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Immunology general

Immunology general. Contents Ⅰ immunity and immunology Ⅱ immunologic function Ⅲ immune system Ⅳ immune response Ⅴ immunologic application. medicine immunology Total number of periods : 36 periods time of giving lessons : references :

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Immunology general

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  1. Immunology general

  2. Contents Ⅰ immunity and immunology Ⅱ immunologic function Ⅲ immune system Ⅳ immune response Ⅴ immunologic application

  3. medicine immunology Total number of periods :36 periods time of giving lessons : references: 1 Yi Xue Mian Yi Xue,Chen Weifeng,2004,4rd Ed 2 Cellular and Molecular Immunology,Abbas, 2004, 5th Ed 3 Immunobiology,Janeway, 2004, 6th Ed Department of immunology, medicine school of Shanghai, Fudan University

  4. Ⅰ immunity and immunology IMMUNITY ←← IMMUNIS (EXEMPT)

  5. Brief development history of immunology 430 B.C. Thucydides individuals who had recovered from certain infectious diseases were thereafter protected from the disease. 1798Jenner Vaccination 1880 Pasteur attenuated fowl cholera vaccine 1890Behring/Kitasato antitoxin―humoral immunity 1883Metchnikoff phagocytose―cell mediated immunity 1945Owen/Burnet immune toleration theory 1959Burnet clonal-selection theory

  6. Ancient Chinese is performing variolation. Edward Jenner is vaccinating cowpox.

  7. Edward Jenner(1749-1823) Edward Jenner memorial hall(previous house)

  8. Louis Pasteur,1822-1893 Microbiologist, France Emil Adolf von Behring,1854-1917 Bacteriologist, Germany

  9. Paul Ehrlich (1854~1915) Elie Metchnikoff (1845~1916)

  10. 1 Immunity the condition of being protected from infection by microorganisms or the effects of foreign molecules. 2 Immunology A science studying on organization and function of immune system

  11. Ⅱimmunologic function Biological effects of immune system on antigens during immune responds physiological effect---keeping normal homeostasis pathological effect----resulting in diseases

  12. Main function of immunity Defense Homeostasis Surveillance

  13. Physiological and pathological representation of immune response

  14. Ⅲ immune system dominate immune function execute immune effect comprise immune organs, immune cells and immune molecules

  15. 1. Immune organs center immune organs concept:places where immunocytes genesis, develop, differentiate and mature composition:bone marrow, thymus and bursa of Fabricius (which is one of Avian character) peripheral immune organs concept:places where mature T, B lymphocytes resident and contact with antigens and carry out immune response composition:lymphonode, spleen, mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue

  16. The cellular organization of the human thymus

  17. Organization of a lymph node

  18. 2. immunocytes all cells that participate inimmune response and their precursors. Immune Competent Cell,ICC cells participating in innate immune response NK, macrophage, granular leukocytes, monocyte, mast cell, B1-B cells participating inadaptive immune responseT、B、APC

  19. Lymphocytes(T,B) Dendritic cell NK cell Monocyte/macrophage neutrophil eosinophil basophil Mast cell erythrocyte platelet Immunocytes

  20. 3 immune molecules immunoglobulin, MHC, complement, cytokine et al

  21. ⅣImmune Response The whole process including antigen recognition and antigen elimination . 1 Innate Immune Response:non-specific, inborn barrier phagocytosis normal humor component 2 Adaptive Immune Response:specific, acquired humor immunity cell immunity mucosa local immunity

  22. Comparison between innate immunity and adaptive immunity

  23. Adaptive immunity Humor immunity cell immunity antibody Bacterial component kill bacteria Target cell kill IFNγ chemokine apoptosis Mon/Mφ Active/attract Innate immunity Relationship between innate immunity and adaptive immunity

  24. Character of immune response (adaptive immunity) Specificity Adaptiveness Discrimination Diversity Memory Transferability Immunotolerance

  25. Ⅴ immunologic application 1 contribution of immunology to biomedicine smallpox extinction by immunization 1959 11th WHA motion,1967 19th WHA priming 1977 the last patient naturally infected, 1979.10.26 extinction Nobel Prizes for medicine and physiology 1901( the first):Behring serotherapy 2005 (the 95th) : 19 times for immunology and associated science immmunology is a crucial medicine science pathogeny associated with immunology diagnose, prevent and treat drawing assistance from immunology immunology is a key life science explain vital phenomenon explore life rule

  26. 2 The contribution of immunology to disease diagnosis 3 The contribution of immunology to disease prevention 4 The contribution of immunology to disease treatment

  27. To master basic conceptions of immunity, immunology and immune function • To be familiar with the construction and function of immune organs and immunocytes • To understand brief development history of immunology and its position in medicine

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