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Main Habitats in our planet.

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  1. HABITATS María Liste

  2. A HABITAT A habitat is a place where living things live: animals, plants, fungi, humans, microorganisms… LIVING THINGS LIVE

  3. AhabitatprovidesFOOD, WATER,SPACE and SHELTERto allthe living things. 27/01/15


  5. CLIMATE In the desert it is very HOT during the day. (40°C-50°C) And really COLD at night. (-5°C)

  6. Deserts are very DRY because it rains very little. The soil is very SANDY and sometimes there are sandstorms.

  7. Not many plants or animals live here.Plants and animals have adapted to survive with little water.Most of desert animals get their water from the food they eat.

  8. WHAT ANIMALS LIVE IN THE DESERT? Scorpions, spiders, camels, dromedaries, lizards, snakes...

  9. Many animals sleep during the day, because it is too hot, and are active at night. They come out at night to eat

  10. Many plants have thick leaves in the desert to retain water. There are a lot of kind of cacti.


  12. CLIMATE Itisverycold and windy. Itisfreezing. (-30°C in winter 5°C in summer) Itrainsverylittle.

  13. Thereissnow and ice ontheground most of theyear. Itishardforplants to grow in the tundra. There are no trees. Only a fewplantsgrow in thesummer.

  14. There are sixmonths of daylight and sixmonths of darkness

  15. Animalshavethickwhitefurto protectthemfromthecold and to camouflage.

  16. The Arctic Tundra The Antarctic Tundra

  17. Animals in theArctic Caribou Bowhead whale Beluga Musk oxen

  18. Animals in theArctic Snowy owl Polar bear Arctic wolf Arctic fox

  19. Animals in theAntarctic Southern elephant seal Leopard seal Penguins Weddell seal

  20. Animals in theAntarctic Orca (or killer whale) (length up to 8 m) Humpback whale (length up to 15 m) The Blue whale (length up to 30 m)

  21. Thegrassland

  22. Glasslands are areas where the vegetation isdominated by grasses and some flowers that grow among the grasses.

  23. Climate Temperategrasslandshave warm and humidsummers(±15°C) and cool and dry winters(±5°C).

  24. Grasslandanimals Grasshopper Ant Bison Fox Grey wolf Prairie dog

  25. Grasslandanimals Rabbit Skunk Mouse Earth worm Hare


  27. CLIMATE Itis quite hotduringtheday and warm at night. Itrainsverylittle and itonlyrains in thesummer. SUMMER

  28. There are only two seasons in the savannah: there is a wet summer and a dry winter. It is difficult for animals to find water in winter.

  29. There are fewtrees and theplants are mainlygrasses. Baobab

  30. Animals in the Savannah

  31. Animals in the savannah Cheetah Hyena Zebras Elephant

  32. Flamingos Animals in the savannah Rhino Oryx

  33. The Forest

  34. CLIMATE In a forest it is warm and cool in summer (±15°C) And cold in winter (±5°C)

  35. Forests are large areas rich in vegetation, especially tall trees and grass.

  36. There are differenttypes of evergreen and deciduoustrees,bushes and grasses. ForestPlants Fir tree Maple tree Pine tree Bushes and grasses Maple tree leaves on the ground

  37. Whenautumnarrivestheleavesturnred, orangeand yellow. Once winter comes thetrees lose theirleaves.

  38. Forestanimals In the forest there are different ANIMALS: Foxes, mice, owls, birds, rabbits, snails, bears…

  39. Fungi There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Mushrooms absorb nutrients from dead matter.


  41. CLIMATE They are very wet because it rains almost every day. They are very warm (about 20-30°C)

  42. Theyhavevery dense vegetation : verytalltrees and manyplants on theground.

  43. Many types of trees, flowers, vines, carnivorous plants, lianas, and very tall trees live here.

  44. Animals in the jungle.

  45. Animals in thejungle. Butterfly Parrots Panther Snake (Python) Toucan Frog

  46. Animals in the jungle. Gorillas Orangutans Insects Monkeys


  48. Oceans and seas are saltwater habitats. They cover about 70% of the Earth´s surface.

  49. Many fish and some mammals live here. MAMmALS Dolphin, whales, seals…

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