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THE LABORATORY FOR LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS @ LNGS Matthias Laubenstein I.N.F.N. - L.N.G.S. Location (present and future). Present : 32 m 2 on one floor in service tunnel Future : 60 m 2 distributed on three floors in hall A. 511 keV. 40 K. 208 Tl. 60 Co. HPGe detectors.

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  2. Location (present and future) Present: 32 m2 on one floor in service tunnel Future: 60 m2 distributed on three floors in hall A 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  3. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  4. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  5. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  6. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  7. 511 keV 40K 208Tl 60Co 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  8. HPGe detectors 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  9. C E L L A R Collaboration of European Low-Level Underground Laboratories 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  10. University of Iceland IRMM PTB VKTA LSCE MPI-K ARCS IAEA-MEL LNGS 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  11. 106 105 104 103 Normalised counting rate [d-1 kg-1] Muon fluence rate [a.u.] 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 Depth [m w.e.] 1000 4000 2000 3000 5000 0 above ground VKTA Rossendorf PTB LSCE JRC-IRMM LNGS 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  12. 106 105 104 103 1993 Normalised counting rate [d-1 kg-1] Muon fluence rate [a.u.] 1996 102 101 100 10-1 10-2 Depth [m w.e.] 1000 4000 2000 3000 5000 0 LNGS 1997 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  13. Background characterisation • gamma spectrometry • directional photon flux in hall A (with portable HPGe detector and MCA) • method rather fast and simple (LN2-free cooling, simple setup) 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  14. First results of photon background characterisation in hall A (by courtesy of O. Chkvorets) 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  15. First results of photon background characterisation in hall A (by courtesy of O. Chkvorets) 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  16. First results of photon background characterisation in hall A (by courtesy of O. Chkvorets) 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  17. Further scientific topics • Radiocarbon and tritium measurements (Radiodating Laboratory) • Radon groundwater monitoring (Environmental and geophysical monitoring of the Gran Sasso aquifer) • Development and characterization of new detectors (for nuclear spectrometry of environmentalradioactivity) 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  18. Radiocarbon measurements ERMES Ultra low-level liquid scintillation spectroscopy  Using YAP:Ce vials  Using YAP:Ce powder CO2 directly from combustion 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  19. Ultra low level liquid scintillation spectrometry 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  20. Anticoincidence W. Plastino, L. Kaihola, P. Bartolomei, F. Bella, Cosmic background reduction in the radiocarbon measurements by liquid scintillation spectrometry at the underground laboratory of Gran Sasso., Radiocarbon, 43 (2A), 157-161, 2001. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  21. Coincidence (factor 10^2) x101 W. Plastino, L. Kaihola, P. Bartolomei, F. Bella, Cosmic background reduction in the radiocarbon measurements by liquid scintillation spectrometry at the underground laboratory of Gran Sasso., Radiocarbon, 43 (2A), 157-161, 2001. x103 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  22. Background comparison W. Plastino, L. Kaihola, Surface and underground ultra low level liquid scintillation spectrometry, Radiocarbon, submitted. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  23. Radon groundwater monitoring at Gran Sasso National Laboratory W. Plastino, F. Bella, Radon groundwater monitoring at underground laboratories of Gran Sasso (Italy), Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (14), 2675-2678, 2001. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  24. Present radon groundwater monitoring overthrust fault 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  25. Detector: YAP:Ce crystal Photomultiplier High-Voltage Power Supply IN OUT HV ELE PMT IN YAP OUT Direct Radon groundwater monitoringin situ ERMES  Using YAP:Ce + PM + Elect.  Using YAP:Ce powder + PM + Electr. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  26. Future radon groundwater monitoring overthrust fault 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  27. W. Plastino, M. Laubenstein, G. Etiope, P. Favali, Environmental radioactivity analysis in sea-water samples collected by GEOSTAR deep-sea observatory, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso – I.N.F.N., Annual report 2002, 201-206, 2003. G. Etiope, P. Favali, J.L. Fuda, F. Italiano, C. Millot, M. Laubenstein, W. Plastino, The Benthic Boundary Layer: geochemical and oceanographic data from the GEOSTAR-2 observatory, Annals of Geophysics, submitted. Oceanography • new devices development for nuclear spectrometry of environmental radioactivity for undersea station GEOSTAR (Geophysical and Oceanographic Station for Abyssal Research); • Seawater samples analysis collected by GEOSTAR or oceanographic ships; • Endogenous gas samples analysis. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  28. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  29. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  30. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  31. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  32. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  33. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

  34. 1st Meeting, ILIAS JRA1/LBT-DUSL, Edinburgh

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