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Central Chinese American Baptist Church 中喬州華人基督教會. 主. 日. 崇. 拜. Please prepare our hearts for the worship by remaining silent 请弟兄姊妹们静默,准备我们的心, 来到神的面前 一同敬拜神. Please turn your cell phone to vibrate mode 請將你的手機調到震機. 永活全能的神 Almighty Living God. 祂已勝過黑暗權勢,祂已超乎天下萬有,
Central Chinese American Baptist Church 中喬州華人基督教會 主 日 崇 拜 Please prepare our hearts for the worship by remaining silent 请弟兄姊妹们静默,准备我们的心, 来到神的面前 一同敬拜神 Please turn your cell phone to vibrate mode 請將你的手機調到震機
永活全能的神 Almighty Living God 祂已勝過黑暗權勢,祂已超乎天下萬有, He has victory over darkness. He is over all things on earth.祂是永活全能的神 。祂的名要稱為至高,He is living al-might-y God. He has a name a-bove all names. 祂的國度滿有榮耀,祂是永活全能的神, He has kingdom full of glory. He is liv-ing al-might-y Lord.哈利路亞,祂已復活,哈利路亞,祂已得勝, Hallelujah, He has risen. Hallelujah, He has vic-tory.祂是天上地下,萬王之王,祂是永活全能的神, He is above all things, kings of all kings, He is liv-ing al-might-y Lord. 祂是天上地下,萬王之王,祂是永活全能的神。 He is above all things, kings of all kings, He is liv-ing al-might-y Lord
基督,耶穌,今天仍然活著! 祂與我談,祂伴我走,生命窄路同過。 He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. 我要 傳揚,救恩臨到萬民!你問我怎知主活著?因主活在我心。 He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
主活著 He Lives • 我奉一位復活主,祂今在世活著, • 我知道祂確活著,不管人怎麼說; • I serve a risen Savior, He’s in the world today; • I know that He is living, whatever men may say; • 我見祂手施憐憫,我聞祂安慰聲,每次當我需求祂,總必答應。 • I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, • And just the time I need Him, He’s always near. • 基督,耶穌,今天仍然活著! • 祂與我談,祂伴我走,生命窄路同過。 • He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! • He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. • 我要 傳揚,救恩臨到萬民!你問我怎知主活著?因主活在我心。 • He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! • You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
主活著 He Lives 2. 在我所處環境中,主愛常在我旁, 雖然有時心煩惱,但我絕不失望; In all the world around me, I see His loving care, And though my heart grows weary I never will despair; 我知救主引領我,衝破狂風怒潮,一日我主必再來,大顯榮耀。 I know that He is leading through all the stormy blast, The day of His appearing will come at last. 基督,耶穌,今天仍然活著! 祂與我談,祂伴我走,生命窄路同過。 He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. 我要 傳揚,救恩臨到萬民!你問我怎知主活著?因主活在我心。 He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
主活著 He Lives 3. 眾聖徒歡欣喜樂,都當揚聲歌唱, 當歌唱哈利路亞,永歸基督君王! Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, Lift up your voice and sing Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King! 祂是尋者的盼望,又是求者力量,無一人像祂可愛,仁慈善良。 The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, None other is so loving, so good and kind. 基督,耶穌,今天仍然活著! 祂與我談,祂伴我走,生命窄路同過。 He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. 我要 傳揚,救恩臨到萬民!你問我怎知主活著?因主活在我心。 He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
In Christ Alone 唯有基督 In Christ alone,my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song • 惟有基督是我盼望,是我光明力量颂赞 • This Cornerstone, this solid ground. Firm through the fiercest drought and storm • 历经荒漠风暴锤炼,坚如磐石是我倚靠 What heights of love, what depths of peace. When fears are stilled, when strivings cease • 慈爱至高平安至深,驱散恐惧平息风浪 • My Comforter, my All in All. Here in the love of Christ I stand • 我的安慰我的一切,在基督爱里我站立
In Christ Alone 唯有基督 • In Christ alone, who took on flesh. Fullness of God in helpless babe • 惟有基督道成肉身,全权之神成为婴孩! • This gift of love and righteousness. Scorned by the ones He came to save • 从天赐下慈爱公义,受尽凌辱为救世人 • ‘Til on that cross as Jesus died. The wrath of God was satisfied • 主在十架舍身受死,将神忿怒全然挽回! • For every sin on Him was laid. Here in the death of Christ I live • 我的罪孽他全承担,因基督之死我得生。
In Christ Alone 唯有基督 • There in the ground His body lay. Light of the world by darkness slain • 救主舍身受死埋葬,黑暗掩盖世界之光 • Then bursting forth in glorious Day. Up from the grave He rose again • 荣耀之日冲破幽暗,脱离死亡救主复活 • And as He stands in victory. Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me • 荣耀救主全然得胜,从罪恶中将我释放 • For I am His and He is mine. Bought with the precious blood of Christ • 我在主里主在我里,蒙基督宝血我得赎
In Christ Alone 唯有基督 • No guilt in life, no fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me • 无论生死坦荡无惧,生命满载基督能力 • From life’s first cry to final breath. Jesus commands my destiny • 一生一世无时无处,基督掌管人生道路 • No power of hell, no scheme of man. Can ever pluck me from His hand阴间权势恶人伎俩,无法将我与他隔绝 • ‘TilHe returns or calls me home. Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand • 直到主来或召我去,靠基督能力我坚立
加拉太書2:20Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,who loved me and gave himself for me. • 20 我 已 經 與 基 督 同 釘 十 字 架 , 現 在 活 著 的 不 再 是 我 , 乃 是 基 督 在 我 裡 面 活 著 ; 並 且 我 如 今 在 肉 身 活 著 , 是 因 信 神 的 兒 子 而 活 ; 他 是 愛 我 , 為 我 捨 己 。
奇異恩典Amazing Grace 1. 奇異恩典,何等甘甜,我罪已得赦免! Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! 前我失喪,今被尋回,瞎眼今得看見。 I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see. 2. 如此恩典,使我敬畏,使我心得安慰; ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; 初信之時,我蒙恩惠,真是何等寶貴! How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed!
3. 歷經艱險,勞苦奔走,我今來到主前; Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; 全靠主恩,扶持保佑,恩典帶進永久。 ‘Tis grace hath bought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4. 救主應許,愛我真切,使我今得盼望; The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; 主是盾牌,是我產業,是我生命保障。 He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures.
5. 我的身體, 慢慢衰殘, 終有過去時候, Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,And mortal life shall cease, 在耶穌裡, 我卻擁有, 永遠平安喜樂.I shall possess within the veil,A life of joy and peace. 6. 我的身體, 慢慢衰殘, 終有過去時候, Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,And mortal life shall cease;在幔子裡, 我要宣告, 永遠平安喜樂.I shall profess, within the vail,A life of joy and peace.
基督在我裏面活 Christ Live in Me 主耶穌愛我,為我釘十架;他為我受死,賜我新生命。 Lord Jesus Loves me, Went to Cross for me, He has died for me, Give new life to me 如今我活著,已不在是我,乃是基督在我裏面活。 The life I now live, no longer for me, but for Christ Jesus who lives within me. 我已經與主基督,同釘在十字架,我的罪身滅絕,不再被罪轄制。 I already died with Jesus, on the Calvary Sin control me no more, Freed from chains of sins 如今我活著,已不再是我,乃是基督在我裏面活。 The life I now live, no longer for me, but for Christ Jesus who lives within me.