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Initial On-Line/In-Class Survey 400 Respondents. 1. What is your affiliation with Babson? Ugrad 34% Grad 17% Faculty 18% Administration 22% None 5%. 3. If never/hardly ever, how do you complete your research (what sources or web sites)? Comment box whose answers included :
Initial On-Line/In-Class Survey 400 Respondents 1. What is your affiliation with Babson? Ugrad 34% Grad 17% Faculty 18% Administration 22% None 5% 3. If never/hardly ever, how do you complete your research (what sources or web sites)? Comment box whose answers included: Internet/Websites/Search Engines 24 responses Reference Librarians 4 responses Books 4 responses 2. How often do you visit the Library website? Daily9% Weekly 33% Monthly 31% < Once a month 19% Never/hardly Ever 8% 4. Why do you visit the Library Website? Library Catalog 11% Periodical Databases 29% Electronic Resources 34% Research Guides 22% Assignment Tips 3% Other 2%
Initial On-Line/InClass Survey 400 Respondents 5. How do you rate the library website? (Rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1-5. One is the lowest. Five is the highest.) Quality of Content 1 0% Low 2 3% 3 21% 4 49% 5 27% High Up-to-Date Information 1 1% Low 2 3% 3 20% 4 50% 5 26% High Ease of Navigation 1 4% Low 2 20% 3 35% 4 34% 5 9% High Speed of Screen Display 1 1% Low 2 8% 3 38% 4 42% 5 11% High Success Rate of Finding Information 1 0% Low 2 11% 3 34% 4 46% 5 9% High
Initial On-Line/In-Class Survey 400 Respondents 6. What do you like most about the library website? Comment box whose answers included: Amount of Information Provided Quality of Information Provided Resources Available 7. What do you like least about the library website? Comment box whose answers included: Hard to Use especially Navigation Logins and Passwords Limited Off-Campus Accessibility 8. What suggestions do you recommend for improvement?
Web Customization Script Please take a moment to answer the following questions: 1. What is your affiliation with Babson? 1. Undergrad 2. Grad 3. Faculty 4. Administration 5. Other 2. How often do you visit the library website? 1. Daily 2. Weekly 3. Monthly 4. At least once a month 5. Never/Hardly ever 3. Which of the following sections of the library web page do you use? Please circle all that apply. 1. Library catalog 2. Magazine databases 3. Electronic resources 4. Research guides 5. Assignment tips 6. Other 4. What is the primary section of the website for which you are looking? Please circle only one answer. 1. Library catalog 2. Magazine databases 3. Electronic resources 4. Research Guides 5. Assignment tips 6. Other
Web Customization Script 5. How would you rate the library website overall? Please use the five point scale where 1 is "poor" and 5 is "excellent". Poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent 6. Which of the following best describes navigation on the library's page? Would you say that the navigation is... 1. Much worse than most sites you visit 2. A little worse than most sites you visit 3. About the same as other sites you visit 4. A little better than most sites you visit 5. Much better than most sites you visit 7. Which of the following best describes your ability to find information about the library itself on the web page? e.g. library hours, databases available, how to do interlibrary loan, research guides, etc. 1. I can never find what I am looking for 2. It takes a long time to find what I am looking for 3. It takes a little searching but I can usually find what I am looking for 4. It is relatively easy to find what I am looking for 5. I can always find what I am looking for
Grouping Exercise Introduce the concept of what the library is doing i.e. all the Babson web pages are being re-done and the library is taking the opportunity to improve the organization of its website. Hand the respondent the information cards. As you will see each of these cards has a label. These labels represent the information that will be included in a series of drop down menus on the new library website. What I would like you to do is sort these cards into 4 or 5 groups that would make the most sense to you if you were in charge of designing the website. Please sort them in the manner that makes the most sense for you. Once the respondents have completed sorting the cards hand them the post-its and have them name each group. Now I would like you to give a drop down menu name for each of the piles you have created. Once the respondents have named each pile, gather the cards. Make sure that each pile is kept separate and together. I would now like to show you a potential grouping of the information we are considering and ask you a few questions. Give the respondent the prototype web pages to review. You can show the IT pages as an example of what it has to look like.
Grouping Exercise Librarian Instructions: Read each question and record responses below: 8. How similar is the "grouping" of the information in the dropdown menus presented here to the way you grouped the information cards? Please use a five-point scale where 1 is "not at all similar" and 5 is "very similar" Not at all similar 1 2 3 4 5 Very Similar If respondent answered 3 or less, ask Q9 and Q10 otherwise skip to Q11. 9. What was the primary difference in the way you grouped things? 10. Which grouping do you prefer, the groups you came up with or those presented here? 1. Respondent grouping 2. Library grouping 3. No difference 11. How intuitive is the organization or "grouping" of the information in the dropdown menus presented here? Please use a five-point scale where 1 is "not at all intuitive" and 5 is "very intuitive". Not at all similar 1 2 3 4 5 Very Similar If respondent answered 3 or less, ask Q12 12. Why do you feel that the organization here is not that intuitive?
Top Categories • About the library directions, hours, ask a question • Resources what the library has, products • People for the user, community, who are you?
Course support for students: readings, reserves, research guides • New services • Books & library materials ILL, catalog, tangible resources • Electronic resources
What we learned • This is fun! Giving input, taking part in the project and the mental challenge of an “exercise of intuitive navigation” • Users feel very strongly about our web site “The first version looks like a cheap draft from a cheap school.” “Get rid of the ship! I hate that ship! Every time I see it I’m reminded the site hasn’t been changed in years.”
For every “like” response, we got a “dislike” Change it once, not every year. “I prefer a crumby website that I am used to than a supposedly good one that I don’t know how to use.” • User’s experience depends on how familiar they are with the site Experienced users need direct links to specific databases. “Separate the ‘goods’ from instructions on how to search them.”
Ambiguous links cause frustration and stress! “Is the link going to give me a resource or some kind of instruction material?” The category “Finding Information On” suggests an electronic resource. We thought otherwise; it leads to research guides. • People care about style Undergrads want pictures & graphic. “A nice classy photo with a knowledge or wisdom theme” Faculty pointed out lack of parallel construction; don’t mix nouns, verbs, and questions.
Library jargon completely mystifies people, plus – it’s all jargon! Especially Services. Although users identified a “people” group, they didn’t know what links to Alumni or Students would lead them to. About Horn Library (is this about Mr. Horn?) FAQs, research guides, help, search, feature of the week
But users also had trouble coming up with category names . . . Operations Outsiders 1st Stop Library Hotties