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Characteristics of reptiles, amphibians and fish for primary students
Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish María Liste
Turtle Chameleon Tortoise Crocodile Snake Alligator
Theyspendmost of their time onland, butsomespendpart of their time in water.
Most reptiles are oviparousand they lay theireggsonland. Some are viviparous:
Most reptiles havefourlimbs and a tail, butsomehave no limbs. limbs tail
iguanas Exceptions They are herbivores Spiny-tailedlizard Lagarto de cola espinosa
Somereptails have a shell.
Amphibians • Their skin is bare and moist . Amphibians live in water and on land. • Their bodies are not covered by scales. frogs toads salamanders
Amphibians are oviparous. They lay theireggs in water.
In theearlystages of theirlifetheylive in water, butslowlytheychangeuntilthey look liketheirparents. WecallthisprocessMETAMORPHOSIS
Babyamphibians (tadpoles) live and grow in thewater. TheybreathewithGILLS. Both of them can breathethroughtheskin AdultsbreathewithLUNGS .
Amphibianseatsmallanimals . Most of them are carnivores.
Theyhavescalescoveringtheirbodies. • Theyhavefins and a tail.
They are oviparous. Exceptsomesharks and rays