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Review. 1) List at least 3 techniques used in propaganda 2) List at least 2 goals a government might want to accomplish with a propaganda poster 3) Describe one propaganda poster that was discussed yesterday. List the: country of origin the technique used the goal of the poster.

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  1. Review • 1) List at least 3 techniques used in propaganda • 2) List at least 2 goals a government might want to accomplish with a propaganda poster • 3) Describe one propaganda poster that was discussed yesterday. List the: • country of origin • the technique used • the goal of the poster

  2. Causes of America’s entrance into WWI

  3. Neutrality • In the beginning the United States wanted to remain neutral. • Wilson issues declaration of neutrality in 1914.

  4. Neutrality • Why did Wilson not want the U.S. to be involved in the war?

  5. What pulled America into the War • Unrestricted submarine warfare • The sinking of the Lusitania • Sussex Pledge is broken • The Zimmerman Telegram

  6. Unrestricted Submarine (u-boat) warfare • Germany would begin sinking ships without warning • In the Atlantic, around Britain

  7. Captured German U-boat in a British dry dock

  8. The Sinking of the Lusitania • British passenger liner that set sail from New York carrying American citizens. • It was sunk without warning on May 7, 1915 off the coast of Ireland

  9. The Sinking of the Lusitania • Over 1,100 died; 120+ were US citizens • Germans claimed the Lusitania was carrying contraband (war materials: guns, ammunition…) • They were right!

  10. The Sinking of the Lusitania

  11. United States Navy War Propaganda Poster

  12. RESULT of the Sinking of the Lusitania • Germany, despite promises, sunk another ship – The Sussex, killing 2 Americans • President Wilson protested and Germany issued the Sussex Pledge • passenger ships won’t be targeted • Merchant ships wont be either, unless presence of weapons is established

  13. Sussex Pledge • The Sussex Pledge broken: February 1, 1917 Germany continued unrestricted submarine warfare

  14. Zimmermann Telegram • March 1917 The Zimmermann telegram released • If the U.S. entered War against Central Powers, Mexico should attack the U.S. and receive as a reward: Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. • How do you think Americans felt about this?

  15. Zimmermann Telegram • Why would Germany want the U.S. to remain neutral?

  16. Zimmermann Telegram

  17. Zimmermann Telegram

  18. America Declares War • April 2, 1917 • President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war • April 6, 1917 Congress declares war!!

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