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C a n d y C a n e. I am the candy cane and I was made in the seventeenth century in Europe. From then I have been part of the Christmas celebration.
CandyCane I am the candy cane and I was made in the seventeenth century in Europe. From then I have been part of the Christmas celebration. If you turn me upside down I'm a J for Jesus, who was born on Christmas day. The red blood on me is the blood representing Jesus as he was whipped and bled terribly. Today people give me with gifts and in cards. I come in lots of flavours. My role is to be hung on Christmas trees. Abbey Williams
Christmas Cards I originated in London 1843. John Callcott in England made me 150 years ago. The first picture on me was a family together with a small child, drinking wine together. Today I’m a greeting card sent as a part of the Christmas tradition. Years ago the Christmas card showed religious pictures of Mary, Jesus or Joseph, but now they show pictures of romantic , funny, cute and jokes. I became a Christmas tradition when a small business sent me to everyone on their consumer list soon the tale began to spread and and people kept coming back to buy me so I was moved to a multi-national business in Ireland and was bought and sent to family and friends at Christmas time. Merry Christmas! Briony Woodbridge
Christmas tree According to history I came from Germany almost 1000 year ago. Families set me up in their homes to resemble me and used in a religious play that was popular at Christmas time. Some people believed that I was created by St. Boniface in the 7th century. I am an oak tree or a fir tree. People decorate me by hanging ornaments off me. Sometimes people put little angels or stars on the top of me. I am all different colours sometimes I am white, red, evergreenand black. BridieMcanalen
Candy Cane Before I start I’m a candy cane a popular sweet treat . I first started in Germany a long time ago then I became a very popular sweet treat and spread To justify the practice of giving candy to children during worship service, he asked the candy maker to add a crook to the top of each stick, which would help children remember the shepherds who paid visit to infant . In addition he used the white colour of the converted sticks to teach children about the Christian belief in the sinless life of Jesus. From Germany, the candy canes spread to other parts of Europe but today I’m just a popular treat at Christmas and some times hung on Christmas trees but I believe my role is to make kids happy. Abbey Hobson
Holly According to history, I came from Northern Europe. I was first celebrated as a plant of great importance and was a type of offering to the God Saturn. Christians believe that I help in driving away the evil spirits. During Christmas time, I usually am hung on doorsand windows to prevent the entry of witches and evil spirits. The tradition of me spread throughout the world by people travelling and telling other people about me. Chloe Hughes
CHRISTMAS TREE I originated in Germany but was first used before the Egyptian civilization. The word about me spread around America in the 1800s because of the travelling Germans. I am used today as a fancy house decorationbut some people just use me for presents. My role is to be decorated and loved by each and every family in the world. Gus Killen
Christmas Tree Hi there, I’m the Christmas Tree. Not your every day Christmas Tree. I amTHEChristmas Tree. Almost 1.000 years ago, I , the Christmas Tree came about in Germany. I have to thank this man, he is very popular man. He is Martin Luther, a founder of the Protestant Faith. One evening he was walking through the forest on Christmas Eve and Martin Luther’s eyes were taken away by this beautiful tree. He cut the tree down and took it home to his family. I spread through out countries and came a tradition to many across the world. I am used as a decoration at Christmas time and to put presents under. One of my roles are to make my family and all families houses be in the Christmas spirit. JACINTA GONANO
Stocking I am the Christmas stocking. I was first used in Europe. Children used one of their everyday socks for stockings. Eventually Christmas stockings were invented. In the morning children would find lollies and other treats in me.Children would fill me up with straw, carrots, and sugar for Santa's reindeer’s to eat. Paige
Christmas Tree The Christmas tree originated from Germany. They made the Christmas tree to represent Christmas. The Germans first used the Christmas tree. The Christmas Tree is used to celebrate and remember Christmas by having a tree toput presents under. The Christmas tree spread through the world by travellers and tourists going from one place to another. Sam Breen
Santa Claus I was originally St. Nicholas. I came from Turkey. People call me all different names across the globe. In one country they call me Sinterklaas,Father Christmas and a lot of other names. On Christmas night Saint Nicholaswent to the poor people’s house and gave them little gifts like a peace of fruit or a little toy. St. Nicolas wore a green coat and red gloves he carried a case on his back full of toys. All gave poor and rich people gifts some of the names aren't really used any more like St. Nicolas. The popular names now are Santa, Santa Claus and Father Christmas. TaylaBlann
CHRISTMAS TREE I originally came from Germany in the 16th century. The Germans first used me and I soon spread throughout Europe and America in the 1800’s which then soon spread around the world. The first use of me occurred in the 16th century in Germany, where I was used to celebrate the 24th December holiday called "The Feast of Adam and Eve." Back then I was called a “Paradise Tree" and I was believed to be related to the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ discussed in the book of Genesis. Rahni Bruce
Christmas stockings I came from Italy. People came to see me and started to bring me to other countries. I'm stuffed with candy. My role is to bring joy and candy to kids all over the world. Indiana Hoffmann
Christmas Tree I was from Germany. I was used by Germans and then after people travelled from Germany It spread across the world. I occurred in the 16th century where I was first used. Before they called me Christmas tree I was named Paradise Tree and was thought to be related to the tree of knowledge. I was an ancient symbol of life in the midst winter. The Romans used me as a decoration in their homes for the new year. Now I’m still being used as a decoration. TahneeBaker