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Hyperelliptic Curve Coprocessors On a FPGA. 2004. 8. 24. HoWon Kim ETRI, Korea. Contents. Introduction Design Philosophy for Fast HEC coprocessors Parallelism Pipelining Loop unfolding on inversion operation Design Methodology Arithmetic Unit HECC coprocessor Architecture
Hyperelliptic Curve Coprocessors On a FPGA 2004. 8. 24. HoWon Kim ETRI, Korea
Contents • Introduction • Design Philosophy for Fast HEC coprocessors • Parallelism • Pipelining • Loop unfolding on inversion operation • Design Methodology • Arithmetic Unit • HECC coprocessor Architecture • Various HECC types : from high performance to low area • Performance Results • Conclusions
Introduction (2/4) • Group Cardinality • HEC of genus g over Fq • The cardinality of JC(Fq) is given by Hasse-Weil: • Major implication : group size (field size)g • Don’t choose genus ≥ 4 (5) because of possible attacks [Frey/Rück, Gaudry, Theriault, …] • Group size vs. Field size • Group size of 2160(commercial security level) • ECC (g=1): field size = 160 bit • HECC (g=2): field size = 80 bit • HECC (g=3): field size = 56 bit • HECC (g=4): field size = 52 bit
Introduction (3/4) • Explicit Formulae of HECC Explicit formulae (field arithmetic only): Polynomial arithmetic: s0 = w2*s0s; s1 = w2*s1s; s2 = w2*s2s; z0 = s0*c; z1 = s1*c+s0*b; z2 = s0*a+s1*b+c; z3 = s1*a+s0+b; z4 = a+s1; z5 = to_GF2E(1L); t1 = w4*h2; t2 = w4*h3; u3s = d + z4 + s1; u2s = d*u3s + e + z3 + s0 + t2 + s1*z4; u1s = d*u2s + e*u3s + f + z2 + t1 + s1*(z3+t2) + s0*z4 + w5; u0s = d*u1s + e*u2s + f*u3s + z1 + w4*h1 + s1*(z2+t1) + s0*(z3+t2) + w5*(a+f6); t1 = u3s+z4; v0s = w3*(u0s*t1 + z0) + h0 + m; v1s = w3*(u1s*t1 + u0s + z1) + h1 + l; v2s = w3*(u2s*t1 + u1s + z2) + h2 + k; v3s = w3*(u3s*t1 + u2s + z3) + h3; a3 = f6 + u3s + v3s*(v3s+h3); b3 = u2s + a3*u3s + f5 + v3s*h2 + v2s*h3; c3 = u1s + a3*u2s + b3*u3s + f4 + v2s*(v2s+h2) + v3s*h1 + v1s*h3; k3 = v2s + (v3s+h3)*a3 + h2; l3 = v1s + (v3s+h3)*b3 + h1; m3 = v0s + (v3s+h3)*c3 + h0; t1 = a*e; t2 = b*d; t3 = b*f; t4 = c*e; t5 = a*f; t6 = c*d; t7 = sqr(c+f); t8 = sqr(b+e); t9 = (a+d)*(t3+t4); t10= (a+d)*(t5+t6); r =(f+c+t1+t2)*(t7+t9) + t10*(t5+t6) + t8*(t3+t4); t11 = (b+e)*(c+f); inv2 = (t1+t2+c+f)*(a+d)+t8; inv1 = inv2*d + t10 + t11; inv0 = inv2*e + d*(t10+t11) + t9 + t7; t12 = (inv1+inv2)*(k+n+l+o); t13 = (l+o)*inv1; t14 = (inv0+inv2)*(k+n+m+p); t15 = (m+p)*inv0; t16 = (inv0+inv1)*(l+o+m+p); t17 = (k+n)*inv2; rs0 = t15; rs1 = t13+t15+t16; rs2 = t13+t14+t15+t17; rs3 = t12+t13+t17; rs4 = t17; t18 = rs3+rs4*d; s0s = rs0 + f*t18; s1s = rs1 + rs4*f + e*t18; s2s = rs2 + rs4*e + d*t18; w1 = inv(r*s2s); w2 = r*w1; w3 = w1*sqr(s2s); w4 = r*w2; w5 = sqr(w4); Input: D1 = div(a1,b1), D2 = div(a2,b2) Output: D3 = D1 + D2 = div(a3,b3) Composition: d = gcd(a1,a2,b1+b2+h)=s1a1+s2a2+s3(b1+b2+h) a‘3 = a1a2/d b‘3 = [s1a1b2+s2a2b1+s3(b1b2+f)]/f mod a‘3 Reduction: WHILE deg(a‘k) > g, DO a‘k = f – b‘k-1 mod a‘k b‘k = (-h-b‘k-1) mod a‘k END WHILE a3 = a‘k b3 = b‘k Harley’s explicit method Explicit formulae : ITCC04 [PWP04] Group doubling: 1inv, 9 mults Group Addition: 1 inv, 21 mults
Introduction (4/4) • Pros & Cons of the HECC • Pros • Short field size : for genus 2 HECC, the size of the underlying field size is a half of that of ECC • So, It has room to adopt high speed implementation techniques such as parallelism and loop unfolding • Cons • There are many multiplication stages in Explicit formulae • So, when HECC is implemented as a hardware, its interconnect network and buffer allocation will be complicated • Purpose of this work • To check its applicability as a high performance public key crypto system • To check its applicability at the resource constrained environment such as PDA & Smart Cards from practical point of view
Design Philosophy (1/2) • To make HECC coprocessor faster, we have used the following techniques: • Parallelism • Multiple number of field operation units to execute the explicit formulae as fast as possible • The number of multipliers is decided by drawing data dependency graph (DDG) for explicit formulae • For genus-2 HECC explicit formulae, we can see two multipliers are good choice for implementation • The usage rate of two multipliers is about 90 % group addition operation in affine coord.
Design Philosophy (2/2) • Pipelining • Field operations(field addition, field squaring) and data copy operation between buffers are performed at the same clock cycle • And can be overlapped with multiplication and inversion • Loop Unfolding • “Loop unfolding” is the process of unfolding a loop so that several iterations(clock cycles) are unrolled into the same iteration(one clock cycle) • Is applied to the MAIA inversion algorithm to boost the performance with reasonable hardware increases
Fast Inversion Block (1/2) • MAIA algorithm with 4 loops are unfolded Maximally 4 loops are executed in one clock cycle Can be realized by simple XOR, rewiring
Fast Inversion Block (2/2) • Features of the Inversion Block of the HECC coprocessors Four loopsare unfolded We get two times better performance !!
Design Methodology • Design Methodology • Architecture design VHDL coding synthesis & implementation to FPGA • Main Points toward high performance HECC coprocessor Design • Make the H/W complexity of the Interconnect Network as small as possible • Is done by carefully designed arithmetic units and data path, etc. • Make the number of registers as small as possible • Is done by careful buffer allocation • Make efficient AUs • By using parallelism, pipelining, loop unfolding techniques, etc.
Arithmetic Unit • AU (Arithmetic Unit) • Field addition : simple XOR (done on the data-path) • Field squaring : XOR and rewiring (done on the data-path) • Field multiplication : scalable, high performance multiplication logic is implemented (digit serial multiplier) • Field inversion : high performance inversion logic is implemented (modified almost inverse algorithm with a loop unfolding technique) • AU Block Diagram
HEC Architecture (1/3) • Various HECC Coprocessor Types from High Performance to Moderate Size • Type 1 : for high performance • Parallel execution of the group addition & doubling • 2 multipliers & 1 inversion logic for group addition • 1 multiplier & 1 inversion logic for group doubling (Affine case) • Fast execution of the addition & doubling is possible. but, it causes high hardware complexity
HEC Architecture (2/3) • Type 2 • Use only registers for RF and multiplexers as an interconnect network • Parallel execution of data read & write is possible. but, it causes high complexity at the interconnect network • Multipliers and inversion logic are shared for group ops. • Technology independent design as Type 1 (portable to any FPGA and ASIC) • Type 3 : low hardware complexity • Uses memory to reduce hardware complexity • Uses buses to reduce the complexity of interconnect network • Incurs more latencies to perform explicit formulae, but, reduces hardware complexity
HEC Architecture (3/3) • Architectural characteristics of HECC coprocessors
Performance Results (1/2) • Performance of the HECC coprocessors (scalar mult.) Target platform : Xilinx FPGA XC2V4000 -6
Performance Results (2/2) • Performance of the HECC coprocessors (scalar mult.) Xilinx Virtex II FPGA (XC2V4000ff1517-6) Normalized to the best AT product • Performance (TTC) • Area-Time Product
Conclusions • The high performance of the HECC coprocessor is due to • fast inversion algorithm • High operating frequency of multiplier in spite of its large digit size (D=32) • Reduced interconnect network latency by using carefully designed buffer allocation and Arithmetic Units • Parallel execution of field operations • Pipelined execution of the field operations and data movement between register files • We can say that HECC coprocessor can be used at high performance & resource constrained security environments • Since the performance is about 0.436ms with moderate H/W size (Type 1, GF(289)) • However, more research works are still necessary to surpass the ECC