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Chester Baptist Church. Worship Evaluation Team Report May 15, 2009. Table of Contents. Background Team Members Mission/Charge Transition Team Survey Findings Methodology and Work Plan Observations and Findings Lessons Learned from Team Research Audio/Video Capabilities
Chester Baptist Church Worship Evaluation Team Report May 15, 2009
Table of Contents • Background • Team Members • Mission/Charge • Transition Team Survey Findings • Methodology and Work Plan • Observations and Findings • Lessons Learned from Team Research • Audio/Video Capabilities • Pastoral Considerations • Recommendations • General Recommendations (Short and Long Term) • Technical Opportunities • 8:30 Early Service (Short and Long Term) • 11:00 Late Service (Short and Long Term) • Ideas for Worship Growth
Jason Moore Carol Eckert Chuck Freeman Ken Woodcock Kay Woodcock Becky Tarkington Jack Williamson Kenny McCabe Beckie Brock Alice Boquist Evelyn Paschal Hazel Taylor John Waddill Lois Waddill Background: Worship Evaluation Team Members Stephanie Felter (Team Leader) • Special Thanks to Dr. D. Gwynn Davis, Jr., Dr. Bill Damon, and Mr. Randy McConnell for all their time, assistance, and prayers!
Background: Mission/Charge • The worship evaluation team was formed to follow up on the Transition Team’s recommendation to evaluate the Church’s approach to worship and provide two distinct worship options. • “A traditional service that meets the needs of the aging foundation of CBC as well as other church-goers and believers who prefer a traditional worship style.” • “A contemporary service that provides for Biblical teaching, music styles, and use of audio-visual tools, all with the purpose of providing relevance and engagement to complement CBC’s outreach efforts and better engage attenders who have become disenchanted with the current approach to worship.”
Background: Transition Team Survey Findings • Music (Transition Team Report page 19) • Gen Y: Prefer Country/Hip Hop/Rap • Families: Prefer Classic Rock/Country • Empty Nesters: Prefer Oldies/Country • Retired: Prefer Oldies/Gospel/Country • Attendance (Transition Team Report page 21) • Gen Y: 73% Regular Attenders • Families: 27% Regular Attenders • Empty Nesters: 35% Regular Attenders • Retired: 43% Regular Attenders • Preferred Service (Transition Team Report page 30) • All groups prefer the 8:30 service, but 40% of “retired” and 25% of all other groups prefer the 11:00 service. • Affiliation • 75% of respondents were traditional Baptists.
Background: Methodology and Work Plan • The Worship Evaluation Team’s objective was to conduct a full evaluation of our current worship service and make recommendations based on the charge from the Transition Team. • Three sub-teams were formed to examine specific areas outlined by the Transition Team: staffing, logistics and technology.
Background: Methodology and Work Plan (Con’t) • Team members conducted independent evaluation and research: • Visited/surveyed a wide-variety of churches. • Interviewed worship leaders. • Attended relevant conferences and seminars. • Asked for informal feedback from visitors. • Developed technology inventory and ‘wish-list’.
Background: Methodology and Work Plan (Con’t) • Based on observations and findings; the Team as a whole generated this report, which includes: • General Recommendations (broad proposals which are relevant to all worship services). • Opportunities to improve the Church’s technology. • Short and long term recommendations for specific worship services conducted at Chester Baptist Church.
Background: Methodology and Work Plan (Con’t) • Recommendations have been categorized as either short or long term. This distinction recognizes that there are some changes that can be made immediately while others need more planning and/or funding. • Short-Term Recommendations can be implemented within weeks to several months. • Long-Term Recommendations may take a year or longer to implement.
Observations and Findings:Lessons Learned from Team Research • There are many different ways to reach people and worship Christ. • The congregation must come to Church ‘ready’ to worship. • A sufficient number of volunteers is critical to growth. • Outreach activities are vital to attracting new members. • Supporting the youth and children is extremely important for the Church’s future. • There is no need to “name” each service.
Observations and Findings:Audio/Video Capabilities • Current Sanctuary Equipment: • Sound/Mixing Board (24 Channel) • 4 Head Mounted Wireless Microphones • 3 Hand Held Wireless Microphones • 12 Wired Microphones • DVD Movie Camera • DVD Recorder • DVD Duplicator • CD Player (3 Disc Changer) • Dual Audio Tape Recorder/Player
Observations and Findings:Audio/Video Capabilities (Con’t) • Current Library Equipment: • Multi-Purpose Projector (Missing) • Portable Screen • DVD Player • VHS Player • Library Equipment is available for sanctuary use. • Both Services are recorded on DVD. • The integrity of the Sanctuary is an extremely important consideration in any decision to add or alter technology.
Pastoral Considerations • All of the following recommendations will have been made without the benefit of a permanent pastor. • The Worship Evaluation Team assumes that these recommendations would be guiding principles for a new pastor; however they should not be construed to limit a new pastor in any details of the worship service or his ministry to our Church.
General Short-Term Recommendations • Chester Baptist Church must remain Christ-focused and ensure that any changes to its worship are done in an effort to glorify His name. • Chester Baptist Church must provide a unique worship experience in the Chester community (not just imitate other larger churches). • Our services need to be refined into different experiences to reach and retain worshippers. • Make a call for volunteers to support all services and stress the importance of stewardship.
General Short-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Keep services in current places and times; while looking toward new worship opportunities. • Continue the efforts of the Outreach Team. • Update bulletin to include only church activities and announcements with an appropriate insert for each service. • Ensure that all guests, speakers, and musicians fit the style and are appropriate for each distinct style of worship.
General Long-Term Recommendations • Continue to enhance Church website (e.g. Chester Baptist specific domain). • Add necessary paid staff to support and keep up with expanding services (youth, music, families). • Introduce a periodic (5th Sunday) combined service to promote Church unity. • Invest in and make appropriate use of technology.
Technical Opportunities • Installation of a multi-media system in the Sanctuary • Option One: Add three 65” LCD monitors; with two mounted on the brick façade on either side of the pulpit area and one in the rear. • Estimated total cost of installation is about $32,000. • Option Two: Add two 72” glass beaded screens on the brick façade on either side of the pulpit area with projectors mounted on the front chandeliers. This estimate does not include a rear screen. • Estimated total cost of installation is about $21,000.
Technical Opportunities (Con’t) • The options provided reflect the most viable methods of adding screens to the worship service. However, there are also some challenges: • The Sanctuary has a limited number of aesthetically pleasing options for the addition of monitors. • The limited screen sizes (65”/72”) raises concerns with back pew and balcony viewing. • The cost of larger size LCD screens is still high. • Although ‘technically feasible’, mounting projectors may be impractical (e.g. projector size and stability). • Will require supporting technology (i.e. laptop PC) and additional volunteers with appropriate skills.
Technical Opportunities (Con’t) • Install sound buffers in the Great Hall • Increases the versatility of the Great Hall. • The existing audio/video equipment could be fully utilized. • Any solution must fully resolve the acoustic issues with the Great Hall and be aesthetically pleasing. • Estimated cost of installation is between $4,000 to $6,000. A more recent estimate is needed. • The team believes that installing sound buffers is an immediate need and would be a prudent investment.
8:30 Early ServiceShort-Term Recommendations Proposed Service Description: Worshipers at Chester Baptist Church’s 8:30 A.M. service will enjoy a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Our pastor will be delivering an inspired message through a unique and dynamic approach to the worship service. The congregation can expect to have a contemporary musical experience.
8:30 Early ServiceShort-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Promote a relaxed and casual atmosphere • Create a more open pulpit by removing select pieces of furniture prior to the service. • Encourage less formal dress for staff and volunteers (i.e. business casual). • Examine a less intrusive method of collecting offerings (e.g. during song or place collection plates at the exits). • Invite guests and speakers that fit the style of worship.
8:30 Early ServiceShort-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Foster unique and dynamic approach to the worship service • Strive to make the worship a multi-sensory experience. • Use of more illustrations and visuals. • Employ dramatic elements. • Include non-traditional methods of bringing the Lord’s message to our Congregation.
8:30 Service Early ServiceShort-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Incorporate visual elements • Use current screen for visuals such as lyrics, music videos, Scripture, and the pastor’s message. • Introduce consistent use of contemporary music • Pre- and Post- Service Music. • Make use of currently available vocal and instrumental talents (e.g. keyboard, guitar, saxophone, percussion, etc.). • Utilize pre-recorded tracks.
8:30 Early Service Long-Term Recommendations • Utilize praise band and vocal ensembles • Seek regular attendees of the Church willing to participate in a routinely scheduled praise band and/or vocal ensemble. • The group will be providing testimony through song and therefore should be of strong faith.
11:00 Late Service Short-Term Recommendations Proposed Service Description: The 11:00 A.M. worship experience at Chester Baptist Church tends to be more formal andhas many of the elements that one would expect from a traditional service. This service will present worshippers with a time of reverent introspection as well as an uplifting message from our pastor. Our choir will be glorifying the Lord through song and accompanying the congregation in the singing of many time-honored and inspirational hymns.
11:00 Late Service Short-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Promote a reverent atmosphere • Include all appropriate pulpit furniture. • Set the tone with use of lighting, candles, and flowers. • Instruments, visuals and related equipment from the 8:30 service should be removed from view. • Use choir robes and “suit and tie” for staff.
11:00 Late ServiceShort-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Provide introspective and uplifting service • Follow a consistent order of service. • Include Doxology and Lord’s Prayer. • Use message-relevant Old and New Testament readings. • Invite guests and speakers that fit the style of worship.
11:00 Late ServiceShort-Term Recommendations (Con’t) • Make consistent use of traditional style of music • Use of organ and piano with occasional orchestra instruments (horns, clarinet, flute, etc.). • Choir led special music with appropriate vocal ensembles and solos. • Congregation sings from traditional hymnals.
11:00 Late Service Long-Term Recommendations • When technology is available in the Sanctuary, ministry team will incorporate as appropriate. • Examine the potential and desire for an instrumental ensemble.
Ideas for Worship Growth • Create a youth-focused service • This new service would be a high energy service aimed at teens. • This service would not conflict with Sunday morning services. • Current youth are asking for this experience and have to go to other Churches. • Employing a youth and children’s pastor is a critical part of this initiative.
Ideas for Worship Growth (Con’t) • Enhance children’s worship • Provide a true worship experience for the children including music, puppets and an age-appropriate message. • The children’s service would take place during the current service with the children leaving the main worship. • This approach combines the need for family worship and a child-focused message. • The youth and children’s pastor would be responsible for this initiative.
Ideas for Worship Growth (Con’t) • Initiate an evening outreach service • Provide an evening service in the Great Hall that incorporates a dinner or a coffee house type of fare. • The service would be aimed at people that may not come to a Sunday morning service. • Language and feel aimed to make those who have not grown up in church comfortable without watering down the message of the Bible.
Ideas for Worship Growth (Con’t) • Implement occasional, reflective, candle-light services • Service would offer Scripture reading and soft music and will have the feel of a prayer service. • This would be a time to reconnect with self, as couples, as family to God and His direction.