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Some figures on social class and educational performance. Robert Erikson SNS September 1, 2014. Early support in pre-primary school pays of for children’s cognitive and social development. Perhaps more so for children from less advantage backgrounds. Sources.
Somefigures on social class and educationalperformance Robert Erikson SNS September 1, 2014
Early support in pre-primary school pays of for children’s cognitive and social development. Perhaps more so for children from less advantage backgrounds.
Sources Boudon, Raymond (1974): Education, Opportunity and Social Inequality. New York: Wiley Erikson, Robert (2010): ’Den socialaselektionen till högreutbildning – restriktionerochval’ i Ulf P Lundgren, Roger Säljöoch Caroline Liberg (red): LärandeSkolaBildning. Stockholm: NaturochKultur, sid. 365-394. Erikson, R and F. Rudolphi (2010): “Change in social selection to upper secondary school – primary and secondary effects in Sweden” European Sociological Review, 26: 291-305. Heckman, James J. (2006): Skill Formation and the Economics of Investing in Disadvantaged Children. Science 312, 1900. Jonsson, Jan O. (1994):Förskola – en strategi för jämlikhet? I Robert Erikson och Jan O. Jonsson, red.:Sorteringeniskolan. - Studier avsnedrekryteringochutbildningenskonsekvenser. Stockholm: Carlssons, 13-42. Sylva, Kathy , Edward Melhuish, Pam Sammons, IramSiraj-Blatchford and Brenda Taggart (2008): Final Report from the Primary Phase: Pre-school, School and Family Influences on Children’s Development during Key Stage 2 (Age 7-11). London: Department for children, schools and families.
Average percentile rank on Peabody Individual Achievement Test–Math score by age and income quartile. Income quartiles are computed from average family income between the ages of 6 and 10.