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Chapter 3 Building Blocks. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Architectural Barriers Program.
Chapter 3 Building Blocks Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards
Texas Department of Licensing and RegulationArchitectural Barriers Program
This presentation will identify the compliance requirements of the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS).
The elements and spaces to be discussed during this presentation are addressed in Chapter 3 and in limited cases, Chapter 2, of the 2012 TAS and include the following:
Technical: 302 301 General
Chapter 3 - Building Blocks The provisions of Chapter 3 shall apply where required by Chapter 2 or where referenced by a requirement in this document (301.1).
What are Building Blocks? Defined as: “Elements or components contributing to a plan or system.” 308 Reach Ranges 309 Operable Parts 307 Protruding Objects 302 Floor or Ground Surfaces 303 Changes in Level 304 Turning Space 305 Clear Floor or Ground Space 306 Knee and Toe Clearance The components of Chapter 3 create the basic system for building accessible rooms, elements, and spaces.
Technical: 302 302Floor or Ground Surfaces
302.1 General Floor or Ground Surfaces Floor or ground surfaces shall be stable, firm, and slip resistant and shall comply with 302. The following excerpts from Advisory 302.1 address the minimum requirements for stable, firm, and slip resistant surfaces.
What is a stable surface? One that remains unchangedby contaminants or applied force, so that when the contaminant or force is removed, the surface returns to its original condition. Grass and sod surfaces are not prohibited, however, they typically will not meet this criteria.
What is a firm surface? One that resists deformation by either indentations or particles moving on its surface. Soft or loose materials such as sand, gravel, bark, mulch, or wood chips surfaces do not meet this criteria.
What is slip resistance? One that provides sufficient frictional counterforce to the forces exerted in walking to permit safe ambulation. Slip resistance is the most controversial and difficult to measure since there are many types of surfaces and testing methods and compliance is applicable when wet or dry. In 2009, the National Floor Safety Institute issued the ANSI/NFSI B101.1 which is a new national safety standard for testing dry, hardsurfaces.
It was recommended to DOJ that they apply an American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) standard (with modifications) to the 2010 SAD to assess whether or not a floor surface is "slip resistant”… DOJ declined the recommendation since there is no generally accepted test method for the slip-resistance of all walking surfaces under allconditions.
However, DOJ did include ASTM standards in the 2010 SAD applicable to safe surfaces under and around playground equipment. • ASTM standards are referenced in: • 105.2.3(Referenced Standards) • 1008.2.6 (Play Areas: Ground Surfaces)
What surfaces have the “ADA /TAS – Seal of Approval”? None…neither DOJ nor TDLR endorses or approves any products or manufacturers. ADA-Approved ADA-Certified TAS-Compliant Compliance is typically dependent on the installation and maintenance.
Example: Exposed Aggregate (Concrete with small pebbles) • Some factors that affect compliance with 302: • Size of aggregate • Tamping and leveling of the aggregate
302.1 Floor or Ground Surface Exception 1 Within animal containment areas, floor and ground surfaces shall not be required to be stable, firm, or slip resistant. Notapplicable to public circulation routes where animals may travel, such as in petting zoos (Advisory 203.12).
302.1 Floor or Ground Surface Exception 2 Areas of sport activity shall not be required to comply with 302. Area of Sport Activity. That portion of a room or space where the play or practice of a sport occurs (106.5.9).
302.2 Carpet • Carpet or carpet tile shall: • be securely attached • have a firm cushion, pad or backing or no cushion or pad.
302.2 Carpet, Contd. Pad • Carpet or carpet tile shall have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture. • Pile height shall be exceed ½” maximum. Level Cut Pile • Thickness is measured to the backing, cushion, or pad (302.2 Advisory).
302.2 Carpet, Contd. • Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to floor surfaces and shall have trim on the entire length of the exposed edge. • Carpet trim shall comply with 303.
Roll Resistance Carpets and permanently affixed mats can significantly increase the amount of force (roll resistance) needed to propel a wheelchair over a surface (Advisory 302.2). • The firmer the carpeting and backing, the lower the roll resistance (Advisory 302.2).
302.3 Openings No longer called “gratings” • Openings in floor or ground surfaces shall not allow passage of a sphere more than ½” diameter except as allowed. • Elongated openings • shall be placed so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.
Technical: 303 303Changes in Level
303.1 Changes in Level General Where changes in level are permitted in floor or ground surfaces, they shall comply with 303. Where changes in level are not permitted, the surface must be level (slope of 1:48 max.).
Changes in Level Not Permitted • Turning Space (304.2)* • Clear Floor and Ground Space (305.2)* • Door Maneuvering Clearance (404.2.4.4)* • Ramp Runs (405.4) • Landings (405.7.1)* *Slopes not steeper than 1:48 permitted.
Changes in Level Not Permitted • Parking Spaces and Access Aisles (502.4)* • Passenger Loading Zones (503.4)* • Stair Treads (504.4)* • Surfaces- Assembly Wheelchair Spaces (802.1.1)* *Slopes not steeper than 1:48 permitted.
303.1 Changes in Level Exception 1 Animal containment areas shall not be required to comply with 303. Not applicable to public circulation routes alongside animal pens in a State Fairs (203.12 Advisory).
303.1 Changes in Level Exception 2 Areas of sport activity shall not be required to comply with 303.
303.2 Vertical Changes in Level Changes in level of 1/4 inch high maximum shall be permitted to be vertical.
303.3 Beveled Changes in Level Changes in level between 1/4 inch high minimum and 1/2 inch high maximum shall be beveled with a slope no steeper than 1:12.
303.4 Ramps Changes in level Changes in level greater than 1/2 inch shall be ramped, and shall comply with 405 (ramps) or 406 (curb ramps).
Technical: 304 304Turning Space
Floor and ground surfaces of a turning space shall comply with 302. Changes in level are not permitted. 304.2 Floor or Ground Surfaces Turning Spaces
Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. 304.2 Floor or Ground Surfaces Exception
304.3 Size Turning Space • Turning space shall comply with 304.3.1 and 304.3.2. Circular Space (304.3.1) T-Shaped Space (304.3.2)
304.3.1 Circular Space • The turning space shall be a space 60 inches diameter minimum. • The space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with 306.
The turning space shall be a T-shaped space within a 60 inch square minimum with arms and a base 36 inches wide minimum. 304.3.2 T-Shaped Space Arms – shall be clear of obstructions 12” minimum in each direction. Base – shall be clear of obstructions 24” minimum. Arm Arm Base
304.3.2 T-Shaped Space, Contd. The space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance complying with 306 only at the end of either the base or one arm. EXAMPLE: Knee and toe clearance at base of “T” (See Advisory 809.2.2) 60” front of “T” shall always be unobstructed. Base Arm
Doors shall be permitted to swing into turning spaces. 304.4 Door Swing Turning Space
Technical: 305 305Clear Floor or Ground Space
Floor or ground surfaces of a clear floor or ground space shall comply with 302. Changes in level are not permitted. 305.2 Floor or Ground Space
Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. 305.2 Floor or Ground Space Exception
The clear floor or ground space shall be 30 inches minimum by 48 inches minimum. 305.3 Size
305.4 Knee and Toe Clearance Unless Otherwise Specified… …clear floor or ground space shall be permitted to include knee and toe clearance.
305.5 Position Unless Otherwise Specified… …clear floor or ground space shall be positioned for either a forward or parallel approach to an element.
One full unobstructed side of the clear floor or ground space shall adjoin an accessible route or adjoin another clear floor or ground space. 305.6 Approach
Where a clear floor or ground space is located in an alcove or otherwise confined on all or part of three sides, additional maneuvering clearance shall be provided in accordance with 305.7.1 and 305.7.2. 305.7 Maneuvering Clearance Alcoves
Alcoves shall be 36 inches wide minimum where the depth exceeds 24 inches. 305.7.1 Forward Approach Alcoves The depth shall exceed 24 inches on both sides of the alcove depth.