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Central Statistics Office (CSO) Botswana. Improvement on Vital Statistics and Vital Registration Presentation By Goaletsa B. Kesetse. Civil Registration.
Central Statistics Office (CSO)Botswana Improvement on Vital Statistics and Vital Registration Presentation By Goaletsa B. Kesetse
Civil Registration • Civil Registration is a system that registers the occurrence of the events of births, deaths and marriages. The registered information can be compiled as vital statistics providing the frequency and characteristics of the vital events.
DATA SOURCES FOR VITAL STATISTICS • Central Statistics Office obtains vital statistics from Population censuses, sample surveys and administrative records. • The last Botswana Population census was in 2001. There are several sample surveys between two censuses but not all of them provide vital statistics
DATA SOURCES FOR VITAL STATISTICS contn…. • Civil registration can also be used to capture vital events. The registration of births and deaths in Botswana started in 1966. • When registration of vital events started it was compulsory only in towns and major villages while in other places it was not compulsory to register
DATA COLLECTION PROCESS Births and Deaths and Marriages
DEATHS • Registration of births and deaths is done at the health institutions by the health practitioner, by completing forms after confirmation of a death. • The completed forms are sent to district registration office for data capture and issuance of certificate.
BIRTHS • The registration of births is also done at health institutions by practitioner. Births and deaths data capture system is such that it can be accessed from head office in Gaborone.
MARRIAGES • The processed marriage forms are sent to the Department of Civil Registration for issuance of marriage certificate at respective districts. Copies of all marriages occurring are then sent to the Headquarters of Civil Registration for archiving. CSO has access to the forms from data capture is done.
PROCESSING AND DISSEMINATION OF VITAL STATISTICS • Central Statistics Office through Demography Unit extracts vital events statistics from vital events registers kept by the department of Civil Registration. • The data for births and deaths is computerised and is available online for Central Statistics Office
Lack Promptness and completeness of registration • Even though registration of vital events is decentralised to districts people still register when need arises e.g. When a child goes to school or when beneficiaries of the deceased have to place a claim with an insurance company.
Incompleteness of data • Marriage data is easy to capture but the only problem is that not all marriages are captured. There are traditional marriages that are processed by the village chief/kgosi. These marriages are not registered with the Department of Civil Registration. • Even for births and deaths, not all of them are registered.
Inaccessibility of registration centres • The wide dispersion of the population and the remoteness of rural areas from centres where the local registration offices are located also pose a problem for registration of vital events.
Lack of harmonisation between CSO and Civil and National Registration Office • CSO uses SPSS for analysis while Civil and National Registration Office database is oracle based. This creates a problem since there is a problem of lack IT officer who are conversant with oracle. • Furthermore the CNRO districts do not conform to census districts which are used in CSO