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Download the video or audio files to maximize your learning experience. This lesson covers Tashah-hud and the importance of understanding its meanings. Learn how to bring La-ilaha Illallah into your life and the significance of the phrase. Develop a habit of devoting time to studying the Qur'an daily and cultivate the right attitude to enhance your learning journey.
To get maximum benefit from the lessons, please download the .wmv or .3pg (video) file or mp3 file and watch it along with the .pps files. Change the slide whenever you hear AllahuAkbar in the background. Short Course Begin to Understand Qur’an & Salah – The Easy Way Lesson No. 15 www.understandquran.com Make sure you download the fonts sent with the email or visit the website and download them.
DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check Tashah-hud (Zikr recited while sitting after every 2 raka’ah) Memorize the meanings of each word thoroughly.
DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check تشھّد اَلتَّحِيَّاتُ ِ للهِ وَالصَّلَوَاتُ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَاالنَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَتُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه، 75*
DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check تشھّد ... اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْنَا وَعَلَىٰ عِبَادِ اللهِ الصَّالِحِينَ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَّ إِلـٰـهَ إِلاَّ الله ُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُه، وَرَسُولُه،
DPPR Ask Propagate Understand I+G Evaluate Plan Check Bringing La-ilaha Illallah in our life! O Allah! Help me worship you only! Propagate the message to billions of non-Muslims. How many times did I make my nafs as my Ilaah (god), i.e., do I obey it? Why is it happening? Bad friends? Bad gadgets? Bad habits? Plan accordingly. Be with good people.
While saying لا إله إلاّ الله • Remember the death • "He whose last words are: `La ilaha illallah' (There is no true god except Allah) will enter Jannah.'‘ [Abu Dawud]. • "Exhort your dying men to recite: `La ilaha illallah' (There is no true god except Allah).'‘ [Muslim].
Stories • An emergency doctor in an Arab Muslim country saw more than 10 dying in front of him (in his career). Only 1 or 2 recited Kalimah. • A son told his dying father, “Dad, Say Lailaha Illallah.” Father said: Son, I want to say it but I am not able to!” • A girl (accident victim) when asked to say Lailaha illallah did not respond. But after a while started singing with a low voice and then died.
قواعد – Grammar Take a deep breath now and do all the exercises with TPI.
Eye pieces! • Suppose, if in an accident, someone’s eyes gets shattered to 78,000 pieces and the doctor says: “Here are the pieces, just pick them up, put them in the eye socket, and you will get your sight back.” Imagine with what love and enthusiasm, he will pick them? • We are blind and deaf (as we read Qur’an). These exercises give us the ‘sight’ to know what Allah says! Do these grammar practices with love.
فَعَلَ کے ابواب (styles) 1. فَتَحَ، يَفْتَحُ 2. نَصَر، يَنْصُرُ 3. ضَرَبَ، يَضْرِبُ ... 4. سَمِعَ، يَسْمَعُ
122* 2. نَصَرَ، يَنْصُرُ .. رَازِق، مَرْزُوق رِزْق عربوں کو سمجھائیے
78* 2. نَصَرَ، يَنْصُرُ .. دَاخِل، مَدْخُول دُخُول 90% of the 78 forms are the ones we are practicing (shown here). When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs
143* 2. نَصَرَ، يَنْصُرُ .. عَابِد، مَعْبُود عِبَادَة 90% of the 143 forms are the ones we are practicing (shown here). When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs
فَتَحَ، جَعَلَ، فَعَلَ 1. فَتَحَ، يَفْتَحُ 2. نَصَر، يَنْصُرُ 3. ضَرَبَ، يَضْرِبُ ... 4. سَمِعَ، يَسْمَعُ نَصَرَ، خَلَقَ، كَفَرَ، ذَكَرَ، رَزَقَ، دَخَلَ، عَبَدَ
Habit • To succeed in any area, develop a habit (doing something regularly). • If you want to be physically fit, you have to have a habit of exercise. • If you want to excel in exams, you have to have a habit of studying regularly.
Similarly… If you want to learn Qur’an and develop the relationship with Allah, … Develop a habit of devoting sometime for the Qur’an daily.
What is a Habit? Knowledge What? Why? Attitude Do I want to? Skill How? HABIT
Knowledge + Skill + Attitude • You already have knowledge (why to study the Qur’an), and skill (how to learn Qur’an). • All that is remaining now is: Attitude, i.e., Do I want to give time and effort for learning Qur’an. Do I have desire to learn. • If you stop studying Qur’an, focus on your attitude instead of looking for books and teachers.
Develop the Attitude • InshaAllah. Plus 2 Homeworks (the supplications) help a lot to develop exactly the same. • The remaining tips will focus more on developing this attitude, inshaAllah.
What have we learnt? Study the material thoroughly, and then fill up the work sheet in the .pdf file sent with the email.
Be ready for the next lesson! Don’t give up! سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحَانَكَ اللهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ نَشْهَدُ أَن لاَّ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ نَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ