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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年 聚會 Youth Meeting 週 五 Fri 6 : 3 0 pm 週六 小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am. 請將您的手機關閉 , 謝謝 ! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!. 來讚美稱謝耶和華 彈琴歌頌讚美至高者的名 每早晨來傳揚你慈愛 每夜傳揚你信實 來 …. It is good to praise the Lord
禱告聚會Prayer Meeting 週三Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會Youth Meeting週五Fri 6:30 pm週六小組Saturday Group週六Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜Sunday Worship主日Sun 10:00 am
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
來讚美稱謝耶和華 彈琴歌頌讚美至高者的名 每早晨來傳揚你慈愛 每夜傳揚你信實來… It is good to praise the Lord And make music to Your name, O God Most High To proclaim Your love and faithfulness All the day and through the night Lai….
因為你使我心喜樂 我要因你大能作為來歡呼 主啊 你的工作何其大 伊羅欣 巴洛 哈閃 來… You make me glad by Your deeds, O Lord So I sing for joy at all Your hands have made How great are Your works, O Lord Elohim Baruch Hashem Lai…..
願一生住在你殿中 生長如同黎巴嫩的香柏樹 栽於亞多乃主的殿中 在神院內到永遠來… May I dwell in Your courts O Lord Then to flourish like the trees of Lebanon Planted in the house of Adonai There to live forevermore. Lai……
以色列興起 不要再沉睡 真理要來釋放你 從錫安而出 救主已來到 在這恩惠的禧年 Awake, O Israel, put off thy slumber And the truth shall set you free For out of Zion comes thy Deliverer In the year of jubilee
哦 哈利路亞 (2x) 哈利路亞 讚美主 哦 哈利路亞 (2x) 哈利路亞 讚美主 O alleluia, O alleluia Alleluia, praise the Lord O alleluia, O alleluia Alleluia, praise the Lord
你經過水火 在爐中熬煉 看哪我已揀選你 我要賜給你 黃金代替銅 我要賜你銀代鐵 For in the furnace of much affliction I have chosen thee Behold, and so for iron I'll give thee silver And for brass I'll give thee gold
哦 哈利路亞 (2x) 哈利路亞 讚美主 哦 哈利路亞 (2x) 哈利路亞 讚美主 O alleluia, O alleluia Alleluia, praise the Lord O alleluia, O alleluia Alleluia, praise the Lord
你們屬於我 我已救贖你 將你銘刻在我心 召聚我選民 領他們歸回 領他們歸回錫安 Thou art my chosen, for I'll give thee silver Thou art graven on my hand And I will gather all those that gather They shall come back to their land
哦 哈利路亞 (2x) 哈利路亞 讚美主 哦 哈利路亞 (2x) 哈利路亞 讚美主 O alleluia, O alleluia Alleluia, praise the Lord O alleluia, O alleluia Alleluia, praise the Lord
我歡喜當人對我說 讓我們去神的殿 哦 如今又站在你門內 前往耶路撒冷 I was glad when they said to me Come to the house of the Lord O, standing here in Your gate again Up to Jerusalem
我歡喜當人對我說 讓我們去神的殿 哦 如今又站在你門內 前往耶路撒冷 (3X) I was glad when they said to me Come to the house of the Lord O, standing here in Your gate again Up to Jerusalem (3X)
哦 耶路撒冷 亞多乃 撒沙龍 願你蒙福 願你城中平安 Jerusalem, peace A-do-nai, Sar sha-lom Blessing be yours God's peace within Your walls
我歡喜當人對我說 讓我們去神的殿 哦 如今又站在你門內 前往耶路撒冷 I was glad when they said to me Come to the house of the Lord O, standing here in Your gate again Up to Jerusalem
我歡喜當人對我說 讓我們去神的殿 哦 如今又站在你門內 前往耶路撒冷 (3X) I was glad when they said to me Come to the house of the Lord O, standing here in Your gate again Up to Jerusalem (3X)
讚美之城 眾支派 都歡呼 揚聲讚美 以色列的真神 City of praise Where the tribes shout, "Haller"! We lift our voice To the God of Israel
我歡喜當人對我說 讓我們去神的殿 哦 如今又站在你門內 前往耶路撒冷 I was glad when they said to me Come to the house of the Lord O, standing here in Your gate again Up to Jerusalem
无人 能像 你 哦主(2x) There is none like You, Oh! Lord (2x) Yeshua
用你手 創造我 In your hands, create me 用你手 擁抱我 In your hands, embrace me 用生命 從死裡救贖我 In your blood you save me from the death
我要讚美你 敬拜和仰慕你 I will give you praise, worship and adore you 我要讚美你 宣揚你的名 I will give you praise, and proclaim your name 我要讚美你 敬拜和仰慕你 I will give you praise, worship and adore you 我要讚美 讚美主 I will praise you, praise you, Lord
聖哉聖哉聖哉全知全能神你的榮耀已經充滿全地聖哉聖哉聖哉全知全能神你的榮耀已經充滿全地 Holy, holy, holy LordGod of power and mightyHeaven and earth are filled With Your glory
和散那 和散那 歸於至高真神 Hosanna, hosannaIn the highest
主 登上你聖寶座 在我心深處 願我心成為你寶座 完全屬於你 Lord, take up Your holy Throne Deep within my heart Take the place that is Yours alone Deep within my heart
你榮耀國度 你執政權柄 永遠無止境(3X) 主你真配得掌權 And of the increase Of Your government There shall be no end (3X) You are worthy, Lord, to reign
主 登上你聖寶座 在全地掌權 願全地成為你寶座 完全屬於你 Lord, take up Your holy Throne Deep within the earth Take the place that is Yours alone Deep within the earth
你榮耀國度 你執政權柄 永遠無止境(3X) 主你真配得掌權 And of the increase Of Your government There shall be no end (3X) You are worthy, Lord, to reign
Israel's Anointing: Your Inheritance and End-Time Destiny Through Israelpublished by Chosen Books. Scheduled for Release September 2008