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Instrument Ground Training Module 5

Randy Schoephoerster www.airtreknorth.com. Instrument Ground Training Module 5. Agenda. Airports, ATC and Airspace Runway Markings Airport Signs VASI’s PAPI’s Wake Turbulence Collision Avoidance IFR Flight Planning ATC Clearances and Communication Procedures Radio Failure Airspace.

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Instrument Ground Training Module 5

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  1. Randy Schoephoersterwww.airtreknorth.com Instrument Ground Training Module 5

  2. Agenda • Airports, ATC and Airspace • Runway Markings • Airport Signs • VASI’s • PAPI’s • Wake Turbulence • Collision Avoidance • IFR Flight Planning • ATC Clearances and Communication Procedures • Radio Failure • Airspace

  3. CAUTION………………….. • The sole purpose of this class is to expedite your passing the FAA knowledge test. With that said, all extra material not directly tested on the FAA knowledge test is omitted, even though much more information and knowledge is necessary to fly safely. Consult the FAR/AIM (CFR) and other FAA Handbooks for further information along with a Flight Instruction course. • Instrument Knowledge Test is good for 24 calendar months. FAA-G-8082-13d

  4. CFR 61.65 (d) Instrument Practical Test Requirements • (d) Aeronautical experience for the instrument-airplane rating. A person who applies for an instrument-airplane rating must have logged: • (1) Fifty hours of cross country flight time as pilot in command, of which 10 hours must have been in an airplane; and • (2) Forty hours of actual or simulated instrument time in the areas of operation listed in paragraph (c) of this section, of which 15 hours must have been received from an authorized instructor who holds an instrument-airplane rating, and the instrument time includes: • (i) Three hours of instrument flight training from an authorized instructor in an airplane that is appropriate to the instrument-airplane rating within 2 calendar months before the date of the practical test; and • (ii) Instrument flight training on cross country flight procedures, including one cross country flight in an airplane with an authorized instructor, that is performed under instrument flight rules, when a flight plan has been filed with an air traffic control facility, and that involves— • (A) A flight of 250 nautical milesalong airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility; • (B) An instrument approach at each airport; and • (C) Three different kinds of approacheswith the use of navigation systems.

  5. Precision Instrument Runway Markings • Distance A • 1,000ft from runway threshold to the fixed distance marker • Distance B • 500ft from the runway threshold to the touchdown zone marker is 500ft • Distance C • 500ft from the beginning of the touchdown zone marker to the beginning of the fixed distance marker

  6. Displaced Threshold • The paved area before the displaced threshold is available for • Taxiing • Landing rollout and • Takeoff • Cannot be used for landing

  7. Displaced Threshold • White arrows are located along the centerline in the area between the beginning of the runway and displaced threshold. White arrow heads are located across the width of the runway just prior to the threshold bar.

  8. Displaced Threshold at Night • Approach end of the runway is on the right • Taxiing and takeoff are permitted toward the green threshold lights.

  9. Airport Signs • Mandatory Instruction Signs • Red Background with white lettering • Runway approach area holding position signs • Runway holding position markings have four yellow lines, two solid and two dashed lines • Identify where an aircraft is to hold short of the runway

  10. ILS Critical Area Boundary Sign • Identifies the edge of the ILS critical area • When an ILS is in use, aircraft must hold short to prevent blocking or interfering with the ILS glide slope antenna installed at the airport

  11. Direction Signs • Direction signs consist of black lettering on yellow background • Destination (name) and direction of taxiways leading out of an intersection

  12. VASIVisual Approach Slope Indicator • A system of lights that provide visual descent information during approach to a runway • The visual glide path of the VASI provides safe obstruction clearance within plus or minus 10° of the extended runway centerline and to 4 NM from the runway threshold. • Glide slope is normally 3 degrees • Red over White means you are alright • Red over Red means you are dead

  13. 3 Light Bar VASI • Provide a lower and a higher glide path • The 3 bar VASI provides two visual glide paths (an upper and a lower). The upper glide path, provided by the middle and far bar, is normally ¼° higher than the lower glide path and constitute a 2 bar VASI. • High glide path is for high cockpit aircraft. • Usually 3.25 degrees • Lower glide path when • Near bar is white and far bars are red • Higher glide path when • Near bars are white, far bar is red

  14. Tri Color VASI • A tri-color VASI normally consists of a single light unit projecting a three-color visual approach path into the final approach area • Red: Below glide path • Green: On glide path • Amber: Above glide path • Not very accurate

  15. PAPI • Precision Approach Path Indicator • Single row • On glide path is two white on left, two red on right

  16. Wake Turbulence • Greatest Vortex occurs when • Heavy • Clean • Slow Aircraft • During takeoff • Worst wind condition • Light crosswind of 3-7 kts results in the upwind vortex tending to remain over the runway

  17. Collision Avoidance • Use the centerline of the airway to avoid other aircraft when in VFR conditions • Use gentle banks left and right during climbs and descents in VFR conditions to permit continual scanning • When in VFR, the pilot must assume the responsibility to see and avoid other aircraft, regardless of whether operating under IFR clearance

  18. IFR Flight Planning Information • Pilot should receive a preflight briefing from Flight Service Station (FSS) • Weather advisories • Notices about en route airports • Notices about Navigational aids • Notams • NOTAMS(D): Distant, Navigational facilities and public use airports • NOTAMS(L): Local, Taxiway closures, equipment crossing runways, airport light outages that do not affect instrument approach criteria • NOTAMS FDC: Updates to approach procedures, charts and flight restrictions • Best Sources of airport conditions are • AFD • NOTAMS (L) • NOTAMS (D) • Airport Beacon • On during the day typically indicates IFR weather conditions

  19. IFR Flight Plan • Composite flight plan (part VFR, part IFR) • Check both VFR and IFR in block 1 • When transitioning from VFR to IFR, contact closest FSS to close the VFR portion and request ATC IFR clearance • Aircraft Type: A slash followed by a letter indicating combinations of • Useable transponder • DME • Navigation equipment • Multiple altitudes: Enter only the first leg altitude • Time en route is to the first landing point • Fuel-On-Board Time: Useable fuel • IFR flight plans can be cancelled only if you are flying in VFR conditions outside class A airspace

  20. IFR Flights • Pilot must initiate IFR flight plan cancellation • By radio while airborne if conditions are VFR • By radio or telephone as soon as the aircraft is on the ground

  21. Randy Schoephoersterwww.airtreknorth.com Instrument Ground Training Module 5

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