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Simultaneous Linear Equations

Simultaneous Linear Equations. Gaussian Elimination. Gaussian Elimination. One of the most popular techniques for solving simultaneous linear equations of the form Consists of 2 steps 1. Forward Elimination of Unknowns. 2. Back Substitution. Forward Elimination.

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Simultaneous Linear Equations

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  1. Simultaneous Linear Equations Gaussian Elimination

  2. Gaussian Elimination One of the most popular techniques for solving simultaneous linear equations of the form Consists of 2 steps 1. Forward Elimination of Unknowns. 2. Back Substitution

  3. Forward Elimination The goal of Forward Elimination is to transform the coefficient matrix into an Upper Triangular Matrix

  4. Forward Elimination Linear Equations A set of n equations and n unknowns . . . . . .

  5. Forward Elimination Transform to an Upper Triangular Matrix Step 1: Eliminate x1 in 2ndequation using equation 1 as the pivot equation Which will yield

  6. Forward Elimination Pivot = (a(2,1)/a(1,1)) For i=1:var+1 i:all element in the same equation a(2,i) = a(2,i) - (pivot * a(1,i) ) end Zeroing out the coefficient of x1 in the 2nd equation. Subtract this equation from 2nd equation

  7. This procedure is repeated for the remaining equations to reduce the set of equations as For j=1+1:var j: all equations 1: to eleminate x1 Pivot = (a( j,1)/a(1,1)) For i=1:var+1 a( j ,i) = a( j ,i) - (pivot * a(1,i) ) End end . . . . . .

  8. Forward Elimination Step 2: Eliminate x2 in the 3rdequation. Equivalent to eliminating x1 in the 2nd equation using equation 2 as the pivot equation. This procedure is repeated for the remaining equations to reduce the set of equations

  9. Forward Elimination Continue this procedure by using the third equation as the pivot equation and so on. • For nx=1:var-1 xn:all the x in all equations • For j=nx+1:var j: all equations • Pivot = (a( j,nx)/a(nx,nx)) • For i=1:var+1i:all element in the same equation • a( j ,i) = a( j ,i) - (pivot * a(nx,i) ) • End • End • end

  10. At the end of (n-1) Forward Elimination steps, the system of equations will look like: . . . . . .

  11. Forward Elimination At the end of the Forward Elimination steps

  12. Back Substitution The goal of Back Substitution is to solve each of the equations using the upper triangular matrix. Example of a system of 3 equations

  13. Back Substitution Start with the last equation because it has only one unknown Solve the second from last equation using xn solved for previously. This solves for xn-1.

  14. Back Substitution Representing Back Substitution for all equations by formula For i=n-1, n-2,….,1 and

  15. For z= var : -1 : 1 • sum= 0 • For w=z+1 : 1 : var • Sum =sum+(a(z,w)*x(w)) • End • X(z)= (a(z,4)- sum) / a(z,z) • end

  16. Example: Rocket Velocity The upward velocity of a rocket is given at three different times

  17. Example: Rocket Velocity Forward Elimination: Step 1 Yields

  18. Example: Rocket Velocity Forward Elimination: Step 1 Yields

  19. Example: Rocket Velocity Forward Elimination: Step 2 Yields This is now ready for Back Substitution

  20. Example: Rocket Velocity Back Substitution: Solve for a3 using the third equation

  21. Example: Rocket Velocity Back Substitution: Solve for a2 using the second equation

  22. Example: Rocket Velocity Back Substitution:Solve for a1 using the first equation

  23. Example: Rocket Velocity Solution: The solution vector is The polynomial that passes through the three data points is then:

  24. Example: Rocket Velocity Solution: Substitute each value of t to find the corresponding velocity

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