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GPB Updates

GPB Updates. Asec. Blesila A. Lantayona Harold’s Hotel, Cebu City July 2, 2014. OUTLINE. GPB Report Card Agency-wide Per Island Group By Region Implementation Plan Issues and Concerns Approval of GPB Projects Amounting to P1M above up to P9.999M Proposed GPB Coordinating Committee.

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GPB Updates

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  1. GPB Updates Asec. Blesila A. Lantayona Harold’s Hotel, Cebu City July 2, 2014

  2. OUTLINE • GPB Report Card • Agency-wide • Per Island Group • By Region • Implementation Plan • Issues and Concerns • Approval of GPB Projects Amounting to P1M above up to P9.999M • Proposed GPB Coordinating Committee

  3. A. DTI BuB Report Card As of May 2014

  4. DEFINITIONS • Proposed - The project has been proposed under the program but still has to undergo validation by the implementing agency • Pipelined - The project has been validated by the agency and is undergoing preparatory activities for project implementation • On-going - The implementation of the project has started and there is an already verifiable physical accomplishment • To be determined - The project will not be implemented by the implementing agency and may be subject to project replacement • Completed - The project has been physically completed

  5. 1. Agency Wide Note: Red figures Total no. of projects based on feedback from regions. No supporting documents yet.

  6. 2. Per Island Group SL: as of May 30 SL: as of 30 May 2014; others as of 30 April 2014

  7. 3. By Region

  8. B. Implementation Plan

  9. C. Issues and Concerns

  10. TOP 1O ISSUES AND CONCERNS Late submission of documents by LGUs No LGU focal person in charge of BuB/GPB No Project proposals (DTI need to prepare) Guidelines (delayed issuance, too many issuances) DTI not invited to LPRAT meetings Lack of information and understanding on GPB/BuB MOOE/CO concerns (realignment issues) Funding issues (fund transfer, lack of info on GPB funds) Lack of DTI manpower to implement BuB Replacement projects

  11. OTHER CONCERNS OTHER ISSUES AND CONCERNS DTI dependence audit geographical constraints inter agency coordination between NGAs in the regional level lack of DTI planning lack of interest from LGU reportorial requirements signing authority of RDs limited, need to bring to HO slow procurement who will implement LPRAT ( No CSO, no meetings, schedule issues) Menu of DTI projects not clear No DTI GPB team Political (SB resolutions not issued, new CSOs) Delay of processing documents in Head office Lack of technical expertise by LGU LGUs not aware of BuB/GPB Low priority of LCE on DTI BuB projects DTI other priorities - Yolanda/SSF

  12. D. Approval of GPB Projects Amounting to P1M above up to P9.999M • Signed MOA/Voucher • Confirmation of Intent of the LGU to implement the project • Seal of Good Housekeeping (2012) • Proof of municipality’s implementation of Public Financial Mgt. Improvement Plan • LGU org. chart • List of personnel assigned to the project • Approved project’s Work and Financial Plan Regions to send GPB MOAs for signature together with the necessary documentary requirements ROG checks for completeness of documents (within the day of receipt) Incomplete Docs Regions For corrections/actions ROG-Asec. signs cleared documents by Legal Service (within 1-3 days upon receipt from LS) Legal Service reviews GPB documents. (may take at least 5 working days)

  13. E. Creation of DTI Coordinating Committee on the Grassroots Participatory Budgeting (GPB) Chairperson : Assistant Secretary Blesila A. Lantayona, ROG Members : Director Mary Jean T. Pacheco, CPS Director Ireneo V. Vizmonte, FMS Project Manager Manuel B. Abad, CARP PMO A/Director Jerry T. Clavesillas, BSMED Secretariat : Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development (BSMED) * Status – signed by U/ZCM, currently with U/NKT for signature

  14. Creation of DTI Coordinating Committee on the Grassroots Participatory Budgeting (GPB) The functions of the Committee include, but are not limited to the following: • Recommend to the ROG Undersecretary strategic direction to guide and direct the implementation of GPB. • Evaluate the implementation of GPB, and recommend best courses of action that may be adopted to improve project implementation. • Ensure DTI’s prompt compliance to the M & E requirements of the oversight agencies. • Submit reports to ROG and MSG Undersecretaries on a regular basis. • Conduct regular meetings to review and coordinate project activities • Attend to meetings set by the oversight agencies.

  15. Creation of DTI Coordinating Committee on the Grassroots Participatory Budgeting (GPB) A Regional GPB Focal Person and a Provincial GPB focal person shall be designated by the Regional Director/Provincial Director. Under the supervision of the Regional/Provincial Director, the focal persons are expected to: • Coordinate the timely and efficient implementation of GPB. • Consolidate and submit reports to the regional office in case of the Provincial focal person and to the Secretariat cc the GPB Committee Chair in case of the Regional focal person. • Inform the Secretariat of the issues and concerns arising from the implementation. • Relay to the LGUs matters regarding GPB project implementation coming from Head Office.

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