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This article discusses the production and first field use of formate brines, specifically potassium and sodium formate, in gas and oil well drilling. It highlights key milestones and field applications in different countries, including Germany, USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, and Ecuador. The use of formate brines as drilling fluids, completion fluids, packer fluids, and suspension fluids is also mentioned.
Formate brines – Production and first field use - Milestones Start of deep HPHT gas well drilling with formates in Germany (Mobil, RWE, BEB) Potassium formate brines used in USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador First field use of sodium formate: Shell drills and completes first Draugen oil wells First field use of potassium formate (with Micromax) : Statoil drills and completes Gullfaks oil well First use of formate brine as packer fluid: Shell Dunlin A-14 1998 1997 1993 1994 1995 1996 Sodium formate powder available throughout, but no anti-caking additive. Draugen wells each produce 48,000 bbl oil /day 1995 - Potassium formate brine becomes available from Hydro Chemicals (now Addcon) in Porsgrunn – sold thru Forbrico Ltd 1997 - Cesium formate brine becomes available from Cabot Potassium formate from Addcon
Potassium formate brine has been produced at Porsgrunn since 1994 Production Site ADDCON NORDIC AS Storage tanks for raw materials Potassium formate from Addcon
Cesium formate produced by Cabot in Canada from pollucite ore Pollucite ore Cs0.7Na0.2Rb0.04Al0.9Si2.1O6·(H20) • Mined at Bernic Lake, Manitoba • Processed on site to Cs formate brine • Cs formate brine production 700 bbl/month Potassium formate from Addcon
Germany : Potassium formate brine has been used to drill deep HPHT gas wells since 1995 First use : ExxonMobil’s Walsrode field, onshore northern Germany - high-angle deep HPHT slim hole low perm gas wells TVD : 4,450-5,547 metres Reservoir: Sandstone 0.1-125 mD BHST : 157o C Section length: 345-650 m Drilling fluid: SG 1.45-1.55 K formate brine Potassium formate from Addcon
Potassium formate from Norway used in 15 deep HPHT gas well constructions in Germany ,1995-99 Further wells drilled for BEB and RWE-DEA in Germany with Porsgrunn’s potassium formate brines via Baroid (1997 onwards) Potassium formate from Addcon
Summary of potassium formate brine use in HPHT gas wells in Germany,1995-99 Potassium formate from Addcon
Formate brines – Some further important milestones : 1999-2004 First use of K/Cs formate brine : Completion job in Shearwater well (Shell UK) First drilling jobs with K/Cs formate brine: Huldra and Devenick First use of K/Cs formate brine as HPHT well suspension fluid (Elgin G-3) First use of Cs-weighted LSOBM as perforating completion fluid (Visund) First production of non-caking crystalline K formate at Porsgrunn Cs-weighted LSOBM used as OH screen completion fluid (Statfjord) First of 14 Kvitebjørn HPHT wells drilled and completed with K/Cs formate brines 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Formate brines used as packer fluids for HPHT wells in GOM. First well : ExxonMobil’s MO 822#7 (215oC BHST) in 2001 Use of Cs-weighted oil-based completion fluids for oil reservoirs : Visund, Statfjord, Njord, Gullfaks, Snorre , Oseberg, Rimfaks 2001 – present Individual Draugen oil wells (1993) and Visund oil wells (2003) have similar flow rates of around 50,000 bbl oil/day Potassium formate from Addcon
The first sustained use of K/Cs formate brine was in the world’s largest HPHT gas field development Elgin/Franklin field – UK North Sea Cesium formate brine used by TOTAL in 34 well construction operations in 8 deep gas fields in period 1999-2010 Potassium formate from Addcon