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M. Lafont *, C. Jézéquel *, G. Tixier + , J. Marsalek + ,

From Research to Operational Biomonitoring of Freshwaters: A Suggested Conceptual Framework and Practical Solutions. M. Lafont *, C. Jézéquel *, G. Tixier + , J. Marsalek + , Vivier ¤, P. Breil **, L. Schmitt £ , C. Poulard **, Ph. Namour ££

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M. Lafont *, C. Jézéquel *, G. Tixier + , J. Marsalek + ,

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  1. From Research to Operational Biomonitoring of Freshwaters: A Suggested Conceptual Framework and Practical Solutions M. Lafont *, C. Jézéquel *, G. Tixier +, J. Marsalek+ , Vivier ¤, P. Breil **, L. Schmitt £, C. Poulard **, Ph. Namour ££ *: Cemagref: RU (Research Unit) MALY (biology) (France) **: Cemagref: RU Hydrology-Hydraulics (France) +: National Water Research Institute (Canada) ¤: DIREN Bourgogne (Environment Ministry) (France) £: University of Lyon 2 (Geomorphology) (France) ££: LSA (Laboratory of Analytical Sciences) Lyon 1 Univ. (France)

  2. General context • The Water Framework Directive WFD requested a “good ecological status” to be achieved for all European natural surface waters by the end of 2015 • - This urgent need has quickly amplified the structural conflicting demands of water managers (i.e., quick relevant operational responses) and ecologists (i.e., time consuming in-depth research) • It has encouraged the promotion of methods that are likely to be used by all member states, which is detrimental to other methods, particularly in the case of those developed by only one member country • Our general approach was developed on the basis of a multidisciplinary research and followed a general objective of sharing research findings with others and conversing with managers

  3. Concepts Management of R, R&D and D guiding principles * EASY conceptual model: BIO = f(IN) – g(ED) BIO: biodiversity, including taxonomical richness and processes; IN: chemical fluxes and inputs; ED: “ecosystem defenses” * LOUE (Lowest Observed Urbanization Effects); considerations for defining protection and rehabilitation strategies in urban aquatic systems * Harmonization System (HS) of qualitative biotic indices * Ecohydrological approach by functional traits in porous habitats * Riverscape typology  engineering solutions for flood protection * Sediment metabolic potential  a functional approach for lakes

  4. Research management (the case of lakes)

  5. Concept: metabolic potential of deep sediments • - Oligochaete assemblages dwelling in deep lacustrine sediments • >0 correlated with the CaCO3 contents of sediments • <0 correlated with the organic matter contents of sediments • CaCO3 = activation of the organic matter mineralization and its use by benthic organisms in deep sediments  « metabolic potential » • the best statistical relation of oligochaete assemblages with the metabolic potential • NSP + 3 log10 (n+1) • NSP = number of oligochaete species in a sediment sample • n: number of oligochaete per 0.1 m2 in the same sample

  6. Metabolic potential of deep sediments • An index IOBL = NSP + 3 log10 (n+1) was proposed (« Index Oligochètes de Bioindication des Lacs »)  values: 0 to >20 • Describes the metabolic potential of deep sediments; deep fine sediments (-2m to more than 100m depths) generally predominate in the majority of lacustrine ecosystems • This metabolic potential can be extrapolated to the whole lake ecosystem (small lakes < 100 ha) or to studied sections (bays, inlets…) of large lakes (Léman, Vänern…) • The percentages of some oligochaete species in deep sediments complement the diagnostic of lake functioning

  7. Indicator oligochaete species

  8. Metabolic potential of deep sediments • IOBL = NSP + 3 log10 (n+1) • The IOBL index can be used with sediment samples filtered in the laboratory over different mesh-size sieves: • 0.160 mm: IOBL0.16 initial index • 0.500 mm: IOBL0.5 French standard • But same calculation and same ecological signification

  9. Lake Typology

  10. Metabolic potential of deep-water sediments of Lakes Michigan and Vänern

  11. Metabolic potential of deep sediments in Wisconsin lakes (adapted from Howmiller 1974b)

  12. Thank You for Your Attention! BALWOIS-Lake Ochrid-May 2010

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