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29. Consulting Study Tools. Sources to Understand Scripture for Today. Dr. Rick Griffith, Singapore Bible College www.biblestudydownloads.com. Recommended Bible Study Helps. 29-40. Bible: Ryrie Study Bible. 29. Concordance: NASB Exhaustive Concordance. 29, 32.
29 Consulting Study Tools Sources to Understand Scripture for Today Dr. Rick Griffith, Singapore Bible College www.biblestudydownloads.com
Recommended Bible Study Helps 29-40 Bible: Ryrie Study Bible 29 Concordance: NASB Exhaustive Concordance 29, 32 Commentary: Bible Knowledge Commentary 30, 33 Bible Survey: Talk Thru the Bible 30, 34 Word Study: Vine's Expository Dictionary 30, 35 Bible Encyclopedia: Zondervan Pictorial 30, 36 Bible Atlas: Moody Atlas of Bible Lands (2009) 31, 37 Theology: Major Bible Themes/Basic Theology 31, 38, 40 Topical Bible: Nave's Topical Bible 31, 39 Bible Dictionary: The New Bible Dictionary 31
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Broken & Spilled Out Performed By Steve Green Tff]l8Psf] / kf]lvPsf] :6Le lu|gsf] k|:t''tL
Pslbg Pp6L ;fwf/0f dlxnf k/d]Zj/sf] lglDtpgsf] k|]dsf] sf/0f One day a plain village woman,driven by love for her Lord
Recklessly poured out a valuable essence, disregarding the scorn c?af6sf] ckx]ngfnfO{ a]jf:tful/ Psbd} d"NojfgcQ/, pxfFdflyvGofOlbOg\
And once it was broken and spilled outA fragrance filled all the room. km]l/ PskN6 cQ/ kf]lvof] o;sf] ;'uGwn] ;Dk"0f{ sf]7f el/of]
Like a prisoner released from his shacklesLike a spirit set free from the tomb s}bLcfˆgf] aGwgaf6 d'QmePem}+ lrxfgaf6 cfTdfd'QmePem}+
tf]l8Psf] / kf]lvPsf] tkfO{sf] lglDt d]/f] k|]dsf] sf/0f, o]z" Broken and spilled out, just for love of you, Jesus
d]/f] Psbd} d"Nojfgwg ;a} d tkfO{nfO{ lbGb5' Life's most precious treasure, lavished on Thee
Tf]l8Psf] / kf]lvPsf] d tkfO{sf] kfpFdf vGofpF5' Broken and spilled out,and poured at Your feet
Pp6f ld7f] ;dk{0ftfdf dnfO{ kf]lvglbg'xf];\ / tkfO{sf] lglDtk|of]u x'glbg'xf];\ . In sweet abandonlet me be spilled outand used up for Thee
o]z", tkfO{ k/d]Zj/sf] d"Nojfg\ wg pxfFsf] k|]d / pxfFsf] cfˆgf] l;4 5f]/f] Lord, You were God's precious treasure,His loved and His own perfect Son
dnfO{ b]vfpgoxfF k7fpFg'xf];\ Pp6f lktfsf] k|]d sf/0f pxfFn] dnfO{ k|]d ug{'x'G5 Sent here to show methe love of the Father,just for love it was done
And though You were perfect and holyYou gave up Yourself willingly tkfO{ l;4 / kljqx'g'ePtfklg tkfO{n] cfkm}nfO{ cfˆgf] OR5f;lxt lbg'eof
You spared no expense for my pardonYou were used up and wasted for me tkfO{n] ;a}s'/f TofUg'eof] tfls d}n] Ifdfkfpm tkfO{ d]/f] sf/0f k|of]u ul/g'eof] / lslrg'eof]
Broken and spilled outJust for love of me, Jesus–– o]z", tkfO{ tf]l8g'ePsf] lyof] / kf]lvg'eof] dk|ltsf] tkfO{sf] k]|dsf] sf/0f
God's most precious treasurelavished on me k/d]Zj/sf] ;a}eGbfd"Nojfgwg d]/f] lglDt ;a} lbOof]
Broken and spilled outand poured at my feet. tkfO{ tf]l8g'ePsf] lyof] / kf]lvg'eof] / d]/f] kfpFdfvGofOg'eof]
In sweet abandon,Lord, You were spilled out and used up for me Pp6f ld7f ;dk{0ftfdf k|e', tkfO{ d]/f] sf/0f kf]lvg'eof] / lslrg'eof] .
In sweet abandon, let me be spilled outand used up for Thee Pp6f ld7f] ;dk{0ftfdf dnfO{ kf]lvg / tkfO{sf] lglDtk|of]u x'glbg'xf];\ .
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