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IC40+59 Point Source Analysis Merge for ICRC Conference

Explore IC40 and IC59 data for common skymap and source list. Cut strategies and selection methods for time-integrated and time-dependent searches. Utilize multiwavelength data for untriggered flare search.

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IC40+59 Point Source Analysis Merge for ICRC Conference

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  1. IC59+40 Point Source Analysis Mike Baker, Juanan Aguilar, Jon Dumm, Chad Finley, Teresa Montaruli PS phone call – Feb. 21, 2011 http://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/IC59+40_Point_Source_Analysis

  2. IC59 consists of data taken from May 20, 2009 to May 31, 2010, with 348 days of livetime. A good run list is on the wiki. All runs with light in detector or with more than two dropped strings were removed. For comparison, IC40 had 375 days of livetime.

  3. We have a comparison of cut strategies for the upgoing IC59 sample with 'straight' cuts and with a Boosted Decision Tree. The aim is to merge the IC40 and IC59 PS selections for a common skymap and source list. Goal is to have results of the time-integrated and time-dependent searches (similar to those already performed with IC40) for the ICRC conference. That timescale is ”end of March.”

  4. Upgoing (straight) Cuts: http://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/IC59_PS_Event_Selection (From L3): require largest Topologically split track to be upgoing. MPE Rlogl < 8.3 MPE Sigma (scaled) < 2.5 deg MPE LDirC > 150 MPE NDirC > 5 Bayes Llh ratio > 30 At least one time- or geo-split reconstruction must succeed, and all split recos must have a Zenith > 80 deg Also in the pipeline is a BDT-selected sample for the upgoing region, which will presumably have a better sensitivity.

  5. We also have a BDT selection up on the wiki, below is the zenith distribution for the upgoing region and efficiencies with respect to L3. http://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/IC59_PS_Event_Selection

  6. Downgoing cuts start out similar to those used in IC-40: Require good track reconstruction – MPE Rlogl<7.4 MPE Sigma (scaled) < 1.5 deg We have also investigated using IceTop SLC hit information as an additional cut.

  7. IT SLC with IceCube hit times Shortest distance to shower axis Hit Point Time delay (slide from) Jan Auffenberg

  8. IT SLC with IceCube hit times Shortest distance to shower axis Data Neutrinos Hit Point Time delay (slide from) Jan Auffenberg

  9. Finally, we use an energy cut in the downgoing region to accept a constant number of events per solid angle. By first applying a cut on events which have an IceTop SLC hit which is compatable with coming from an air-shower lowers the energy cut from the top to the bottom. For signal simulation we take IT information from MinBias events. No IT Veto Use IT Veto

  10. Outstanding issues with IT veto: CORSIKA simulation currently throws out all IT information, so to do any proper Data/MC comparison we would need to take IT simulation and make a weighting factor of how likely any shower would be to be vetoed. No IT Veto Use IT Veto

  11. We see that there is an improvement in the very downgoing region. This plot tests to Dec=-77 deg, while the strongest improvement should be in the directly downgoing region. As a reminder, until now the PS analysis has only made skymaps from (-85 deg,+85 deg) in declination.

  12. Merging datasets: The likelihood is maximized over all datasets used with a common signal fraction and spectrum (and any additional parameters). The relative acceptances and livetimes of the datasets for the particular spectrum are used to split up n_s between all data being used.

  13. Source List for IC40+59: Proposal is to use the IC40 Point Source Catalog, minus the IC22 hotspot. NB: we do not propose to include the IC40 'hottest spot'.

  14. Flares with occasional coverage in IC59: 7 (so far, compared to 6 with IC40). We only have alerts, which isn't good enough to define the time window at this moment. Objects with visible in Fermi lightcurves: 23 5 objects with flares in both IC59 and IC40 11 objects with flares in only IC59 7 objects with flares in only IC40 For the lightcurve-based analysis it would be interesting to use the entirety of IC40+59 to test. Tons of info and links here: http://wiki.icecube.wisc.edu/index.php/IC59_Time_Dependent_Analysis/mwl

  15. We would like to unblind a skymap and source list using the combined IC40+59 for presentation at the ICRC. This will use the IC40 PS sample and the IC59 BDT-selected sample. Other searches such as stacking catalogues, galactic plane search and an anisotropy will also be compiled. For time-dependent searches using multiwavelength and periodicity data we think it makes sense to use lightcurves from IC-40+IC-59. A list of interesting sources is available. For an untriggered flare search providing the most significant flare of the IC59 data taking period.

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