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History of GIS Past, Present, and Future

History of GIS Past, Present, and Future. Week 2 April 03, 2014 Department of RS and GISc Institute of Space Technology, Karachi. Spatial Information is all about Where is What ?. Map were conventionally used to answer this question!. Mapping through History of Mankind. Few Glimpses.

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History of GIS Past, Present, and Future

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  1. History of GISPast, Present, and Future Week 2 April 03, 2014 Department of RS and GISc Institute of Space Technology, Karachi

  2. Spatial Information is all about Where is What? Map were conventionally used to answer this question!

  3. Mapping through History of Mankind Few Glimpses

  4. The first route map showing the whole of the Roman world (366–335 B.C.)

  5. Modern Age PRE-GIS ERA • Before GIS revolution the link between Where and What was by the traditional, manually drafted map • The tools used were pens, rulers, planimeters, dot grids, and paper sheets • Historical use of map was for navigation to know the location of physical features

  6. First printed Atlas of the world by legendary geographer Claudius Ptolemy (150 A.D.) • Map projections of a spherical earth and use of latitude and longitude to characterize position -Claudius Ptolemy (Alexandria, Egypt) (north arrow notation)

  7. Contour maps showing curves of equal value: an isogonic map, lines of equal magnetic declination for the world, (Edmond Halley, England) (1701) • Geological map (distribution of soils, minerals)- Johann Friedrich von Charpentier, Germany (1778) • Maps of the Battle of Yorktown (American Revolution) drawn by the French Cartographer Louis-Alexandre Berthier contained hinged overlays to show troop movements (1781)

  8. Statistical map of production in Europe, possibly the first economic and thematic map (shows geographic distribution of 56 commodities produced in Europe)- August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome , Germany (1782) • First topographical map- Marcellin du Carla-Boniface , France (1782)

  9. First maps of the incidence of disease (yellow fever), using dots and circles to show individual occurrences in waterfront areas of New York by Valentine Seaman (1798)

  10. The first large-scale geological map of England and Wales (William Smith, England) (1801) • First graph of isotherms, showing mean temperature around the world by latitude and longitude (Alexander von Humboldt - Germany) (1817)

  11. Map with shadings from black to white (distribution and intensity of illiteracy in France), the first choropleth map, and perhaps the first modern statistical map (Pierre Charles Dupin, France). (1819) A choropleth map is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map

  12. Choropleth Map • Map which shows regions or areas which have the same characteristics • 0, 1, 2 = light shade • 3, 4, 5 = Medium shade • 6, 7, 8 = Dark shade

  13. First simple dot map of population, 1 dot = 10,000 people— Armand Joseph Fr`ere de Montizon – France (1830)

  14. First published flow maps, showing transportation by means of shaded lines, widths proportional to amount (passengers)— (Henry Drury Harness, Ireland) (1837)

  15. Dr. John Snow mapped cholera deaths in London and used geographical analysis to trace the outbreak to a contaminated well (dot map to display epidemiological data)- 1854 (or 1855)

  16. Pictogram, used to represent data by icons proportional to a number- Michael George Mulhall , England (1884)

  17. Pictogram

  18. Street maps of London, showing poverty and wealth by color coding - Charles Booth (1889) BLACK: Lowest class. Vicious, semi-criminal. DARK BLUE: Very poor, casual. Chronic want. LIGHT BLUE: Poor. 18 shillings. to 21s. a week for a moderate family PURPLE: Mixed. Some comfortable others poor PINK: Fairly comfortable. Good ordinary earnings. RED: Middle class. Well-to-do. YELLOW: Upper-middle and Upper classes. Wealthy

  19. 1944 • Harvard's Mark I, the first digital computer, put in service. Officially known as the ``IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator'' (ASCC), “The first actual cause of a bug being found”

  20. GIS BIRTH – Late 1960s • 1960s - start of quantitative decision making and widespread use of mathematical modeling • Analysis of mapped data is a new perspective • Map utilization from physical description of geographic space to new geospatial concepts and tools • interpreting mapped data • combining map layers • spatially characterizing and communicating complex spatial relationships • Change of paradigm from Descriptive to Prescriptive geography

  21. Computational power of computers provided the • means for efficient handling of voluminous data and • effective spatial analysis capabilities • Emergence of GIS = maps from images to ‘Mapped Data’

  22. Milestones: Late1950s-Late 1960s • Late 1950s • Digitized traffic flow data by transportation planners in USA • University of Washington Geography students developed spatial statistics, analytical operations and computer aided mapping • 1957 • With the launch of Sputnik1, mounting of cameras on orbiting spacecraft becomes possible 1: a series of robotic spacecraft missions launched by the Soviet Union

  23. 1958 • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is established  • 1959 • First plotter appeared • Late 1950s early 1960s • Transistor based computers developed (by University of Manchester) • Allowed processing of geographic data • Output limited to tables

  24. 1960 • First meteorological satellite, TIROS-1 (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) is launched by NASA  • 1962 • USSR’s first COSMOS satellite is launched • Britain’s first satellite Ariel is launched • 1963 • Development of Canada Geographic Information Systems (CGIS) commences, led by Roger Tom Linson, to analyze Canada’s national inventory • 1964 • The Harvard Lab for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, Harvard University, US is established by Howard Fisher • 1965 • U.S. Bureau of Census creates the Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) data format • DIME was refined into the TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) format

  25. 1966 • Howard Fisher develops SYMAP (Synagraphic Mapping System), a pioneering automated computer mapping application, at the Northwestern Technology Institute, University of Chicago and completed it at the Harvard Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis • 1968 • Apollo 8 Space program returns the first pictures of the Earth from deep space.  • The first Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) is developed and launched by NASA in 1968. Later on it was transferred to NOAA for day-to-day activities • 1969 • Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) was established by Jack and Laura Dangermond • Intergraph Corporation established by Jim Meadlock • First Man landed on Moon

  26. Beginning Years – 1970s • Beginning of Digital Mapping • Map editing becomes easy in computer mapping • Updates of resource maps can be done very quickly • Change in the format of mapped data— from analog to digital

  27. Milestones • 1970 • Operational System for collecting information about the earth on a repetitive schedule starts with the help of the instruments like Skylab (later, the Space Shuttle)  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is established.  • 1971 • The Canada Geographic Information System (CGIS) becomes fully operational. 

  28. 1971-1972 • Microprocessor developed • 1972 • Remote Sensing (RS) in GIS began with the launch of the first LANDSAT satellite (originally known as ERTS-1) by NASA that was dedicated to mapping natural and cultural resources on land and ocean surfaces • 1973 • Maryland Automatic Geographic Information (MAGI), one of the first statewide GIS projects begins in US • Internet developed

  29. 1974 • The first Synchronous Meteorological Satellite, SMS-1 operational prototype is launched by NASA for NOAA • The first International Symposium on Computer Assisted Cartography (later becomes AUTOCARTO) is held in Reston (Virginia).

  30. 1977 • The USGS develops the Digital Line Graph (DLG) spatial data format • 1978 • ERDAS leading developer of desktop geospatial software solutions is founded • First version of Arc/Info by ESRI developed

  31. Adolescent Years– 1980s • Development of Spatial Database Management Systems • Mapping capabilities of computer linked with traditional database management capabilities • It became possible to: • Retrieve information about map location • Retrieve/select location given specific set of conditions

  32. Two types of Data Model selected • Vector (discrete spatial objects) • Raster (continuous map surface) • Improvement in digitizing equipment - manual digitizing tablets to automated scanners • Insurance of compatibility among systems addressed for digital maps by several sectors • Government agencies took initiative on data standardization, decreased redundancy, and data sharing • Map encoding and database design emerged as an industry • Market demand for digital products

  33. Milestones • 1981 • First IBM PC released • ESRI held its first User Conference, attended by 16 people • 1982 • First commercially available software of ESRI ArcInfo 1.0 released which ran on mainframe computers • 1980s • Pen plotters available to general public • 1984 • Geological Information System is prepared using a training package called MAPS from Yale University US

  34. 1985 • The GPS (Global Positioning System) becomes operational  • Development of GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System), a raster based GIS program, starts at the US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories • 1986 • ESRI's PC ARC/INFO1.0 released • The first SPOT satellite Earth Observation System is launched and designed by Centre National d’Etudes Spatial (CNES) in France and developed with the participation of Sweden and Belgium.  • MapInfo founded that developed the first desktop GIS product on the market

  35. Maturing Years– 1990s • Map analysis and Modeling- from descriptive query to prescriptive analysis of maps • Modern GIS packages combine traditional mathematical capabilities with an extensive set of advanced map processing operations

  36. Milestones • 1990s • PCs have enough power to run GIS • Ink jet plotters available • Internet and WWW • Client Server GIS • 1991 • MapInfo Professional launched • The first European Remote-Sensing Satellite (ERS-1) launched that carried radar altimeter • 1992 • The National Space Development Agency (NASDA), Japan launches JERS-1 satellite • GeoEye founded

  37. 1994 • National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) is formed in US by an executive order of President Bill Clinton  • International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) is established  • 1995 • RADARSAT – 1 satellite is launched. (Canadian Satellite)

  38. 1996 • Japan’s ‘Advanced Earth Observation Satellite’ is launched.  • 1997 • The University of Minnesota (UMN) released MapServer 1.0, an open source development environment for building spatially-enabled Internet applications (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/). • ESRI released ArcView Internet Map Server (IMS), a commercial tool for publishing GIS data over the Internet.  • 1999 • Landsat 7 carrying Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) is launched. (Landsat 8 launched recently - 2013) • IKONOS is launched

  39. GIS Today and Future • Primary use of GIS is same (manage, and analyze data, and communicate information) • Implementation technology evolving • Broader application areas • Broad adoption of GIS – at everyone's desk, PDA, cell phone, etc.

  40. GIS Today and Future • Next generation satellites • High resolution satellite RS, high storage capacity, super high capacity network, real time data availability and display (continuous sensor derived data at web portal), future predictive modeling display • New application areas: GIS as methodology for the analysis on spheres* • Other planets • Human brain * Ron Briggs UT Dallas, 2007

  41. Scientists from the RAND corporation have created this model in 1954 to illustrate how a “Home Computer “ could look like in the year 2004. So… How will you model the Computer for the year 2060

  42. Summary • As far as basic principles are concerned, GIS is not a new technology • Computer-based GIS is in use since late 1960s • Computer hardware developed the capacity to provide cartographic output • Computer systems become more robust in terms of speed and memory • Computers become cheaper and smaller • From 2-D map display to 3-D visualization to 4-D incorporation of time to 5, 6, 7-D incorporation of touch, sound and smell

  43. Reference • http://www.gisdevelopment.net/history/index.htm • http://www.innovativegis.com/basis/MapAnalysis/Topic27/Topic27.htm#Early • http://mama.indstate.edu/users/gejdg/447wk2.pdf • Milestones in the history of thematic cartography, statistical graphics, and data visualization by Michael Friendly August 24,2009: http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/milestone/milestone.pdf • Most of the slides are taken from Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli’s lecture notes.

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