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ZELS: Empowering Local Self-Government in Macedonia

Learn about ZELS - an umbrella organization representing 84 municipalities in Macedonia. Explore its structure, committees, cooperation with government and international organizations, capacity-building workshops, advocacy efforts, financial management, and administration. Discover how ZELS assists municipalities in implementing projects, provides legal advice, and advocates for decentralization. Stay informed through newsletters, reports, and website updates in Macedonian and Albanian.

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ZELS: Empowering Local Self-Government in Macedonia

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  1. Associaton of the Units of the Local Self-Government of the Republic of Macedonia - ZELS

  2. When is ZELS first established • Established on April 26, 1972; • May 18, 2005; - Constitutive General Assembly of the new ZELS composition; Elected President: Mr. Andrej Petrov Two Vice Presidents: Mr. Nevzat Bejta Mr. Koce Trajanovski

  3. Who is ZELS • Unique Umbrella Organization; • ZELS is consisted of all 84 municipalities and the City of Skopje; • ZELS Structure: • Governing Board – consisted of 15 members • General Assembly – consisted of all 85 mayors in Macedonia • Supervisory board

  4. ZELS Committees Establishment of 11 committees: • Financing Committee; • Municipal Administration Committee; • Culture Committee; • Communal Issues Committee; • Rural Development Committee; • E-Municipalities Committee;

  5. Establishment of 11 committees: • Community Development Committee; • Education and Sport Committee; • Urban and Spatial Planning Committee; • Environmental Protection Committee; • Health and Social Care Committee;

  6. ZELS Cooperation • Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (implementation of the operational program); signed on March 5, 2003; • Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Finance; • Memorandum for Understanding with the Ministry of Local Self-Government and Civil Servant Agency; October 23, 2003

  7. Cooperation with international organizations and donors High level of cooperation with: • Make Decentralization Work Project - DAI/MDW • Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development - SDC • OSCE • UNDP • EAR • VNG International • GTZ • Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia

  8. ZELS international activities • Active participation in the bodies of the Council of Europe – The Congress of the Local and Regional Authorities • CEMR membership • NALAS membership – Network of Associations of regional and local authorities of the South East Europe – under auspices of the Council of Europe

  9. Workshops and trainings Organizing a lot of workshops and trainings for capacity building of the municipal administration in the sphere of: • Legal regulations; • Local Economic Development; • Urbanism; • Preparation and implementation of municipal projects; • Capacity Building of Elected Representatives

  10. System for informing of the municipalities and the public on regular basis • Preparation and distribution of Newsletter: - Macedonian - English: 2350 copies - Macedonian - Albanian: 500 copies • Preparation and distribution of weekly reports in Macedonian and Albanian language; • Preparation and updating of dynamic web page.

  11. Assistance to the municipalities • Constant assistance to the municipalities for realization of the municipal projects; • Contacts with the donor organizations and institutions for overcoming of the municipal problems. • Lobbying • Legal Advises

  12. Collection of membership fee • Increased Collection rate of ZELS membership fee:

  13. Audit of the financial management of ZELS • Financial Audit provided by international Audit agency; • Transparent cost elaboration for the membership and public;

  14. ZELS Administration • Increasing the number of employees from 2 to 9; • Active engagement for coordination of the work of the committees, the international cooperation, training, logistic support and all the current activities of ZELS.


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