elementary particles considered, we have abandon our intuition outcome of classical physics (that is to say non-quantum) and work with subtly strange laws, where, for example, the chance is fundamental (it no longer appears as a result of lack of information). Many current physicists study the very fabric of reality, the multiple dimensions and the possibilities of wormholes connecting the different regions of space and time, which often lead to new technologies. Analyzing how the serendipity by accident, by combination of circumstances , by mistake, by pure hasar, by inadvertently, by professional negligence is often present in our discoveries is interesting. These analyzes combined with the speeches of M. Mikhaïl Gorbachev , Dick D'Amato, Dr. Hermann Oberth , M. Maurice Chatelain, Dr. Dino Dini, M. Albert M. Chop, Dr. Lee Katchen , M. Wilbert Smith, M. Georgiy Grechko, M. Scott Carpenter, M. John Glenn lets imagine that we could increase our chances and expand our technologies in bonus if we change our abilities to self-destruct and destruct our current living space, earth, by changing the obligations imposed by our monetary circulation with one dimension (personal comfort and self-destruct) without fear for all the worldwide big companies and people. 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector NATURAL SENSIBLE RESOURCES An animal or plant disappears every 20 minutes, nearly a quarter of plant and animal species could disappear in 2050 due to human activities. Every year, more than 26,000 species disappear from the surface of the globe, flora and fauna. A species has a limited life span of about 5 to 10 million years . From the life expectancy of the species and their number, it is possible to calculate an overall extinction rate, which corresponds to the proportion of species that disappears during a given time interval. Over the past 65 million years, the average rate of extinction has revolved around one extinction per year per million species. But now the rate of species extinction is 100 more times ! Many scientific studies are very alarming . For example recent studies affirm the possible extinction of 15% to 37% of the planet's species by 2050 as a result of global warming. Although these studies have lead to discussions, it would be in a period of mass extinction. At the Nagoya conference (Convention on Biological Diversity), in 2010, had welcomed the achievement of 13% of protected areas on the planet. But at the same time, there is disappearance of the great African wildlife, particularly in francophone Africa. The recent killings of elephants in Cameroon, are an illustration. Black rhino in central Africa died in indifference, the ape populations dwindle, hippopotamus species regresses ... It’s high time that the inhabitants of the earth are aware that biodiversity is a chance, a natural resource that must be preserved and monetarily valued. Through this second monetary variable , it would be deemed natural resources sensitive by the Fed and all would be protected through the second variable who boosting the concurrency in the protection of resources in practicing the policy of no natural sensible resources exploitation through the business researches of societal monetary variable. 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector COMPARISON WITH BITCOIN 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN SPACE-TIME AND PHYSIC OF THE FUTURE 2113 ? <<Our intentions in the present cause effects in future. This effects become future causes in the present>> Jacques Vallée, Arpanet project's worker, the prototype of Internet 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector S.W.O.T. MATRIX PROJECT 2113 ? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector 4P OF PROJECT : PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACEMENT • PRODUCT : • one second global monetary variable parallel to the actual • a new sustainable civilization humanly responsible • a new incorruptible financial system • a shift in individual consciences and research • >1099999999999999999 benevolent examples • PLACE : • current monetary system • current financial system • households • business • universal banks • Fed CLIENT : Worldwide Think Tanks (CFR) • PRIX : • A long economic research • many negotiations • the implementation and conversion of many think tanks • A global collaboration • serious and intelligent consideration for the economic opportunities and benefits of the project for the human species and world biosphere • PROMOTION : • system more profitable for banks • a conversion without loss of profits for polluting companies • transition more controlled for the energies sector with more benefits • opening a new technological research • a foundation of world civilization 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector BENEFITS OF THE PROJECTS Legal Policy human well-being Sociology Environmental QUATERNARY SECTOR 3013 ? Human Survival ? Technology Economy 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com
The Quaternary Sector ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS At this stage, the project should not scare people or be discredited. Real examples of this project being very numerous (All) and easily imaginable, they are not shown here to leave the field open and not worry about any entity. Everything is linked in monetary variable, everything must be considered before any demonstration for not discredited the project. Communication is the key to success of this frightening and highly benevolent project, it must be managed by the global elite. The patience of elaboration and emergency of the credibilisation are obvious. A competent team must be create and global relational means grouped discreetly. This project will not necessarily against the draft global currency developed by the IMF (BANCOR) but complementary. 2113 ? 2013 Marius Bienvenot – www. societisme.jimdo.com