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Advanced Logical Effort

This article discusses the concept of equal slopes in logical effort, as well as finding the optimal path length for driving a given load. It also explores buffering techniques and handling multiple input paths in system design.

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Advanced Logical Effort

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  1. Advanced Logical Effort Bart Zeydel

  2. Logical Effort Outline • Equal Slopes Discussion • Optimal Path Length • Multiple Input paths • Complex Paths • Application to a Real Design Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  3. Dependent Voltage-Controlled Current Source Modeling of Gate Output Slope Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  4. Delay Definition Vt Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  5. More Details on Delay Model Not dependent on Wi however it is typically negligible Parasitic Capacitance approximately scales with Wi Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  6. Optimization Discussion Assume fi = fi+1 Plugging into our slope equation Only changes with f Equal stage effort results in equal slopes! Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  7. LE with Slopes Summary • Using equal stage effort achieves equal slopes • Similarly it can be shown that using equal slopes will result in equal stage effort • Justifies characterization setup - use equal input and output slopes to obtain g and p Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  8. Finding Optimal Path Length How many stages should we use to drive a given load? 1 stage? 2 stages? 3 stages? 4 stages? [Harris, Sutherland] Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  9. Finding Optimal Path Length Assume pinv = 1 f=64 1 stage Use LE to find delay. Td = 64 + pinv = 65 f=8 f=8 2 stages Td = 16 + 2pinv = 18 f=4 f=4 f=4 3 stages Td = 12 + 3pinv = 15 f=2.8 f=2.8 f=2.8 f=2.8 4 stages Td = 11.2 + 4pinv = 15.2 [Harris, Sutherland] Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  10. Finding Optimal Path Length Assume pinv = 1 f=8 f=8 Use LE to find delay. 2 stages Td = 16 + 2pinv = 18 Best f=4 f=4 f=4 3 stages Td = 15 f=2.8 f=2.8 f=2.8 f=2.8 4 stages Td = 15.2 Not far off… [Harris, Sutherland] Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  11. A General Buffering Case If we have a logic block and want to add inverters Parasitic delay of added inverters Effort Delay of path Parasitic delay of Logic Block [Harris, Weste] Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  12. A General Buffering Case Minimize with respect to N Assuming pinv = 0 yields the result F1/N= 2.71828 With pinv = 1 yields the result F1/N= 3.59 [Harris, Weste] Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  13. A General Buffering Case 1.51 1.26 1.15 (F1/N = 2.4) (F1/N = 6) 0.7 Observation: As long as F1/N is between 2.4 and 6 only 15% delay penalty [Harris, Sutherland] Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  14. Applying to General Design We can use this as a starting point to estimate the optimal number of stages for a given design All we have to do is determine F Adder Multiplier F = GBH F = GBH = log3.59F = log3.59F But to determine F, we have to already know the design…. Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  15. Applying to General Design If we already know the design, we might be able to quantify the “goodness” of a design. For example: 8 stages Adder F = GBH = 2150 = log3.59F = 6 But the adder has 8 stages (not 6)… Problem is that if we change the adder to 6 stages, the types of gates will change (G, P) and the branching (B) will change. Useful for simple structures. Difficult to apply to complex structures Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  16. Applying to General Design • So far we’ve handled simple paths… • What about when we handle the entire design? • Branching seems like a headache now… Does it get worse when we analyze the entire design? • How do we handle: - Multiple inputs - Different path lengths Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  17. Handling Multiple Input Paths Need to figure out how to size Path A, B and C… Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  18. Handling Multiple Input Paths Same idea as branching, make the delay of each path equal Td-A = Td-B = Td-C Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  19. Handling Multiple Input Paths • Path A and B have more branching than Path C… - possibly different F • Equal delay could mean Input A ≠ Input B Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  20. Handling Multiple Input Paths If all gates are inverters & H=32 C1 C2 C3 fA = (1*B*32)^(1/3) = 4.21 Td-A = 12.63 + 3pinv C4 C6 C5 fB = (1*B*32)^(1/3) = 4.21 Td-B = 12.63 + 4pinv fC (GBH)^(1/3) = 3.5 Size using f=4.21, Cout = 32 Td-C = 10.5 + 4pinv C5 = 2.41 C2 = 1.81 C3 = C6 = 7.6 C1 = 1 C4 = 0.5 Apply Logical Effort for each path (use same H for each) • Worst case delay determines worst case path - Use that f to size every path Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  21. Handling Multiple Input Paths • Can size for optimal delay simply by applying the same f to every gate in the design • As long as we determine sizing correctly, we can find worst case path by finding the largest input (defines H). • No need to do branching anymore… (of course now we have to handle the entire circuit) Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  22. Handling Multiple Input Paths Apply f = 3 C2 C1 C3 = 32 C4 = 32 C6 C5 C6 = 10.67 C3 = 10.67 C5 = 4.74 C2 = 3.56 C1 = 2.77 C4 = 1.58 Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  23. Handling Multiple Input Paths Apply f = 4 C2 C1 C3 = 32 C4 = 32 C6 C5 C6 = 8 C3 = 8 C5 = 2.67 C2 = 2 C1 = 1.17 C4 = 0.67 Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  24. Handling Multiple Input Paths • Can size every gate in a regular structure. • From these sizings we can estimate energy • can include parasitic and gate capacitance • switching (if you want) - HSPICE can be used to include crowbar and leakage • Problem… - What about branches with different number of gates? Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  25. Handling Different Path Lengths What if branches have the different lengths? 1 gate 2 gates Can LE still be applied? - yes… but no easy way… Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  26. Advanced Branching 1 gate Difficult to ratio C3 and C5… C5 Path B C1 C2 C4 C3 Path A 2 gates For the optimal solution, TA = TB Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  27. Advanced Branching 1 gate C5 Path B C1 C2 C4 C3 Path A 2 gates For Path B to have the same delay as Path A - Delay of the branches should be equal. f5 = f3 + f4 f1 = f2 Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  28. Advanced Branching 1 gate Solve for H=16 Note: Solution ignores parasitics C5 Path B C1 C2 C4 C3 Path A 2 gates Optimizing yields: f4 = 2.06 Hard to solve Requires numerical approach f5 = 4.12 f3 = 2.06 f2 = 2.76 Td = 9.65 + parasitics f1 = 2.76 What if we apply the equal f approach? Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  29. Advanced Branching 1 gate Solve for H=16 Note: Solution ignores parasitics C5 Path B C1 C2 C4 C3 Path A 2 gates Forcing f’s to be equal on the critical path yields: f4 = 2.44 f5 = 4.88 Solution Space Is relatively Flat f3 = 2.44 f2 = 2.44 Td = 9.76 + parasitics f1 = 2.44 Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  30. Advanced Branching (with Parasitics) Solve for H=16 1 gate C5 Path B C1 C2 C4 C3 Path A 2 gates Forcing f’s to be equal on the critical path yields: f4 = 1.98 Note: pinv = 1 f5 = 4.96 f3 = 1.98 f5 = f4 + f3 + parasitic diff. = 3.96 + 1 = 4.96 f2 = 2.7 Td = 9.36 + 4 f1 = 2.7 Can handle parasitics difference if we want… Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  31. Advanced Branching (with Parasitics) 1 gate Solve for H=16 C5 Path B C1 C2 C4 C3 Path A 2 gates Optimizing yields: f4 = 2.37 f5 = 5.74 Note: pinv = 1 f3 = 2.37 f5 = f4 + f3 + parasitic diff. = 4.74 + 1 = 5.74 f2 = 2.37 Td = 9.48 + 4 f1 = 2.37 Can handle parasitics difference if we want… Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

  32. Prof. V. G. Oklobdzija: High-Performance System Design

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