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E-commerce and regional innovation policies:

Explore the benefits, current situation, and initiatives promoting E-commerce growth in NRW through innovative projects and secure measures.

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E-commerce and regional innovation policies:

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  1. E-commerce and regional innovation policies: Marlies Diephaus Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour Nordrhein-Westfalen VERITE Conference: The changing role of supply chains in regional development Cardiff, February 20-21, 2003

  2. E-Commerce = Internet-Commerce • includes: • the value of all transactions resulting from a buyer's clicking an order button on the internet • The purchases from an individual or a business, for personal or work-related reasons • And it can be done from a PC, a Web TV or a mobile device. • In short E-Commerce includes the business-to-consumer and the business-to-business commerce.

  3. 20012005 Total Western European Internet Commerce (in billion Euro) 171.6 1,682.3 Germany B2C-Commerce 5.3 58.5 B2B-Commerce 39.7 388.5 United Kindom B2C-Commerce 5.9 43.8 B2B-Commerce 32.4 255.6 France B2C-Commerce 2.5 36.5 B2B-Commerce 18.6 241.1

  4. BENEFITS OF E-COMMERCE • Reducing costs an inefficiencies • Streamlining business processes • Forming tighter external collaborative networks with suppliers and customers in an attempt to built trust and loyalty • maintaining and increasing market share. • The big companies are realising the true value of E-Business. • But the small and medium sized companies (SMEs) are still reluctant to engage in E-Business.

  5. CURRENT SITUATION • 70 % of the medium-sized and small enterprises in Germany have their own homepage. • 21 % already use the web for electronic business. • 44 % plan to start with E-Business in the near future as they want to use the competition chances connected with it. • 54 % of the companies have already achieved a salesincrease with E-Business. • 85 % believe that their web-presentation will becomeprofitable after two years. • Source: MIND02 (IBM/Impulse-study) published in January 2002

  6. CURRENT SITUATION OF MEDIUM-SIZED AND SMALL ENTERPRISES • Provider and user do not speak the same language • IT-security is totally unimportant or not very important • IT-security risks are wrongly assessed • The chances of using electronic business applications are partly hampered by „homemade“ obstacles

  7. Initiative "Secure-it.nrw.2005" • Sensitize and increase • awareness in using • ICT and in using it • In a secure way Financial support of special projects to develop new multimedia application fields with relevance to security and data protection Show best-practise Publish brochures like "More safety for the internet shopping" Promote the development of innovative applications with a high reliability and security Support regional Security initiatives

  8. PROMOTION OF INNOVATIVE PROJECTS - COMPETITION »safe connected« Aim:Development of new multimedia application fields withrelevance to security and data protection • Subject and application focus, above all: • procurement, production, trade and logistics • transport, travel, tourism • financial services, fiscal matters, administration of justice • Results • 79 sketches handed in • 17 sketches are subsidizable over the Technology and Innovation Programme NRW (TIP) (=21.5 %)

  9. CURRENT MEASURES • Follow-up competition beginning at the end of February 2003, called "digital + secure" • Best practice investigations of innovative electronic business operations in medium-sized and small enterprises and public institutions in NRWAim: Public communication

  10. COMPETITION "digital + secure" in 2003 • promote projects which improves organizational structures and business processes in a secure way • Main focus: • e-government, e.g. interfaces which allow a secure and reliable coordination between the systems of the government and the companies • Supply chain management (SCM) • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) • Knowledge Management • E-billing • Mobile security

  11. Interest of the government to engage • strengthen the competitiveness e.g. of the SMEs by the use of innovative, secure and reliable IT-applications • Develop new fields of growth for the companies in NRW • Optimize the development of the companies in NRW • Secure and create new jobs • strengthen the attractivity of the location of NRW for start-ups and for new investors

  12. IMPORTANT PARTIAL AIMS • Fast expansion of E-Commerce and E-Government in NRW till 2005 • Spread of the electronic signature by means of a SmartCard with a high acceptance • Establishment of legal and technical standards • Development of a highest possible interoperability of different encryption and signature systems • Access of medium-sized and small enterprises to technical field tests and pilot applications

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