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Navigating the Shift: Leadership in the Information Age

Explore the transformation from Industrial Age to Information Age leadership models, focusing on empowering employees, embracing change, and prioritizing customer satisfaction.

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Navigating the Shift: Leadership in the Information Age

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  1. Leadership 2000 The New Supervisor and Director for the Next Century. paulclayton@earthlink.net

  2. Leaders Need to Understand Authority is a luxury they no longer have.

  3. “If they take away my title, will they follow me?” Ask Yourself this

  4. New Operating System Experience is not as valuable as it used to be –only their ability to adjust, adapt, and leverage that experience it.

  5. New Operating System The paradigm shift of freedom versus responsibility, recognizing that the name of the game now is giving people freedom so they can prove that they are responsible

  6. Two Operating Systems Industrial Age Oriented “Traditional” Information Age Oriented

  7. Industrial Commodity Tool, buildings, merchandise. “He who controls the tools controls the system.”

  8. People Then Less educated / Dependence on managers with education to tell them what to do. “Father Knows Best” Society more formal.

  9. People Then Speed was slow / Get across the country in 10 days Parochial

  10. Industrial Era Life was Stable Linear Sequential Work Process Mediocre Expectations and Services

  11. Industrial Era One Size Fits All Not much competition He who owned the tolls controlled.

  12. Industrial Era Centralized Preoccupation with rules and regulations Hierarchical chains of command Country smaller /sluggish

  13. Information Age The New Operating System

  14. New Commodity We are in an information society. we are out of the industrial society. Before things were a commodity of value, today information is the value. Today the most influential person is the disgruntled worker.

  15. People Now Educated / informed from media Less formal

  16. People Now Expect speed Global

  17. Information Age Rapid Change Networked Process Using Technology Expectations of Excellence

  18. Information Age Customized Services Global Competition Fiscal Constraints

  19. Cutting Red Tape A Shift from a system in which people are accountable for following the rules to a system in which they are accountable for achieving results

  20. Putting Employees First Listen carefully to their employees using surveys and focus groups Use incentives that drive their employees to put customers first

  21. Empowering Employees-for Results Empowering front line workers to make more of their own decisions and solve more of their own problems. Embrace labor management cooperation, provide training and other tools for employees for Humanizing the workplace.

  22. Industrial Find it in statutes, rules, and policies. Authority-based Do things right. Information Find it in mission, vision, strategy, and values Customer-based Do the Right things Defining Purpose

  23. Industrial Adherence to rule and procedure Supervision, audits,hearings,grievances Information Results that customers value Self-directed work teams. What Matters

  24. Industrial Interests of the organization are paramount. Quality is defined by experts. Information Interests of customers and employee are paramount. Quality defined by customers /experts / employee Work is organized toward

  25. Industrial Control is focused on inputs. At the top and through the chain of command. Compliance is focused on enforcement. Information Control is focused on results customers value. Through customer /employee chain of value Motivating people to comply How it is controlled

  26. Industrial Assume people will screw up: build system of controls to prevent them from doing so. Formal hierarchy is important; focus on your job,specialization Information Assume people will perform; empower them to succeed. Flexibility important: focus on big picture Conditions Employees

  27. The Catalytic Manager Traditional: Authority Based Information Age: Separate policy decisions (steering) from service delivery (rowing).

  28. Employee Centered • Traditional:Manager does all / employees become depended on manager, no control • Information: Employee Based, advisory groups, surveys, Self-directed work teams.

  29. Mission-Driven Business Traditional: Make money follow rules. Information:Turns employees free to pursue the business mission with the most effective methods they can find.

  30. Result-oriented Traditional: Focus on inputs, ignores pays little attention to outcomes Information: Focus on outcomes, dedication factor

  31. Customer-Driven Traditional :Pay does not come from customer satisfaction, one size fits all. No complaints your ok. Information:Changes rules to help the needs of the customer and employee. Focus is on customer satisfaction.

  32. Anticipatory Traditional: Write employee up in order to solving problems. Information: Spends time and energy and training in order to prevent worker dissatisfaction.

  33. Decentralized Traditional: Hierarchy top down. Informational: Participation and Teamwork Example: TQM, Quality Circles, Labor Management Committees, Employee Development Programs, Attitude Surveys

  34. Here’s How • Create a clear sense of mission. • Steer more, row less. • Delegate authority and responsibility. • Replace regulations with incentives.

  35. Here’s How • Develop pay based on outcomes. • Measure our success by customer satisfaction and income.

  36. Survey of employees: • 68% “it is important to believe that their work was appreciated by others.” • 63% “said they would like more recognition for their work.” • 67% “agreed that most people need appreciation for their work.” • 8% “thought people should not look for praise.”

  37. Train your employees up-front • Urine Test up front or suggestion of it on the application. • Spend an hour, morning or day with director / president. • Introduce to all employees

  38. An executive must learn to be a leader who is... • more of a symphony conductor • an architect • a coach • not a general, an authoritarian type

  39. The day of the know–everything manager is over they do not know everything and everybody knows they don’t know everything.

  40. Old Operating System; • manager had the knowledge and • the power was based on that knowledge. You had insight. • People weren’t going to make decisions unless you said it

  41. New Operating System • The object now is to take the brilliance of the ideas of the people who work with you and focus them… • to affect the direction of the business, • to affect growth, and to affect strategic issues.

  42. New Operating System • new unit of business is the individual, not the company. • person can carry around the computing power that a medium-size company had in 1985

  43. New Operating System • Their marketplace is not domestic, it’s global. • They are fundamentally going to have to change the way they lead and manage people. • The speed of change is only going to be faster.

  44. Things are moving so fast that if you hold onto your experience too long, you’ll get trapped into old ways of looking at things.

  45. New Operating System Can you learn faster then the person next to you.

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