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Service Mind. by. Asst. Prof. Dr. Tayawan Kakham. S ervice M ind. S = Smile E = Enthusiasm R = Rapidness V = Value I = Impression C = Courtesy E = Endurance. M = Make Believe I = Insist N = Necessitate D = Devote. Service mind. Born to be
Service Mind by Asst. Prof. Dr. Tayawan Kakham
ServiceMind S = Smile E = Enthusiasm R = Rapidness V = Value I = Impression C =Courtesy E = Endurance M = Make Believe I = Insist N = Necessitate D = Devote
Service mind Born to be • Like to serve, to help, to make others feel comfortable. • Happy when others are happy • a good heart Service behavior • Trained to be • Do not have good behavior • Lack of life practice in their manner • Lack of experience
Hotel business • Tourism • Hospital • Supermarket • etc. What service behaviors are expected in
To train people to be “Service minded” Trainers • Must be sharp • Use spiritual motivation techniques • Emphasize “training is for their own development” “The staff are good, the organization is good.” “Executives must be good examples, not just good commentators.”
Philippines • Desire to please customers and be accepted by them • Focus on a positive response (sometimesbreak the rules) • Make customers feel special • A lot of flexibility / case – to - case
Japan 3 foundational requirements are needed in services 1. good behaviors - punctuality at all times - showing of respect, politeness - refinement of speech 2. personal appearance - clean, and neatly dressed, wearing appropriate clothes 3. environment - space must be clean and orderly Attention to details : packaging and quality of service
Singapore The Sigaporeans take a western standard approach to service - efficient - consistent - less flexibility in bending the rules
India The ability to provide the “best” solution to a need or wish - try to know what the customer needs - try to deliver the output within deadlines - try to give “ more” in quantity than the customer wants - Politeness and good social skills are not as important as “more”
China “ A low cost producer of goods” - Chinese producers - Chinese customers Take the “good enough” attitude of quality “If one expects a low price, don’t expect a high level of service”
Thailand Thai service - service with a smile - Culture of “kraeng – jai” (thoughtful to others’feelings) - Calm nature and patience - the attitude of “ mai pen rai” (no problem)
USA -prompt and friendly reply to emails or phone calls. - attend to their customers with a smile - treat customers as equals as “pals” (friends) - use informal language and conversation - “help” not “serve” customers
Here are some tips that may help: • Be clear and specific about service expectations : what is needed and what is not needed. • Use globally accepted standards of quality. • Shorten feedback and try to see output on a frequent basis. Do not assume that ‘no news is good news’. • Reward the desired behavior. When you feel that the level of service is good, express your satisfaction • Make sure that the common language used (usually English) is well understood. • When calling for service with a service center e.g. a telephone company, ask for the name of the person and call him by his name. Write down you spoke to and of which department. “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
References http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_service_mind http://mai-bs.com/blog/service-mind-behaviour-and-how-to-be-excellent/ http://www.intercultural.nl/Publications-Detail.aspx?