Brent Brewster Gentle Hands Project
Regular brushing and combing twice a week is essential in order to remove substantial wooly hair shed from the dense downy undercoat, and not only the long outer coarse guard coat which protects the undercoat. The density of the hair coat can be misleading to novice groomers or owners of this breed; it is dense. The comfort of the Keeshond through the professional grooming process is significantly increased when the dog owner has maintained proper regular brushing and combing. Detangling products may work well on this type of wooly under coat when matted or heavily-undercoated. Allow extra time to groom these energetic dogs with poor coat conditions. Using protein coat conditioners and de-tangling solutions during the pre-bath brush and comb out stage can make the job a lot easier on this breed. Start with a slicker brush session, followed by a comb out session. It may be easier to start with a coarse comb, and then a medium comb. Using modern high velocity dryers to blow off excess water after the bath can save a tremendous amount of drying time. Some groomers prefer to use a large pin brush instead of slicker brush for the hand fluff dry process. You can expect even more loose hair to remove after the bath, and finish with a final comb out. Don't forget to scissor the hair under the feet even with the pads, and trim any other stray hairs around the feet. A light coat of a protein conditioner mist can add sheen to the coat as a final touch when grooming is complete.
Auschwitz • Auschwitz was located in Poland • Auschwitz is one of the camps that killed Jews • An estimated 1.3 million victims arrived at Auschwitz between June 1940 and January 1945 and 1.1 million of them died there. • The size of the Auschwitz "Zone of Interest" was 40 square kilometers. • At first, the Auschwitz main camp, known as the Stammlager, was only a camp for Polish political prisoners, including some Jews, and German common criminals, who assisted the Nazis in supervising the other prisoners.
Sara Trevor Teasdale was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1884, into an old, established, and devout family.
Linger Sixteen-year-old Gary takes a new look at his small town and his family's restaurant when his brother joins the army.
Tosca Is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa, based on Victorien Sardou's drama, La Tosca. The work premiered at the TeatroCostanzi in Rome on January 14, 1900. It is one of the world's most popular operas, a hit with audiences from its first performance.[1] However it was not well received at first by the critics and was later dismissed by musicologist Joseph Kerman as a "shabby little shocker".[2] Today, Tosca is a staple of the standard operatic repertoire and appears as number eight on Opera America's 2008 list of the 20 most-performed operas in North America.[3]
Alessandro Filipepi, known as Sandro Botticelli, (1444-1510) began his career during the Italian Renaissance period. Botticelli was born in Florence around 1445 where he would live out the rest of his life. As the youngest of five children, Botticelli’s father, a tanner, allowed him to become an apprentice to a goldsmith. During this apprenticeship, the goldsmith he worked with gave him the name Botticelli, meaning ‘little barrel.