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System Administration

System Administration. Some recommended references. Unix System Administration Handbook by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass published by Prentice Hall Unix in a Nutshell by Daniel Gilly & O’Reilly staff published by O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. System Administration Online

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System Administration

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  1. System Administration

  2. Some recommended references • Unix System Administration Handbook • by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass • published by Prentice Hall • Unix in a Nutshell • by Daniel Gilly & O’Reilly staff • published by O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. • System Administration Online • http://www.samag.com/

  3. Essential System Administration • Startup & Shutdown • User Accounts • Security • Backup & Restore • Printers & the Spooling Subsystem

  4. Sys Admin Duties • ...just a partial list • add/change/remove users & groups • backups & restores • answer user questions • monitor system activity (audits & logs) • system security • install programs and OS updates • free up disk space

  5. Sys Admin Duties • handle system crashes • resolve network problems • install/modify/remove systems (& furniture) • write scripts to automate as much as possible • go to meetings....

  6. Basic Strategies • plan it before you do it • make it reversible • make changes incrementally • test, test, test!! ...before going to production • know how things REALLY work • never modify the original file • i.e.. always work with a copy!

  7. Becoming the Superuser • su • become “root user” in the current directory without reading root’s startup scripts, it will ask for the root password before giving you superuser power • su - • just like logging in as root • sudo • a program that allows specified users to run specific commands as root without knowing the root password

  8. Common special file names

  9. Startup & Shutdown • the boot program is responsible for loading the UNIX kernel into memory and passing control of the system to it • typically called: • unix on System V based systems • vmunix on BSD based systems • process 0 is often the scheduler • it is really part of the kernel • process 1 is the init process

  10. Startup & Shutdown • once called init takes care of preparing the system for use • multi-user mode • a fully functional normal system • prompts for login by all users • single-user mode • non-networked • usually considered to be a maintenance mode • should prompt for login by root only

  11. Startup & Shutdown • System V run levels (Solaris) • 0 - power down state • 1 - system administration state • S/s - single user mode • 2 - multi user mode (networked or not) • 3 - remote file sharing state - (networked only) • 4 - user defined • 6 - shutdown and reboot state

  12. Startup & Shutdown • who -r • display current run level and it’s init time ex. $ who -r . run level 3 Mar 14 11:14 3 0 S ^ previous run level see man page for field definitions

  13. Startup & Shutdown • to start a SunOS or Solaris system from the prom prompt • boot will typically go to run level 3 • boot -s will go to single user mode • other systems will be different...

  14. Startup & Shutdown • BSD initialization files (typically) • init calls /etc/rc which calls /etc/rc.local • /etc/rc.local is primarily concerned with network initialization • /etc/rc takes care of everything else

  15. Startup & Shutdown • System V initialization files (typically) • init looks at configuration file /etc/inittab • inittab implicitly defines a process to be run at one or more run levels • commands to execute at the start of each run level are stored in an initialization file called rcn, where n is the run level number • stored under /etc in V.3 and /sbin in V.4 • rcn script runs scripts in directory /etc/rcn.d

  16. Startup & Shutdown • for example: booting to run level 3 • init read /etc/inittab which says to execute /etc/rc3 • /etc/rc3 will execute scripts in directory /etc/rc3.d • you can use telinit command to change current system run level • telinit 6- would cause system to shutdown & reboot • you can also use the init command directly • telinit is only a link to init in any case...

  17. Example /etc/inittab file poincare: more inittab s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console s1:1:wait:/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -iS -g0 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console s2:23:wait:/sbin/rc2 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console s5:5:wait:/sbin/rc5 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console s6:6:wait:/sbin/rc6 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console </dev/console

  18. Startup & Shutdown • BSD style shutdown... • shutdown [options] time message • time • +m - in m minutes • h:m - at specified time (24 hour clock) • now - immediately • message • is displayed immediately • and repeated at increasingly more frequent intervals until the shutdown actually occurs

  19. Startup & Shutdown • System V shutdown... • shutdown -g n [ -i level ] [ -y ] • n - number of seconds to wait (default is 60) • level • 0 - power off • S/s - single user mode (default) • 5 - firmware state (prom prompt) • 6 - reboot to initdefault state in /etc/inittab • -y - answer yes without a prompt to confirmation request (default is to prompt for confirmation)

  20. The Superblock • Index into the filesystem • Stored in memory and multiply on disk • Contains: • List of inodes • Freelist - set of pointers to free space on disk • Various internal parameters • Like filesystem size • Maintained in memory, written to disk about every 30 seconds

  21. Startup & Shutdown • sync command is used to finish all disk transactions and write out an up-to-date superblock, guaranteeing that the system can be turned off without corrupting the files • run as root and usually executed twice (or more) times in a row • sync schedules but does not necessarily immediately perform the writes

  22. Startup & Shutdown • fsck command is used to check the filesystem for correctness. • checks for agreement between the superblock info and the actual filesystem • usually run automatically when booting to multi user modes • can be run manually • but should only be done in single user mode • can fix problems that are found or just display

  23. User Accounts • a user is an entity that can execute programs or own files • some users exist only to own files - these are sometimes called pseudo users • every user has an unique username • every user has an unique user id (UID) • every user belongs to one or more groups • each group has an unique group id (GID)

  24. Account Creation Strategy • Standard login names • Home directory/folder location • Password requirements • Startup files/profiles • Email accounts

  25. Creating UNIX User Accts • The /etc/passwd file is the same for all flavors of UNIX • All flavors also have a /etc/group file • The passwd file defines a set of attributes that define a user • All user accounts are created equal. The permissions associated with them are what makes each user unique

  26. User Accounts • Adding a new user • assign a username and user id • assign a primary group and secondary groups (if any) • edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group • assign a password to the new account • create a home directory and put default initialization files there • chown & chgrp the home dir & files as needed

  27. Passwd file & Group file mike:x:1003:10:Mike John:/export/home/dbittrol:/sbin/sh userid uid group User Name default directory encrypted password default shell it340-A::150: groupname group id number adm::4:root,adm,daemon,vwaldo,dbittrol,pmchugh groupname grpid 5 members of the group

  28. User Accounts • always make a copy of the passwd file before editing it or use the command vipw • format of /etc/passwd • username:passwd:UID:GID:GCOS:homedir:shell • stevel:xxxx:101:43:Comments:/home/stevel:/bin/csh • format of /etc/group • groupname:*:GID:additional usernames • group1:*:43:stevel,student1,student2,student3

  29. User Accounts • standard users • root - user 0 - the superuser (only login acct in this list) • daemon - used to execute system server processes • bin - owns executables for most user commands • sys - owns system files • adm - owns the accounting files • uucp - UNIX-to-UNIX copy subsystem account • cron,mail,news,usenet,lp,lpd - own subsystem accounts • auth,auditor or audit - own system auditing facility • nobody - used by NFS

  30. User Accounts • standard groups • system or root or wheel or sys (GID0) • members of this group are allowed to su to root • daemon - owner of spooling directories • kmem,mem - owns various system files (GID2 on bsd) • sys - owns various system files (sys v) • tty or terminal - owns all files connected to terminals • cron,mail,uucp,news - associated with subsystems • user, users,other,staff - default group for users (GID20)

  31. Adding users • Use admintool • Edit files such as /etc/passwd (not recommended • Command line prompt i.e.; /usr/sbin/useradd -m -d /home/username -g 100 -s /usr/local/bin/bash -c “First Lastname” userid set up first password in the passwd file passwd userid encrypted file is /etc/shadow

  32. Adding Groups • To find out what groups you are in type id –a userid #I.e.; id -a dbittrol uid=1003(dbittrol)gid=10(staff)groups=0(root),2(bin), 3(sys),4(adm),5(uucp),6(mail),7(tty),8(lp),9(nuucp), 12(daemon)

  33. User Accounts • use passwd command to assign initial password to a new user • as root: passwd newuser • passwords should be easy to remember but hard to figure out, guess or crack! • there should be no unprotected accounts • specify minimum password length • change passwords when necessary

  34. User Accounts • shadow password file • is protected from all access by non-root users • stores the encrypted passwords • if you see an x in the password field of the /etc/passwd file then you are using a shadow • usually found in the same directory as passwd

  35. User Accounts • Password restrictions • most UNIX systems provide the ability to modify certain aspects of the password • password aging • maximum lifetime • minimum lifetime • warning time before you must change password • automatically disable account a certain number of days after a password expires • fixed date when account is automatically disabled

  36. User Startup Files • Startup files are found in the user’s home directory and are usually preceded by a . (dot) • Startup files control environment variables, command aliases, command search paths, and shell variables • Bourne .profile • Korn .profile .kshrc #ENV=.kshrc • C-shell .login .cshrc .logout

  37. Managing Users • Managing one system is not difficult, but when you manage multiple systems your tasks increase • Use tools such as NIS/NIS+ • When deleting users make sure that there is not important info stored in that account prior to deleting (check w/supervisor) • Avoid recycling UIDs

  38. User Accounts • login initialization files • sh .profile • csh .login and .cshrc • ksh .profile and .kshrc • .login and .profile are executed at login • .cshrc and .kshrc are executed every time a new shell is spawned

  39. User Accounts • On Solaris some standard utilities are provided for managing user accounts: useradd userdel usermod • These are located in the /usr/sbin directory • Check the man pages for options and syntax

  40. User Accounts • other things to consider when adding a new user • any enhanced security facilities • assigning disk quotas • defining mail alias • setting print queue access • adding to secondary groups • access to third party applications

  41. User Accounts • testing the new account • use the su or sudo command • i.e.. # su - newuser • also handy for testing existing accounts!

  42. User Accounts • the entire process of adding and removing a user can be (and often already is) automated • expect command line and GUI interfaces • depending on how your system is set up it may be best to use only the automated tools for administrative functions • they tend to make sure you don’t forget the little (but always horribly important) details...

  43. User Accounts • the ability to disable and restrict user accounts is also a feature of most systems • when removing a user there are a number of things to keep an eye out for.... • change system access passwords (as needed) • terminate running processes owned by user • remove from secondary groups • remove user’s mail file

  44. User Accounts • remove from the mail alias file (if needed) • check for cron or at jobs by user • check for pending print jobs • backup & delete (archive) home directory • and any other site specific tasks....

  45. Performance Monitoring • Performance Monitoring and tuning are essential parts of system administration • Multiple tools are available • Providing real-time and remote logging of statistics

  46. Key Components • Processor - will a faster processor fix a slow machine • Memory - Are page and swap files in use, is more RAM a fix • Disk - Will faster disks make a difference • Network Interface - Is it important to have a fast and reliable connection to the internet

  47. UNIX Performance Tools • vmstat - Provides statistics on processes, virtual memory, disk, interrupts, and CPU activity • Will summarize activity every five seconds or until program terminated • First line of info is on system since last booted (ignore first line) • r column (run queue) is good processor evaluation

  48. UNIX Performance Tools • b - blocked for resources is indicator of slow disk subsystem • memory - shows free swap space to see if you are using swap space allocated • page - only worry about 4 of 7 columns • re page reclaims • pi kilobytes paged in • po kilobytes paged out • sr pages scanned by the clock algorithm

  49. UNIX Performance Tools • iostat - provides statistics on disk, terminal, and CPU activity • summarizes activity 10 times at 5 second intervals • report on kilobytes transferred per second • seeks per second • milliseconds per average seek

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