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Typology of the Negation in Welsh ICCS 2003 Dydd Iau 28ydd Awst 2003

Typology of the Negation in Welsh ICCS 2003 Dydd Iau 28ydd Awst 2003. Johannes Heinecke Lannion, Brittanny, France johannes(dot)heinecke(at)wanadoo(dot)fr. (Semantic) Negation.

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Typology of the Negation in Welsh ICCS 2003 Dydd Iau 28ydd Awst 2003

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  1. Typology of the Negation in WelshICCS 2003 Dydd Iau 28ydd Awst 2003 Johannes Heinecke Lannion, Brittanny, France johannes(dot)heinecke(at)wanadoo(dot)fr

  2. (Semantic) Negation • Negation is not only a typical negation morpheme but each inversion of the truth value of the meaning of the utterance • Predicate logics notation • predicate(argument, argument, ...) • predicate(argument, predicate2(arguments)) • Example: • Gwelodd Ioan y dyn yn y siop e = see(Ioan, man) & in(e, shop) & reltime(e, past) e = see(Ioan, man) & in(man, shop) & reltime(e, past)

  3. Types of Negation • Sentential Negation vs Constituent Negation • $x: J(x) Ù H(x)  not(J(x) Ù H(x)) John is happy  not(John is happy) = it is not that John is happy = John is nothappy • $x: J(x) Ù H(x)  J(x) Ù not(H(x)) John is happy  John is unhappy

  4. Types of Negation (II) • Ramat 1994 • John does not like to work. not(like(John, working)) (Sentential Negation) • John does not like beer at lunch e = like(John, beer) Ù not(at(e, lunch)) (Constituent Negation)

  5. Negation Markers: Particles • Unmodified, syntactically fixed Elements,or encompassing particles • он не играем “he does not play”not(play(he)) • не игра „do not play“ command(not(play(hearer))) • он не дурак „he is no idiot“ not(idiot(he)) • он не молод „he is not young“ not(young(he)) • он не в комнате „he is not in the room“ not(in(he, room)) • Dydy hi ddim yn braf. N'eo ket brav. „it [the wheather) is not nice“ not(nice(x) Ù weather(x))

  6. Negation Markers: (Bound) Morphemes • Turkish Negation Suffix me/ma • çocuklar uyudular çocuklar uyumadılar • sleep(children)  not(sleep(children)) • Privative prefixes • gesund ungesund • iach  afiach • trefn  anhrefn (more later)

  7. Negation Markers: Negation Verbs • Auxiliaries which bear the semantic value “negative” • luen  en lue read(speaker)  not(read(speaker)) • luetet lue read(hearer)  not(read(hearer)) • Welsh: peidio • Paid (â) siarad lol! command(not(waffle(hearer))) • Mae‘n rhaid i ti beidio (â) mynd ymlaen fel ’na necessity(not(continue)) (more later)

  8. Scope • Negation Elements have different scopes • I must drink water obligation(speaker, drink(speaker, water)) • I must not drink beer Negation of must obligation(speaker, not(drink(speaker, beer))) Negation of the argument of the obligation • Mae'n rhaid i fi yfed dŵr obligation(speaker, drink(speaker, water)) • Does dim rhaid i fi yfed cwrw. Negation of bod yn rhaid not(obligation(speaker, drink(speaker, beer)))  Negation of the obligation • For argument negation we need peidio: • Mae'n rhaid i fi peidio ag yfed cwrw. • obligation(speaker, not(drink(speaker, beer)))

  9. Quantification/Double Negation • Quantifiers open new positions for negation • arrive(John) John arrives • arrive(not(John)) It is not John who arrives • not(arrive(John)) John does not arrive • child: sing(child) all children are singing • not(child): sing(child) not all children are singing • child: not(sing(child) no child is singing • x Ùnot(child(x)): sing(x) all no-children are singing • Double Negation: In logics: two negations = affirmation • not(not(P)) = P

  10. Welsh Negation • Negation+Time • Q: Welaist ti Ioan ddoe? A: Naddo Q: question(e)  e = see(hearer, Ioan)  reltime(e, past)) A: (not(e)  reltime(past, e) • Verb/Auxiliary repetition • Q: Ddaw hi 'fory? A: Na ddaw Q: question(e)  e = come(hearer)  reltime(e, future)) A: (not(f = come(speaker))  reltime(future, f) • Q: Weli di Mari? A: Na wnaf Q: question(e)  e = see(hearer, Mari)  reltime(e, future)) A: (not(f = make(speaker))  reltime(future, f) • Q: Wyt ti'n cysgu? A: Nac ydw Q: question(e)  e = sleep(hearer) A: (not(doing(speaker))

  11. Scope • Syntactically similar constructions vary in scope • write(children, letter) Mae 'r plant yn sgwennu llythyr • not(write(children, letter)) (Sentential Negation) Dydy'r plant ddim yn sgwennu llythyr • write(not(children), letter) (Constituent Negation) Dim y plant sy 'n sgwennu llythyr • write(children, not(letter)) (Constituent Negation) Dim llythyr y mae'r plant yn eisgwennu

  12. Prepositional Negation • Negation changes the case of the patient • buy(he, thebook) Mi brynodd o'r llyfr • not(buy(he, thebook)) Phrynodd o ddim o'r llyfr • see(I, he) Mi welais i o • not(see(I, he)) Welais i ddim ohono fo (> Welais i mohono) •  J‘ai pas bu de vin not(drink(speaker, some(wine)) • j‘ai bu du vin • на остановке нет автобуса not(located_at(bus, busstop)) •  автобусна остановке

  13. Negative Temporal Grammemes • Negation by anteriority marker • Mae'r plant wedi bwyta'r mefus e=eat(children, strawberries)  reltime(e, anterior(now)) • Dydy'r plant ddim wedi bwyta'r mefus e=not(eat(children, strawberries))  reltime(e, anterior(now)) • Mae'r plant heb fwyta ('r mefus) e=not(eat(children, strawberries))  reltime(e, anterior(now))

  14. Real Double Negation • Cases, where negations neutralise mutually • Dydy'r plant ddim heb fwyta not(not(eat(children, something))) = eat(children, something)  • Does neb yn peidio ag ysmygu not $x: not(smoke(x)) = x: smoke(x) • Dydy hwn ddim yn anfantais not(not(advantage))

  15. Quantification • Affirmative: • Cyrhaeddodd • Canodd y plant i gyd • Negated: • not(arrive(John)) Chyrhaeddodd Ioan ddim • arrive(not(John)) Nid Ioan a gyrhaeddodd • not(child): sing(child) Nid y plant i gyd a ganodd • child: not(sing(child) Chanodd y plant i gyd ddim • x Ùnot(child(x)): sing(x) ?Ganodd y di-blant

  16. Quantification II • All-Quantifier • write(all, letter) Mae pawb yn sgwennu llythyr • not(write(all, letter)) Does neb yn sgwennu llythyr • write(not(all), letter) Dydy pawb ddim [wrthi] yn ysgrifennu llythyr • write(all, not(letter)) Dydy pawb ddim yn sgwennu llythyr

  17. Quantification III • “not everybody wrote a letter“ • e = write(not(all), letter)  reltime(e, anterior(now)) • Nid ysgrifenodd pawb lythyr • Ni fu pawb [wrthi] yn ysgrifennu llythyr • Ni fu i bawb ysgrifennu llythyr • Ni ddarfu i bawb ysgrifennu llythyr • [Ni] Ddaru pawb ddim 'sgrifennu llythyr • [Ni] wnaeth pawb ddim 'sgrifennu llythyr • “Not everybody has written a letter.“ • e = write(not(all), letter)  reltime(e, anterior(now)) • Nid yw pawb wedi ysgrifennu llythyr written form • Dydy pawb ddim wedi 'sgrifennu llythyr written forms

  18. The Finnish Way: Negation Verb • peidio â • paid! command(not(do(hearer))) • peidiwch â chyffwrdd! command(not(touch(hearer, it))) • dywedais wrtho am beidio â mynd say(speaker, he, f)  f = command(not(go(he))) • gwadu (relativated truth value) • Mi wadod o ei fod wedi gweld Mair neithiwr • say(he, not(x))  (x = (p = see(he, Mair)  time(p, yesternight)) • methu • Mi fethodd o orffen ei waith not(able(he, x))  (x = finish(he, work)) • cf. gwrthod, pallu

  19. NEG E Time NEG E Time To continue with: erioed and byth • Do they express the direction of the neagtional scope? • Ni welais i erioed neb fel Gwyn • I have never met somebody like Gwyn • Ni ddaeth o byth yn ôl

  20. Lexical Negation: P(x)not(P(x)) • Derivating • trefn  ditrefn Order  chaotic • calondigalon Heart  sad • diolchdiddiolch thank  ungrateful • dealldiddeall understand  dumb • Simple Negation • iach afiach healthy  disgusting • mantaisanfantais advantage  disadvantage • iawnaniawn correct  wrong • trefnanhrefn order  anarchy • cofioanghofio remember  forget • cytunoanghytuno agee  disagree • cloffdisgloff lame  not lame • mawrnemor (< nemawr) big  hardly anything

  21. References Borsley, Robert D. und Jones, Bob Morris: 2000. „The syntax of Welsh negation“. Transactions of the Philological Society. 98-1: 15-47. Dahl, Östen: 1979. „Typologie of sentence negation“. Linguistics. 17-1: 79-106. Dahl, Östen: 1993. „Negation“. Syntax. Hrsg. v. Joachim Jacobs, Joachim, Arnim von Stechow, Arnim, Wolfgang Sternefeld und Theo Vennemann. Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter. 914-923. Heinecke, Johannes: 1999. Temporal Deixis in Welsh and Breton. Heidelberg. Winter. (Anglistische Forschungen 272). Jones, Morris: 1970. „The items ‘byth’ and ‘erioed’“. Studia Celtica. 7: 93-119. Jones, Robert M.: 1966. „Tympau'r Modd Mynegol“. Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies. 22-I: 1-9. Klima, Edward L.: 1964. „Negation in English“. The Structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of Language Hrsg. v. Jerry A. Fodor und Jerrold Jacob Katz. Englewood Cliffs. Prentice Hall. 246-323. McCawley, James D.: 1981. Everything that linguists have always wanted to know about logic, but were ashamed to ask. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 2nd edition. Payne, John R.: 1985. „Negation“. Language Typology and Syntactic Description. Hrsg. v. Timothy Shopen. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 197-242. Ramat, Paolo: 1994. „Negation“. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Hrsg. v. Ronald E. Asher. Oxford. Pergamon Press. 2769-2774. Reichenbach, Hans: 1940. Elements of Symbolic Logic. New York. MacMillan, The Free Press.

  22. Diolch yn fawr! johannes.heinecke@wanadoo.fr

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