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Master Thesis. The measurement and study of femto-second gain dynamics of GaAs single quantum well semiconductor laser amplifiers. Contents. Chap.1 Introduction Chap.2 GaAs SLA Chap.3 Theory Chap.4 Laser system Chap.5 Gain dynamics Chap.6 Summary Appendix. SLA advantages
Master Thesis The measurement and study of femto-second gain dynamics of GaAs single quantum well semiconductor laser amplifiers
Contents • Chap.1 Introduction • Chap.2 GaAs SLA • Chap.3 Theory • Chap.4 Laser system • Chap.5 Gain dynamics • Chap.6 Summary • Appendix
SLA advantages Small volume<500 micro-meter Short response time<200ps High gain>30dB Broad band>5T Hz Support: NSC87-2112-M-017-001 NSC87-2112-M-017-002 Follow up:NSC87-2112-M-017-003 Advantages & support
1.1 Background 1.2 Study focus Chap.1 Introduction
Experiment ~1980:linear gain 1980~fs laser Nonlinear gain MIT: ps pump probe technique & TDI UC Davis: fs Nonlinear index ~MIT Theory 1989:AT&T 1992:UC Davis 1992:TFL(Sweden) Domestic researches 1.1 Background
2.1 Introduction 2.2 SLD830 2.3 Mounting system and circuit box 2.4 SLD830 measurement Chap.2 GaAs SLA
GaAs Direct band-gap Gain: LD,LED & SLA Absorption: optical detector: Photo Diode SLD USA Sarnoff Inc. Single Quantum Well (SQW) Double Hetero-junction Structure (DHS) Peak wavelength: 825nm Striped angle:5 deg. Active layer:0.08 micro-meter P-side down 830 <GaAs band-gap wavelength=870nm 2.2 SLD830
(a)樣品裝載; (b)頂住的螺絲 (c)SMA接頭; (d)基座; (e)基座裝載; (f)絕緣夾層; (g)載台支撐棒; (h)圓形壓版。
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Pump probe technique 3.3 Semi-phenomenological model Chap.3 Theory Models
3.1 Introduction In semiconductors: two level energy model+ energy conservation law + momentum conservation law+ boundary conditions Where: mc: electron effective mass in conduction band mv: hole effective mass in valance band Ec: bottom energy of conduction band Ev: top energy of valance band Eg( energy gap)=Ec-Ev
Optical joint density of states Fermi Golden Rule Lorentzian line-shape function Well known equations
where: h(t): resonance function G(2)(t):convolution of h(t) S(τ): auto-correlation function of G(2)(t) 3.2 Pump probe technique
1989 AT&T G.P. Agrawal where: Vg: group velocity g(N): gain α: Line-width Enhancement Factor 3.3 Semi-phenomenological model
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Pumping source:NdYVO4 Laser 4.3 Ultra-short mode-locking Ti: sapphire Laser 4.4 Pulse-width and bandwidth Chap.4 Laser System
Ultra fast Mode-locking fs pulse laser 4.1 Introduction
Power>5W Wavelength: 532nm Quasi single frequency:<1nm Spot size:2.25mm Beam waist:1/e^2,beam divergence<0.5mrad Polarization: vertical: parallel>100:1 4.2 Pumping source:NdYVO4 laser
Wavelength tunable:730~850nm Repetition rate:76MHz CW power:800mW Mode-locking power:600mW Peak power:50KW Spot size:0.8mm Full angle divergence:1.5mrad Polarization:TEM00,p polarization 4.3 Ultra-short mode-locking Ti: sapphire laser
Auto-correlator Femto-chrome FR-103XL
Line-width=10nm transform limited OSA:HP 71451B
5.1 Introduction 5.2 Pump probe system 5.3 Gain dynamics 5.4 Experiment result Chap.5 Gain Dynamics
Pump probe 3 factors =pump beam + probe beam +time delay Two beams pump probe/three beams Parallel polarization/orthogonal polarization Refraction /reflection 5.1 Introduction
5.2 Pump probe system • System requirements • Experiment sketch
Pump & probe power tunable Pump & probe polarization tunable Wavelength tunable SLA driving current tunable Time delay tunable Alignment requirement Fine tuning and double check System requirements
5.3 Gain dynamics fixed alternative