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Learn how to install a cluster using Rocks, including hardware configuration, pre-installation knowledge, required rolls, and step-by-step instructions.
Date: 7/04/2010 Department of Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Installation of Cluster using RocksVadivelanVighnesh
Pre-installation knowledge • Supported hardware – Hyper will not support Rocks-5.2 and Hyperx will not support Rocks-4.3 • Eth1 and eth0 – Check which port is public and private from Catlog. For Rocks eth0→private and eth1→public • Cable connections – Between node-to-ethernet switch and ethernet-to-ethernet • Compatibility with OS that is going to be installed – Check OS is compatibility with Softwares like PGI • Availability of required rolls CDS or DVDS for rocks installation • Source: http://www.rocksclusters.org/wordpress
Rolls • Base – contains basic utilities for starting cluster installation • Bio - is a collection of some of the most common bio-informatics tools • Ganglia - installs and configures the Ganglia cluster monitoring system • HPC – OPENMPI, MPICH, MPICH2 packages are included in this roll • Kernel – includes all the kernel utilities • OS – contains operating system utilities, Centos 5.1 for rocks 5.2
Rolls • Area 51 - contains utilities and services used to analyze the integrity of the files and the kernel on your cluster • Torque – contains torque/maui job scheduling and queuing tools • Web-server – required for setting up cluster on public internet for monitoring purpose • Service-pack – contains all the bug fixes for rocks version • PGI – contains all the pgi compiler packages • Intel-Developer – contains all the intel compiler packages
Building of rocks cluster :The beginning • Download iso images of rolls from rocks web site • Burn the iso image of package jumbo roll on dvd • Burn the iso images of additional required rolls on cds • Mount the jumbo roll DVD on the DVD rack of node which will act as frontend node of the cluster • Or connect the USB of external DVD drive to frontend if there is no onboard DVD drive
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • Boot the frontend node. The boot order in bios should be set to CD/DVD drive first • After frontend boots up following screen will be displayed • If you have used onboard CD/DVD drive type 'build' • If you have used external CD/DVD drive type 'build driverload=usb-storage' Note: The above screen will remain for few seconds, if you missed to type this commands the node will be installed as a compute node and you have to reboot the frontend and reinstall node as a frontend
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • Soon the following screen will be displayed From this screen, you'll select your rolls. In this procedure, we'll only be using CD media, so we'll only be clicking on the 'CD/DVD-based Roll' button. Click the 'CD/DVD-based Roll' button
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • The CD tray will eject and you will see this screen Put your first roll in the CD tray (for the first roll, since the Jumbo Roll DVD is already in the tray, simply push the tray back in). Click the 'Continue' button.
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • The Rolls will be discovered and display the screen Select the desired rolls listed earlier and click submit
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • Network settings for private (eth0) Hyperx :
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • Network settings for public (eth1) Hyperx :
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • Network Settings • Hyperx :
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation • Head Node Partition By default Auto partition will work
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation Manual Partition done for hyperx /root : 20GB swap : 8GB /var : 4GB /export : Remaining
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend installation Installation Process Starts
Building of rocks cluster :Frontend disk partition $df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 19G 6.4G 12G 36% / /dev/sda4 107G 5.8G 96G 6% /export /dev/sda3 3.8G 429M 3.2G 12% /var tmpfs 4.0G 0 4.0G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 2.0G 16M 1.9G 1% /var/lib/ganglia/rrds nas-0-0:/export/data1 1.3T 78G 1.2T 7% /export/home
Building of rocks cluster :Client installation • Login as a root in frontend and type 'Insert-ethers' • PXE boot the node which will act as first compute node for cluster For compute nodes installation select Compute
Building of rocks cluster :Client installation • After frontend accepts dhcp requests from compute node, comunication between frontend and compute will be established and following screen will be displayed During the process, frontend will detect the mac id of the compute node which is going to install
Building of rocks cluster :Client installation • After discovering the mac id, frontend will allot hostname and ipaddress for the particular compute node • Frontend will name compute-0-0 to first compute node detected and will continue as compute-0-1, compute-0-2 and so on Image shows, kickstart started on the compute node (which means installation process started)
Building of rocks cluster :Client installation • The installation process starts and following screen will be displayed on compute node For each compute node installation follow the steps presented in slide 20 to 23 After all the compute nodes in rack 0 are installed, for installing compute nodes on rack 1 type 'insert-ethers -rack=1 -rank=0'. This will start naming the compute nodes in rack 1 as compute-1-0 and so on
Building of rocks cluster :NAS installation • Login as root in frontend and type 'insert-ethers' • PXE boot the node which will act as NAS node of cluster • Frontend will name as a nas-0-0 for first NAS node detected and so on, same as that for compute nodes For I/O node installation Select NAS Appliance
Building of rocks cluster :NAS Configuration • All installation steps of NAS are similar to compute. Accept the manual partitioning of NAS disk space • For hyperx NAS node: Manual partitioning /root : 20GB swap : 8GB /var : 4GB /export : Remaining • In NAS the default home directory is /export/data1
Building of rocks cluster :NAS partition $df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/cciss/c0d0p4 19G 3.4G 15G 19% / /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 1.3T 78G 1.2T 7% /export/data1 /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 1.9G 90M 1.8G 5% /boot tmpfs 4.0G 0 4.0G 0% /dev/shm
Building of rocks cluster :NAS NFS configuration • After Nas node boots up, carry out the following steps to set NAS as NFS server of the cluster: • Edit the file /etc/exports in nas node and add the following lines • “/export/data1,no_root_squash,sync) “ • Edit the file /etc/fstab in head node and add the following lines • “nas-0-0:/export/data1 /export/home nfs defaults 0 0” • Run the command • #mount -a • This steps will mount /export/data1 directory of NAS node on /export/home directory of every other nodes of cluster with private ip address ranging from to
Building of rocks cluster :NAS imp. directories $ls -l /export/ total 4 drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Apr 17 09:47 data1 $ls -l /export/data1/ total 128 drwx------ 18 amjad amjad 4096 Mar 30 09:52 amjad -rw------- 1 root root 9216 Apr 17 09:47 aquota.group -rw------- 1 root root 9216 Apr 17 09:52 aquota.user drwx------ 7 asgerali asgerali 4096 Apr 2 11:56 asgerali drwx------ 6 avinash avinash 4096 Apr 17 10:00 avinash drwx------ 6 ayan ayan 4096 Jan 23 11:05 ayan drwx------ 12 bharat bharat 4096 Apr 16 13:38 bharat drwx------ 10 halbe halbe 4096 Apr 11 21:57 halbe drwx------ 12 krish krish 4096 Mar 28 12:23 krish drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Jan 5 22:05 lost+found drwx------ 25 nileshjrane nileshjrane 4096 Apr 18 22:11 nileshjrane drwx------ 11 nitin nitin 4096 Mar 29 00:58 nitin drwx------ 23 pankaj pankaj 4096 Apr 16 13:27 pankaj drwx------ 4 prasham prasham 4096 Jan 28 21:08 prasham
Building of rocks cluster :frontend imp. directories $ls -l /export/ total 4 drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Apr 16 11:53 apps drwxr-xr-x 4 biouser root 4096 Jan 6 18:19 bio drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Apr 17 09:47 home drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Jan 6 17:40 lost+found drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 18 2009 rocks drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 6 18:08 site-roll $ls -l /export/home/ total 128 drwx------ 18 amjad amjad 4096 Mar 30 09:52 amjad -rw------- 1 root root 9216 Apr 17 09:47 aquota.group -rw------- 1 root root 9216 Apr 17 09:52 aquota.user drwx------ 7 asgerali asgerali 4096 Apr 2 11:56 asgerali $ ls -l /export/apps/ total 20 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 21 00:25 modules drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Apr 16 11:54 mpich2 drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan 13 00:47 old.pgi-9.0.4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 17 09:50 openmpi drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Mar 11 15:47 pgi-7.2.4
Adding user and setting user home directories • For creating user account carry out the following steps as root login to frontend: • First run the commands #rocks set attr Info_HomeDirSrv nas-0-0.local #rocks set attr Info_HomeDirLoc /export/data1 • Add user with the following command #adduser <username> • After user addition task is over, to synchronise the user information throughout all the nodes of cluster, run the command #rocks sync users • To remove user account, run the commands: #umount /export/home/<username> (as root on frontend) #userdel <username> (as root on NAS)
Adding roll to running cluster • For adding roll to already running cluster run the following commands on frontend as a root # rocks add roll /path/to/<roll_name>.iso# rocks enable roll <roll_name># rocks create distro# rocks run roll <roll_name> | sh# reboot After the the frontend comes back up you should do the following to populate the node list: # rocks sync config then kickstart all your nodes # tentakel /boot/kickstart/cluster-kickstart After the nodes are reinstalled they should automatically pop up in the queueing system.
Adding packages to the cluster (compilers/softwares) • All the packages has to be installed in /share/apps. This directory is the default NFS directory of frontend, mounted on all other nodes of the cluster. • 1) First example: Installation of pgi • Download tar package file from PGI site and run the following cmds. • #tar zxvf pgi-7.2.4.tgz • #cd pgi-7.2.4 • #./configure --prefix=/share/apps/pgi-7.2.4 • #make • #make install • This will install PGI-MPICH compiler in /share/apps directory of frontend and thus the compiler can be used on all the compute nodes • Copy the license file into /share/apps/pgi-7.2.4/
Adding packages to the cluster II (compilers/softwares) • Add following lines in bash script file for setting up environment variable: export PGI=/share/apps/pgi-7.2.4 export PATH=/share/apps/pgi-7.2.4/linux86-64/7.2-4/bin:$PATH export LM_LICENSE_FILE=$PGI/license.dat export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/share/apps/pgi-7.2.4/linux86-64/7.2-4/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 2) Second Example: Configuring OPENMPI with PGI Download tar packaged file from http://www.open-mpi.org/ and run the following commands #tar xvzf openmpi-1.3.tgz #cd openmpi-1.3 #./configure CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC F77=pgf77 F90=pgf90 --prefix=/share/apps/openmpi/pgi/ --with-tm=/opt/torque #make #make install
Adding packages to the cluster III (compilers/softwares) • Add following lines in bash script file: export PATH=/share/apps/openmpi/pgi/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/share/apps/openmpi/pgi/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Commands to compile and execute mpi codes • For mpich-pgi shared library compilier use (fortran,C,C++) • Compiling: • $/share/apps/pgi-7.2.4/linux86-64/7.2/mpi/mpich/bin/mpif90 • code.f -o code.exe • Executing: • $/share/apps/pgi-7.2.4/linux86-64/7.2/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun -np • <number> code.exe • For openmpi-pgi shared library compilier use (fortran,C,C++) • Compiling: $/share/apps/openmpi/pgi-7.2.4/bin/mpif90 code.f -o code.exe Executing: $/share/apps/openmpi/pgi-7.2.4/bin/mpirun -np <number> code.exe
Commands to submit job in interactive mode or batch mode In interactive mode: $qsub -I -q <dual or quad> -l nodes=<no. of nodes>:ppn=<4 or 8> In batch mode: $qsub job.sh Content of job.sh: $cat job.sh #!/bin/sh #PBS -q quad -l nodes=2:ppn=8,walltime=12:00:00 code=code.exe #================================== # Dont modify below lines #================================== cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo `cat $PBS_NODEFILE` > host /usr/bin/killsh $code $PBS_O_WORKDIR /share/apps/pgi-7.2.4/linux86-64/7.2/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np `cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l` ./$code
Building of rocks cluster :Quota Setup Quota setup has to configured in I/O node only. #quotacheck cvguf /home #quotaon /home #edquota <username>
Building of rocks cluster :Queue Setup on frontend #qmgr Qmgr:create queue dual Qmgr:set queue dual queue_type = Execution Qmgr:set queue dual acl_host_enable = False Qmgr:set queue dual acl_hosts = compute-0-0 Qmgr:set queue dual acl_hosts += compute-0-1 Qmgr:set queue dual resources_default.walltime = 12:00:00 Qmgr:set queue dual enabled = True Qmgr:set queue dual started = True Qmgr:create queue route Qmgr:set queue route queue_type = Route Qmgr:set queue route route_destinations = quad Qmgr:set queue route route_destinations += dual Qmgr:set queue route enabled = False Qmgr:set queue route started = True Qmgr:exit
Building of rocks cluster :Check current queue configuration # # Create and define queue dual # create queue dual set queue dual queue_type = Execution set queue dual acl_host_enable = False set queue dual acl_hosts = compute-0-9 set queue dual acl_hosts += compute-0-18 set queue dual acl_hosts += compute-0-8 set queue dual resources_default.walltime = 12:00:00 set queue dual enabled = True set queue dual started = True # # Set server attributes. # set server scheduling = True set server acl_host_enable = False set server acl_hosts = hyperx.aero.iitb.ac.in set server managers = maui@hyperx.aero.iitb.ac.in set server managers += root@hyperx.aero.iitb.ac.in set server default_queue = route set server log_events = 511 set server mail_from = adm set server query_other_jobs = True set server scheduler_iteration = 600 set server node_check_rate = 150 set server tcp_timeout = 6 set server next_job_number = 3413 #qmgr -c 'p s' # # Create queues and set their attributes. # # # Create and define queue route # create queue route set queue route queue_type = Route set queue route route_destinations = quad set queue route route_destinations += dual set queue route enabled = False set queue route started = True # # Create and define queue quad # create queue quad set queue quad queue_type = Execution set queue quad acl_host_enable = False set queue quad acl_hosts = compute-1-9 set queue quad acl_hosts += compute-1-8 set queue dual resources_default.walltime = 12:00:00 set queue dual enabled = True set queue dual started = True
Building of rocks cluster :Check current queue configuration • Reboot hyperx rocks run hosts “reboot”