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Rethinking Social Class: Qualitative Perspectives on Class and Gender. 作者: D. Reay 導讀:卯靜儒. 作者介紹. MA in Human Rights and Education (London University) PhD in Social Sciences (South Bank University) 專長領域: Sociology of Education; Social Class Theory; Education Policy; Gender and Education
Rethinking Social Class: Qualitative Perspectives on Class and Gender 作者:D. Reay 導讀:卯靜儒
作者介紹 • MA in Human Rights and Education (London University) • PhD in Social Sciences (South Bank University) • 專長領域:Sociology of Education; Social Class Theory; Education Policy; Gender and Education • 目前任教: Universityof Cambridge, Faculty of Education • 期刊編輯:British Journal of Sociology of Education; Gender and Education; the Journal of Education Policy and Sociology
Research Topics • Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice • Social class • Masculinities and Femininities in Education • Higher Education Choice and Access • Pupil Peer Group cultures • Social identities • Psycho-social Approaches to Identity
著作 • Reay D. Class work: Mothers' involvement in their children's primary schooling (1998); • Reay D. A useful extension of Bourdieu's conceptual framework? Emotional capital as a way of understanding mothers' involvement in children's schooling Sociological Review (2000); 48: 568-585 • Reay D. Mainly roughs and toughs: Class, race and representation in the inner city Sociology (2004a,);
著作 • D, Reay (2006) Cultural Capital Theories Encyclopedia of Gender and Education (ed) B Bank New York: Greenwood Press. • D Reay (2005) 'Beyond Consciousness?: The Psychic Landscape of Social Class' Sociology Special Issue of Class, Culture and identity vol 39 no 5, 911-928. • Reay, D (2004) Gendering Bourdieu's concept of capitals?: Emotional capital, women and social class in L Adkins and B Skeggs (ed) Feminism after Bourdieu • D Reay (2004) 'It's all becoming a habitus': Beyond the habitual use of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus in educational research ,British Journal of Sociology of Education on Pierre Bourdieu vol 25 no 4, pp 431-444 • D Reay (2004) Education and Cultural Capital: The implications of changing trends in education policies Cultural Trends 13 no 2, 1-14
文章主旨 • Class : a complicated mixture of the material, the discursive, psychological predispositions and sociological dispositions. • Combining quantitative approaches to social class with more qualitative studies • Explore how class are lived in gendered and raced ways.
過去對於階級研究的特徵 • Occupational measurement • Class perceived as an issue of where you are situated • male territory of the labour market • the missing role of women in class formation • Lack of discussing the contribution of gender to economic inequality
Feminisms in 1990s: abandon social class as an important social division • Reay: proposing a view of class as social process
Contemporary discourses of classlessness • The demise of class (Pakulski & Waters 1996) & other discourses of classlessness 1.a decentering of economic relationships (property and production-based) ─ operate in class interests 2. a shift in patterns of group formation and lines of sociopolitical cleavage ─ denying social advantage of the privileged
3.Marketization ─ a middle-class mode of social engagement 4.Baudrillard’s postmodernist discourses (新中產階級的消費文化)
Anti-discourses of classlessness 1.operate in class interests 2.denying social advantage of the privileged 3. a middle-class mode of social engagement-對中產階級有利的教育市場 4.消費也是一種階級與分類的過程(消費型態與欲望技術) 5.個人主義式的自我實現 ─ 個人的責任 ─ a spoilt identity – a stigmatised group
New Ways of Envisioning class? • Class is part of the micro-politics of people lives. It is lived in and through people’s bodies and permeates their thinking as powerfully as gender, race, age and sexuality. • 提出一個更動態的階級觀 • 不只是檢視經濟層面的階級觀,需要整合社會的與心理的 • Including the emotional politics of class • 如:a politics of dis-identification,
Academic texts about class • always middle-class versions • The inability of working-class to construct an authentic working class identity • The working classes do not choose the dominant discourses within which they have to position themselves.
Class talk: Mother making sense • 33位母親,兩間學校,族群多元 • 訪談:build up a detailed picture of their class position by asking about women’s educational histories, those of their partners and their parents’, occupations, self-identity • 如何解釋a contradictory class positioning
研究發現的討論 • Class connotations (inner city, children from families who don’t care) • Good/bad parents – end up letting your kids down; quality time • Women who are in a contradictory class positionings: 1.A sense of powerlessness in relation to the educational system 2. Lack of self-certainty of middle-class habitus
Class is a complicated mixture of the material, the discursive, psychological predispositions and sociological dispositions. • Need qualitative data
去論證階級並沒有消失 • 階級與性別的交錯 • 從母親的學校參與切入 • 不過,後面的質性資料討論不多(也許可參考他更完整的作品) • D. Smith (2005)Mothering for schooling • 王瑞賢(2006)的國科會專案 ─ 中產階級母親的教育論述