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This educational material provides a simplified explanation of basic genetic concepts such as genes, genotypes, phenotypes, and the relationship between genetic factors and environmental influences. It also includes a worksheet to complete the picture of protein synthesis.
BASIC GENETIC CONCEPTS Výukový materiál GE 02 - 44 Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR 2014
the basic concept of genetics is a gene (endowment) • it was first used by W. Johannsen in 1903 • gene = hereditary transferable base of a sign BASIC GENETIC CONCEPTS Simplified schema of protein synthesis – according to the information contained in DNA of the specific gene an RNA-fibre, which goes into the cytoplasm, where it serves as the pattern for the synthesis of the particular protein
signs: qualities of organisms or cells • signs: • a) morphological (shape and measures of the body) • b) functional (ability to practise a function) • c) mental (intelligence, talent, moral) SIGN - PHENOTYPE
signs appear in various qualities (forms) • the colour of petals can be white, yellow, …. • so the colour is: • a qualitative sign • a monogenous sign > hereditary determined by just one gene SIGN - PHENOTYPE
other signs occur in various mass, grades – quantities • for example – body height, blood pressure • they can be different by different people • because of that these signs are called quantitative SIGN - PHENOTYPE
quantitative genes are measurable • they are hereditary determined by a whole group of genes • each gene has just a small effect > • polygenous signs SIGN - PHENOTYPE
signs like that are not transferred from parents to descendants like that • only endowments are transferred • endowments – hereditary premises of signs • endowments – information for creation of signs GENE - GENOTYPE
material carrier of signs are genes • genes: • specifically delimited sections of nucleic acids • they determinate signs in their particular qualities and quantities • they occur in two or more particular forms, shapes = alleles GENE - GENOTYPE
the complex of all genes in particular alleles is called its genotype • genotype is always a wider complex than phenotype • genotype determines extension, mass of phenotype possibilities of its carrier GENE - GENOTYPE
factors of environment can initiate, suppress or modify some parts of genetic programme, it means adapt them • a standard sign cannot develop without a genetic base by any organism • the mass of heredity determination by any sign = degree of heritability • genotype + environment = phenotype GENE - PHENOTYPE
WORKSHEET Simplified schema of protein synthesis – according to the information contained in DNA of the specific gene an RNA-fibre, which goes into the cytoplasm, where it serves as the pattern for the synthesis of the particular protein COMPLETE THE PICTURE
ŠMARDA, Jan. Genetika: pro gymnázia. 1. vyd. Praha: Fortuna, 2003, 143 s. ISBN 80-716-8851-7. SOURCES