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Figurative language

Figurative language. By:Trevonta Giddens. Personification. The attribution of a personal nature or character to inanimate objects or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure. “The cars smiled as they drove down the rode.”. Alliteration.

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Figurative language

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  1. Figurative language By:Trevonta Giddens

  2. Personification • The attributionofapersonal nature or character to inanimateobjectsorabstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure. • “The cars smiled as they drove down the rode.”

  3. Alliteration • At thebeginningofeachwordoreach stressed syllableinalineofverse,asinaroundtherock the ragged rascal ran.

  4. Assonance • The useofthesame vowel soundwithdifferent consonants or thesameconsonantwithdifferentvowelsinsuccessive words orstressedsyllables,as in a lineof verse. • “In penitentandreticence.”

  5. Hyperbole • A deliberateexaggerationusedfor effect. • “its raining cats and dogs.”

  6. Onomatopoeia • The formationofwordswhosesound is imitativeofthe sound of the noise or actiondesignated,suchashiss,buzz,andbang.

  7. Metaphor • A figureofspeechin which aterm or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicableinordertosuggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortressisourGod.”

  8. Simile • A figureof speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in “she is like arose.”

  9. Imagery • The formation of mentalimages, figures, or likenesses of things,or of such imagescollectively:“the dim imagery of a dream.”

  10. Idiom • An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usualmeanings of its constituentelements,“as kick the bucket  or hangone'shead,” orfromthe general grammatical rulesofa language, asthetableroundforthe round table,  andthatisnot a constituentofa larger expression of like characteristics.

  11. Consonance • Correspondence of sounds; harmonyof sounds.

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