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Explore the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation's Compliance and Enforcement perspective, focusing on risk-based, evidence-based, transparent, effective, consistent, and responsive regulatory principles. Understand how compliance and enforcement actions are undertaken, ensuring clarity, fairness, and consistency across sectors.
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Compliance, Enforcement and Emerging Risk the Regulators’ Perspective Stuart Cowie Executive Director, Compliance and Enforcement
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation assumes responsibility for all environment and water regulation, creating a ‘one stop shop’ for industry and developers and greater opportunity for streamlining and simplifying regulation.
Regulatory Best Practice Principles (Interim) Risk based • Regulate to ensure no unacceptable risk to public health, the environment or water resources. • Regulatory decisions proportionate to the level of risk posed to public health, the environment and water resources. • Resources targeted to the greatest risks to public health, the environment and water resources. Evidence based • Evidence-based approach based on best available information including sound science. Transparent • Consult with stakeholders (regulatory policies and guidelines). • Clear publicly available information for consistent and well understood decision-making. • Procedural fairness to all regulatory functions. Effective regulation across government • Work collaboratively with other regulators to share information and avoid unnecessary regulatory duplication. Consistent • Actions consistent with legislation and within statutory powers. • Outcomes consistent and predictable for similar circumstances. Responsive • Respond in an effective and timely manner.
Compliance and enforcement principles In undertaking its compliance and enforcement functions, DWER will apply its best practice regulatory principles, as follows: 1. Risk based • Compliance monitoring will be targeted to the premises, activities and water resources that represent, or are at, the greatest level of risk. • Enforcement action will be taken proportionate to the magnitude or seriousness of the alleged offence and based on the level of risk to public health, the environmental or water resources. 2. Evidence based • Evidence will be used to guide decision making on enforcement responses including when not to take action.
Compliance and enforcement principles (cont) 3. Transparent • Compliance obligations will be clearly communicated to industry, community and government. • The principles of procedural fairness will be applied during compliance monitoring and in the application of enforcement responses. 4. Effective regulation across government • Compliance monitoring and enforcement action will be taken based on the department’s statutory obligations and with regard to other regulatory agencies’ roles and responsibilities. • Enforcement action will be taken to achieve the best environmental and community outcomes and based on whether it is in public interest to do so.
Compliance and enforcementprinciples (cont) 5. Consistent • Compliance monitoring and enforcement action will be applied consistently across all sectors of industry, the community and government. • Enforcement action will only be taken when the statutory prerequisite for that action has been satisfied. 6. Responsive • Decisions on enforcement action will be made in a timely manner.