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This module covers the fundamentals of electrical systems, focusing on reducing energy bills. Topics include components of electricity, voltage, current, resistance, power, power factor, load factor, and more. Learn how to calculate energy consumption, improve power factor, and understand load factors to optimize energy efficiency and lower costs. Start your journey to becoming an Accredited Texas Energy Manager today!

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  1. ATEM MODULE 4: ELECTRICAL Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  2. Mechanical Systems Why Should You Begin One? How Do You Begin One?

  3. The Goal… • TO LOWER YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  4. Electricity is a Form of Energy • Three Basic Components of Electricity • Voltage • Current • Resistance Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  5. To Simplify… Let’s look at the physical definition of work Work = Force X Distance Force Distance Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  6. Pipe=Wire What is Current? Current is flow of electric charge through a medium Units: Amps Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  7. Pipe=Wire What is Resistance? Resistance is the opposition to flow of electric current Units: Ohms Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  8. What Increases Resistance? • Type of materials used for wire • Aluminum is more resistive to current flow, than copper • The length of the wire • The longer the wire, the more resistance to current flow will be present • The cross-sectional area of the wire • The smaller the wire diameter, the more resistance to current flow will be present Pipe=Wire Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  9. Electrical Distribution Losses Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  10. Three Basic Components of Electricity • How are the three basic components related? Ohm’s Law Voltage = Current x Resistance V = I x R Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  11. Liquid = Electric Charges Pipe=Wire What is Voltage? The electric potential difference Distance The amount of work that can be done by moving an electric charge a distance Units: Watts Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  12. Liquid = Electric Charges Pipe=Wire What is Power? How quickly electrical energy is transferred Distance The amount of work that can be done by moving an electric charge a distance Units: Watts Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  13. Electrical Power • We learned: • Ohm’s Law - V = I x R Power = Voltage x Time Wh = V x Hours Where: Wh = Watt hours Note: 1000 Wh = 1 KiloWattHour (kWh) Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  14. Not All Power Is Useful • Total • Apparent Power • Units: Volt-Ampere • Not Useful • Reactive Power • Units: Volt-Ampere Reactive • Useful • Real Power • Units: Watts • Not ALL of the energy made was transferred to the right place Pipe=Wire Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  15. Non-Useable Power • Inductive loads have high reactive power • T12 Ballasts • Large Motors • Arc Welders • Inductive Furnace Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  16. How Are the Powers Related? (Apparent Power)2 = (Real Power)2 + (Reactive Power)2 • Apparent Power • Total Power delivered to the building from the electricity utility company • Units: Volt-Ampere or VA • Real Power • Power that you were able to use • Units: Watts or W • Reactive Power • Power that you wasted • Units: Volt-Ampere Reactive or VAr Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  17. How is Power Related to Voltage and Current? • Apparent Power ( • Total Power delivered to the building from the electricity utility company • Units: Volt-Ampere or VA Single Phase Three Phase Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  18. What is kWh? kWh = (Watts/1000) x Number of Hours • The energy consumed over a period of time (usually 1 hour) Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  19. Understanding kWh 2,000 Watt fan that runs for 7 hours =2kW x 7 hours = 14kWh Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  20. Back to the Electric Bill… Power Consumed Apparent Power the building required

  21. What is Power Factor? • Power Factor is the ratio of the real power to the total power (apparent power) Power Factor = • Power factor will range from 0 to 1 or 0% to 100% Real Power (Watts) Apparent Power (Volt-Amps) Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  22. Power Factor Example Real Power (Watts) Apparent Power (Volt-Amps) Power Factor = Real Power (Watts) 728 VA 0.97 = Real Power = 706 kW Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  23. Power Factor Correction • Power factor correction will only decrease your electric bill, if the utility imposes a penalty on power factor • Why? • Because most utility companies charge customers on an hourly average of Real Power (Watt) consumption Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  24. What is Load Factor? • Load factor is how much energy is used in comparison to the total peak energy available Load Factor = Load Factor = Load Factor = = = 50% Total kWh consumed per billing period Total potential energy available Total kWh consumer per billing period Peak Demand in kW x billing period x 24 hrs/day 36,000 kWh 100 kW x 30 days x 24 hrs/day 36,000 kWh 72,000 kWh Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  25. Understanding Load Factor • Both low and high load factors can represent energy cost saving opportunities • High LF may mean that you shaved the Peak Demand or reduced your monthly consumption • Low LF may mean that you reduced you operating hours, to save kWh but didn’t improve the Peak Demand General Rule If LF>50%, focus attention on excessive consumption If LF<50%, focus attention on Peak Demand reduction Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  26. Peak Demand (KW) • Electric meters count the amount of KW used in a time period • Typical time period is 15 minutes or 30 minutes • The largest consumption per time period is the Peak Demand • There can be a “ratcheted” annual peak demand, summer peak demand (4CP), and/or a monthly peak demand Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  27. Poor Peak Demand energy management program: fundamentals and development

  28. Peak Demand energy management program: fundamentals and development

  29. Demand Limiting • The practice of limiting or reducing the peak demand each day • Typically performed with a BAS system turning off extraneous equipment, or diverting non-essential usage to non-peak hours of the day (e.g. thermal storage) Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  30. Demand Limiting energy management program: fundamentals and development

  31. Demand Limiting Ideas • Don’t run heavy loads from 1 pm – 7 pm • Instead use them at night • Kilns, computer on wheels, dishwashers, dryers • Cycle needed equipment so the entire group does not run in the same time period • Groups of RTUs or Split Systems Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  32. Peak Demand of Water Cooled vs. Air Cooled Chillers energy management program: fundamentals and development

  33. What can I do to lower my peak kW demand, lower total consumption, increase the load factor, and lower my electric bill? Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  34. Add VFD’s • Variable Frequency Drive • Varies the incoming frequency, in order to change the motor speed and torque • Typically install 1 VFD per motor • A VFD can run a motor efficiently • It can also soft start motors and lower the peak kW demand Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  35. Savings Example • A 15 Horsepower motor can be reduced from 60 Hz to 45 Hz Fan Affinity Law: Where: HP = horsepower N = speed = = 6.38 = 57.8% Savings! If pump runs for 1800 hours/year ($0.10 electricity) saves $1,163/year Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  36. Adding VFD’s • Real World Example • Added VFD’s to two 50 HP motors and evaluated the cost savings • Saved in a year • 190,126 kWh from total consumption • 47 kW from the Peak Demand TOTAL OF: $18, 326.35 Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  37. Change Indoor Lighting • Change incandescent lamps to fluorescent or LED type to save energy Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  38. Change Indoor Lighting • Fluorescent – Change T12 fluorescent lamps to T8 or T5 lamps, and its corresponding ballast (starts and drives the lamps) 4 Foot Lamp T12 = 40W T8 = 32W T5 = 28W Example Small Building 200 2’ x 4’ Fixtures 4 Lamps each T12 vs T5? 32,000W vs 22,400 W 9,600W Comparable light output for less wattage of electricity Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  39. Change Indoor Lighting • So, what does it mean in $$$$$? 9,600W x 270 occupied days/year x 9.5 hours/day = 24,624 kWh 24,624 kWh x 0.085540/kWh = $2,106.33 savings a year Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  40. Change Indoor Lighting energy management program: fundamentals and development

  41. Change Outdoor Lighting to LED energy management program: fundamentals and development

  42. Add Lighting Controls • Occupancy Sensors • Lighting control relay panels energy management program: fundamentals and development

  43. DDC System Functions • Scheduling • Normal work days • Events • Weekends • Holidays • Control strategies • Optimum start & stop • Demand limiting • Temperature resets • Monitoring • Logging & trending • Diagnostics & troubleshooting • Alarming Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  44. DDC Protocols • BACNet • Open protocol • Developed by ASHRAE • Specifically for building equipment control • LONTalk • Proprietary protocol • Developed by Echelon Corp. • Special micro-compressor chip required for communication • Tridium (Niagra) • Proprietary built on open standards • Allows integration of diverse systems Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  45. Demand Control Ventilation • Utilize in area w/ high occupancy levels • Uses CO2 levels to estimate occupancy • Controls outside air flow w/ modulating dampers • Closed at zero occupancy (low CO2 level) • Full open at maximum occupancy (high CO2 level) Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  46. Utilizing Economizers • Supplies 100% outside air for cooling • Compressors do not operate • Takes advantage of mild outdoor conditions • Control types • Dry bulb • Less humid climates • Temperature only • Enthalpy • More humid climates • Temperature & humidity Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  47. Economizer Operation energy management program: fundamentals and development

  48. Setpoints • Occupied • Occupant comfort • Energy savings • Cooling costs rise 1.5% for each degree below 72º • Heating costs rise 1% for each degree above 68º • Unoccupied • Energy savings • Prevent building damage • Use instead of turning systems off Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  49. Control Strategies • Demand limiting • Demand limit setting • Loads shed when setting reached • Reduces peak demand & utility charges • Optimal startup • Heating or cooling started before occupied time • Setpoint reached at scheduled occupied time • Optimum stop • Heating or cooling setback while facilities occupied • Building allowed to “coast” Accredited Texas Energy Manager

  50. More Control Strategies • Supply air temperature reset • Based on return air or outside air temperature • Reduces amount of reheat during cooling • Chilled water temperature reset • Raise temperature of chilled water • Based on outdoor temperature & humidity • Caution not to raise temperature too much in humid conditions • Condenser water temperature reset • Decrease temperature of water leaving cooling tower • Increases chiller efficiency • Reduces chiller capacity Accredited Texas Energy Manager

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