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Chapter 3 – Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

Chapter 3 – Elements, Mixtures & Compounds. Chapter 3 – Section 1. _____________ = pure substance that can not be separated into simpler substances by physical or chemical means ______ ________________ = only one type of particle.

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Chapter 3 – Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

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  1. Chapter 3 – Elements, Mixtures & Compounds

  2. Chapter 3 – Section 1 • _____________= pure substance that can not be separated into simpler substances by physical or chemical means • ______ ________________= only one type of particle

  3. Each element has unique properties that allow us to identify them • Physical properties that help us identify: D__________, M____, B____, or H_________ (called ______________ __________ of matter) • Also chemical properties

  4. Elements put into groups, whether or not they share enough common properties. • If you know what category something is found in, then you should know some properties of that substance.

  5. Metals - ____________ - good conductors of e________ and t_________ ___________ - __________________ - _____________ - many uses throughout daily life

  6. Nonmetals - ________ - ______ conductors - _____________ - ___________________ - not very common

  7. Metalloids (aka Semiconductors) - properties of _________ - some are shiny / some dull - ___________ malleable and ductile - Silicon, Antimony & Boron

  8. Section 2 - Compounds • Compounds = _______ ______________ composed of 2 or more elements that have been _______________ ______________ (C&C) - they must undergo a chemical change - Not random; specific ratio of components - Unique set of properties that are different from the elements’ properties

  9. Can be broken down into simpler substances (elements) • ONLY through chemical changes NOT physical changes • Compounds are everywhere • P__________ = found in many things, so vital to life • _______ or _________is a compound • Manufactured compounds help many things

  10. Examples of compounds?

  11. Section 3 - Mixtures • Mixture = combo of two or more substances that are NOT __________ _______________ - Substances retain _______________ - Can be _________________ separated - Examples = distillation, magnet, or centrifuge - No ____________ _________

  12. Solution = a mixture that appears as one single substance, but is composed of two or more that are evenly distributed (homogenous) - __________ = substance dissolved - __________ = the substance in which the solute is dissolved - Soluble vs Insoluble - Particles are extremely small, never settle out nor filter out

  13. ____________= Amount of solute in a solvent - Acid example - Concentrated or Dilute - Saturatedvs Unsaturated

  14. Solubility = Amount of _________needed to make a saturated solution, using a given amount of _____________ - Methods to dissolve faster 1) M_______ 2) C_________ 3) H__________

  15. Suspensions = mixture in which particles are dispersed, but DO settle out - Particles are_____________ • ________________= mixture in which particles are dispersed, but do NOT settle out - Well mixed and small particles - Examples = Milk, mayonnaise, stick deodorant, gelatin & whipped cream - Large enough to scatter light - No filtration

  16. Pictures • http://universe-review.ca/I13-14-sulfur.jpg • http://www.sciencewithmrmilstid.com/wp-content/uploads/nonmetal_elements.jpg • http://www.myhrsb.ca/Functions/Program/Static/Curriculum/eng/science/9/images/ClassroomPicsGifs/SixMetals.JPG • http://intro.chem.okstate.edu/1215SP2000/Lecture/Chapter4/Lec2113.gif • http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/img/cache/bcb9b8db117ee64376aedaf7af3595ca/sevenlayer-2-51908.jpg • http://z.about.com/d/chemistry/1/G/y/P/nitrogen.jpg • http://z.about.com/d/chemistry/1/G/Z/Q/tellurium.jpg • www.sciencewithmrmilstid.com/?p=88 • http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/images/object_images/535x535/10312970.jpg • http://www.britishsugar.co.uk/IsolatedStorage/94175874-67b5-4c33-9f38-380233f14049/ContentAssets/Images/Our%20Products/Liquid%20Sugars/Inverts/Dolly%20mixtures%20web.jpg • http://www.thenutfactory.com/photos/mixtures-swiss.jpg • http://shawn-king.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/fruitsalad.jpeg • http://wwwsci.seastarchemicals.com/images/faq_co3.jpg • http://www.kraftfoods.com/assets/recipe_images/KOOL-AID_Punch_c.jpg • http://www.scienceclarified.com/images/uesc_03_img0145.jpg • http://depts.washington.edu/chem/courses/labs/142labs/images/IMG_5086.jpg • http://z.about.com/d/candleandsoap/1/0/6/E/P1010327.JPG • http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/science_fair_projects_encyclopedia/upload/thumb/1/1c/180px-WaterAndFlourSuspensionLiquid.jpg • http://wpcontent.answers.com/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Italian_dressing.jpg • http://boomeria.org/chemlectures/solutions/colloids.jpg

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