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Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) AFCEA Luncheon Presentation Eatontown, NJ Oct 20, 2011

Veterans Affairs Major Initiatives Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (MI 4) Veterans Benefits Management System (MI 2) Veterans Relationship Management (MI 6) AFCEA Luncheon Presentation Eatontown, NJ Oct 20, 2011.

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Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER) AFCEA Luncheon Presentation Eatontown, NJ Oct 20, 2011

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  1. Veterans Affairs Major InitiativesVirtual Lifetime Electronic Record (MI 4)Veterans Benefits Management System (MI 2)Veterans Relationship Management (MI 6) AFCEA Luncheon PresentationEatontown, NJOct 20, 2011

  2. Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record (VLER)AFCEA Luncheon PresentationEatontown, NJOct 20, 2011 Presented by: Bill Porter Technology Acquisition Center Program Advisory Office on behalf of Gerry Lowe, VLER IT Lead

  3. The President’s direction forms the basis for the VLER strategy “Both Departments will work together to define and build a system that will ultimately contain administrative and medical information from the day an individual enters military service throughout their military career, and after they leave the military.” President Barack Obama April 09, 2009

  4. What is VLER? • The goal of VLER is to establish the interoperability and communication environment necessary to facilitate the rapid exchange of patient and beneficiary information between public and private partners yielding consolidated, coherent and consistent access to electronic records that will enrich support for health, benefits and personnel activities. • Sharing of reliable data from the best possible source. • D-A-T-A S-H-A-R-I-N-G

  5. What VLER is NOT • VLER is NOT Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN)- NwHIN is a program within VLER which provides a specific data-sharing technology. • VLER is NOT an Electronic Health Record (EHR), though we apologize for the misnomer and the fact that “electronic record” appears in our name. • EHR will shortly become it’s own initiative and rumor has it will supplant VLER as the Secretary’s “favorite”.

  6. Who Will Use VLER? • Department of Veterans Affairs • Veterans Health Administration • Veterans Benefit Administration • Department of Defense • All four branches of the military • United States Coast Guard • Other Federal Partners • Indian Health Services • Private Sector • Health Systems • Primary Care Physicians • Specialists • Veterans • Blue Button

  7. The VLER Initiative Structure • Office of Acquisition Operations Technology Acquisition Center • Program Advisory Office • Advise and Assist the Major Initiative Team on Acquisition • Provide insight to Senior Acquisition Personnel Executive Product Management Office (EPMO) • Governance & Executive Level Reporting • Strategic Direction • Requirements Management/Brokerage “Desk Kicking” • Information Technology Program Management Office (IT PMO) • Program/Project Managers • Developers

  8. How is the VLER Initiative Organized?

  9. VLER IT PMO: A Closer Look at What We Do (Well!) • Execution & Implementation • Utilizes the Program Management Accountability System (PMAS) to ensure compliance • Budget Formulation • Quad Charts, Budget Tracking Tool (BTT), Enterprise Project Schedule (EPS), and OMB Exhibit 300’s • Acquisition Execution • Development & Support BPAs, SPAWAR, “Legacy” vehicles • Creation and implementation of a robust/scalable Architecture • Create and Monitor a network of project schedules which roll up to an Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) • Standardization of operational support across all programs in VLER- a competency within a competency

  10. Eating the VLER Elephant • Implement a common architecture to drive the sharing technology (NwHIN is the backbone) • Leverage this technology across all four VLER program areas rather than create stove pipe solutions • Process is referred to as “convergence” • In a broader sense- decompose features into four (4) VLER capability areas, or “VCAs”

  11. VLER – the approach Veteran perspective Provider perspective Create VCA 1 Health data for a clinical encounter Demonstrate Deploy Create VCA 2 Health data for a disability adjudication Demonstrate Deploy VLER VCA 3 Non-health data for benefits Create Demonstrate Deploy VCA 4 Portal for Service members and Veterans Create Demonstrate Deploy

  12. …and when is the aperitif served? • Full Operational Capability represented by culmination of VCA 4 is expected to be achieved by December 2014.

  13. Questions?

  14. Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS)AFCEA Luncheon PresentationEatontown, NJOct 20, 2011 Presented by: Chris Swenarton Technology Acquisition Center Program Advisory Office

  15. What is VBMS? VBMS is a paperless claims processing system • New application suite that… • Enables paperless claims processing • Enhances paper-based claims processing to highest degree possible • Business practices that… • Implement paperless claims workflow • Incorporate best practices into the paperless environment • Enterprise data services that enable external and inter-departmental communications, e.g. VRM, VLER • Technology platform based on Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles that… • Is the foundation for future application development at VBA • Incorporates legacy data and applications, e.g. VETSNET

  16. Why is VA Investing in VBMS? • We must eliminate the paper from our process • Our current paper-based system is inefficient and slow • Wastes time • Wastes human resources • Creates bottlenecks • Makes it hard to communicate and share information with our Veterans and stakeholders • Provides VA with critical tool needed to break the back of the backlog • Improved timeliness through claims process automation • Efficient use of resources, regardless of geographic location • Platform for implementing improved business processes • Quality improvement by eliminating human error and guiding humans to ensure proper actions are taken

  17. What Does VBMS Do? • Automates claims processing • Improving timeliness and quality • Eliminates much of the data entry (human) errors • Lets Claims Processors focus on data instead of paper • Search for evidence electronically • Automatically connect submissions to claims tracking to correspondence • Collaboration between teams members and locations • Future: Enables rule based claims development & rating • Set the stage for ‘big’ process changes • Allows VBA to measure performance & product quality • Makes process restructuring possible • Changes the way we deliver IT via a modern technology platform • Begins to let us truly leverage market technology (i.e. COTS) • Improves code maintenance and delivery • Let business update correspondence/rules without IT

  18. How Does VBMS Work? • VBMS combines business process re-engineering and software • Software has 4 major components • Document Storage • Smart docs • Scanned images • Electronic data • Data about a Veteran (aka the corporate database) • Data about the claim • Corporate database ‘stuff’ (end products, contentions, status) • A single application user interface

  19. VBMS Deployment Strategy This chart illustrates the methodology behind the VBMS Phasing strategy. During Phase 1, the primary focus will be on software and software delivery. As additional phases begin and the software matures, the focus will shift towards business process optimization supported by software. Business Process Bias Area of Focus Software Bias

  20. VBMS Major Milestones

  21. Phase I • Providence, RI Regional Office • Site of Business Transformation Lab (BTL) • Experience testing paperless processes • Small, well-run office • Ease of access for vendors, VBMS leadership, stakeholders • Nov 2010 – Nov 2011 • Goal: test the software, proof of concept

  22. Veteran Paper Claim VBMS Phase I 6 3 5 1 2 4 VBMS Pilot 1 app VETSNET apps Correspondence app Providence, RI Regional office Paper Claim NARA Scanning/QA Digital Claim Folder St. Louis, MO Filenet Image Repository; VBMS Servers AIDE, Teremark, Va. • Paper Claim sent to Regional Office (RO). Paper Claim forwarded to St. Louis, MO. Smart scanned to create Digital Claim Folder. VA Data Center Corporate Database Austin, TX 3. Digital Claim Folder sent electronically to IR at AIDE, Teremark 4. VBMS apps and IR accessed via VPN by VSRs at Providence, RI RO 5. VSRs process claim w VBMS/VETSNET apps; store results in Corporate DB at Austin TX 6. VBMS Correspondence app used to communicate results to Veteran

  23. Phase II • One additional site (Salt Lake City, UT, RO) • May 2011 – May 2012 • Goals: • test full application flow • demonstrate scalability (offices, users, claims) • begin to test automated process flows and/or automated decision recommendations

  24. Phase III • At least one additional site (TBD) • Nov 2011 – Nov 2012 • Goals: • Tune software for production • Demonstrate scalability (offices, users, claims) • Continue to test automated process flows and automated decision recommendations • Validate production business processes prior to nationwide rollout • Baseline timeliness and quality gains

  25. Business Process Re-engineeringVeterans Benefits Management Assistance Program (VBMAP) • Focuses on Claims Development segment • Grant 805,000 Veterans access to My eBenefits • Gathered all required evidence for up to 300,000 claims • Returned all evidence electronically to the VA

  26. Summary • VBMS Phase I deployed to two Regional Offices • VBMS-Core software focuses on claims management and electronic content • “Hundreds” of claims processed • VBMS Phase II in development • Re-factored VBMS-Core, VBMS-Correspondence Engine, VBMS-Rating • Addresses scalability concerns • Additional ROs • VBMS Phase III initiated • Focuses on integration with revised Business Practices • Fully integrated VETSNET applications • Additional ROs • National Roll-Out under contract in FY12

  27. The VBMS Initiative Structure • Office of Acquisition Operations Technology Acquisition Center • Program Advisory Office • Advise and Assist the Major Initiative Team on Acquisition • Provide insight to Senior Acquisition Personnel Executive Product Management Office (EPMO) • Governance & Executive Level Reporting • Strategic Direction • Requirements Management/Brokerage “Desk Kicking” • Information Technology Program Management Office (IT PMO) • Program/Project Managers • Developers

  28. Questions?

  29. Veterans Relationship ManagementAFCEA Luncheon PresentationEatontown, NJOct 20, 2011 Presented by: Jim Sintic Technology Acquisition Center Program Advisory Office On behalf of: Leo Phelan, Director VRM IT PMO

  30. What is VRM? The Veterans Relationship Management Program (VRM) will provide the capabilities required to achieve on-demand access to comprehensive VA services and benefits in a consistent, user-centric manner to enhance Veterans, their families, and their agents’ self-service experience through a multi-channel customer relationship management approach. Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise"

  31. VRM Focus The VRM focus will include modernization of voice telephony, unification of public contact representative desktops, development of cross-VA knowledge base system, Veteran identity and access management, implementation of customer relationship management systems (CRM), and integrating self-service capabilities with multiple communication channels to empower Veterans. Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise"

  32. VRM Strategic Business Objectives • Improve efficiency by facilitating anytime, anywhere access via web to promote self service and access to personalized information • Ensure that Veterans and beneficiaries have access to accurate and consistent information on benefits and services through one knowledge base • Streamline and improve internal business processes in order to provide high quality experiences for Veterans and their beneficiaries • Improve transparency and provide seamless support across all touch points • Improve ability to measure service quality • Improve VA’s ability to successfully resolve Veterans and beneficiaries’ issues on the first contact • Allow Veterans to receive care in VA and community care centers at reduced burden to Veterans through the implementation of an industry standard Beneficiary identification Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise"

  33. VRM Vision Veterans, Dependents, and Trusted Partners VRM will provide the capabilities required to achieve on-demand access to comprehensive VA services and benefits to enhance Veterans, their families, and their agent’s self-service experience. Telephone Mail Fax Web Email In Person Includes other external interfaces Multi-Channel Veterans Relationship Management (VRM) Standard Open Architecture and Common Services Customer Relationship Management Knowledge Management Voice Access Modernization Identity & Access Management Web Self Service Unified Desktop Enterprise-wide: VBA, VHA, NCA, BVA Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise"

  34. Benefits to Veterans • Ability to receive accurate answers to inquiries in a consistent and timely manner • Reduced wait time • Inquiries answered correctly on the first attempt • Minimal need to call different numbers • Ability to effectively perform self-service • Through robust, veteran centric channels • Within a secure environment • Available on-demand, 24/7 VRM Goal: Improve the speed, accuracy, and efficiency in which information is exchanged between veterans and the VA, regardless of the communications method (phone, web, email, and social media). Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise"

  35. Benefits to VA • Efficient, enterprise-wide contact management will provide a broadened understanding of Veteran needs and lead to more effective decision making. • Enhanced self-service capabilities will allow management to reallocate VA staff normally focused on telephone or public contact. • An enterprise knowledge base will empower VA staff with timely, accurate, and consistent information to better serve our clients. • Integrating applications into a single desktop view will allow VA staff rapid access to authoritative business systems and decrease Veteran wait time. • Satisfied VA staff empowered with the “right” tools, in a federated environment will lead to: • Reduction in attrition • Savings in costs for recruiting, hiring, and training replacement staff due to turnover Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise"

  36. Guiding Principles for our Future Direction In Person Fax Effective VA Enterprise Business Operations Mail Veterans Relationship Management Email Veterans, Dependents, and Trusted Partners Telephone Web Veteran Experience Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise" • Focus on Veteran’s perspective • Comprehensive, on demand info • Consistent answers and seamless support across touch points • Implement web-based capabilities with user-centered design • Ensure Security and Privacy • Protect information • Use a consistent approach • Support effective VA business processes (VBMS, VLER) • Support self-service • Consider all VA needs including those of external partners • Ensure new and existing initiatives align with this vision

  37. End State Veterans & Beneficiaries Contact Center Self Service (Web) Email Mail Other State Agencies Private Health Facilities Other Fed Agencies ESB Enabling Services IAM Services Other Enabling Services Internal • Telephony • CTI/IVR • Call forwarding • Call recording • Intelligent call routing • Call traffic reports • Call back option • Natural language recognition Phone/IVR Contact Center • Single sign-on • Authentication • Identity Mgt • Identity Correlation • Provisioning • Access Mgt • Proofing • VIC • PKI Enabling • Audit & Compliance • Credentialing • Electronic signature • PIV • Common Security Framework IAM IAM VIERS Data Access Services Knowledge Mgt ** Web VADIR Unified Desktop VADIR VADIR ** Data Svcs External One VA Portal Framework ** VLER DoD Admin Email Data Svcs VIP Reporting & Analysis Knowledge Mgt Other agencies (VBA, NCA, VHA) Employees & Contractors VONAPP NOA Data Svcs Clinical Users CHAMPVA Member Services Mail VTA Self-service Registration MyHealtheVet DoD, Other Agencies Eligibility Auto-enrollment eBenefits DoD Health Military history service Volunteers, VSOs Facilities VBMS Customer Relationship Management HealtheVet Private Sector Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise" Out of VRM Scope

  38. VRM Definition and Approach Scope – High-Level Work Breakdown Structure The identified business and technical capability needs drive the need to develop and deliver core standardized functions: VRM Voice Access Modernization Identity & Access Mgt CRM/Unified Desktop Web Self-Service Knowledge Management Member Services Technical Integration Program Support Operations & Maintenance Intelligent call routing OneVA Identity Management CRM Portal OneVA Knowledge Base Middleware Architecture Program Mgt Call recording Identity Proofing Unified Desktop Content Knowledge Mgt Sys Enterprise Svc Bus Integration Security & Privacy CTI eAuthentication Telephony Integration Self-service External info integration Data Access Svcs Testing Integration Mgt Language recognition Credentialing Workflow automation Audit Standards Oversight & Performance Call back option Single sign-on SOS Planning QA/Test, Training Registration Warm transfers PKI Enablement Requirements Mgt Eligibility Call traffic report Provisioning Acquisitions Enrollment Common Sec Framework Risk Mgt ERM Common Services Compliance & Audit Communication Financials Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise" 39

  39. Organization Management Framework IMS Risk & Issue Mgt Perf.Mgt Comm. & Mgt. Reporting Deliver Objectives Change Control Business Mgt Technical Mgt Executive Steering Committee Strategic direction, scope priorities Program Management Office Overarching Integrated Product Team Program Manager Advisory (business, technical, compliance) Management Support Each functional workstream will be managed by co-leads, as a joint effort between the business and IT. Integration and oversight Workstreams Voice Access Modernization (VAM) Identity & Access Mgt (IAM) CRM)/ Unified Desktop Web Self-Service Knowledge Management Member Services Program Support Technical Integration (architecture, testing, standards, SOS planning) Operations & Maintenance Interagency Collaboration Program Executive Office "Enabling Seamless Access across the Federal Enterprise" 40

  40. The VRM Initiative Structure • Office of Acquisition Operations Technology Acquisition Center • Program Advisory Office • Advise and Assist the Major Initiative Team on Acquisition • Provide insight to Senior Acquisition Personnel Executive Product Management Office (EPMO) • Governance & Executive Level Reporting • Strategic Direction • Requirements Management/Brokerage “Desk Kicking” • Information Technology Program Management Office (IT PMO) • Program/Project Managers • Developers

  41. Questions?

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