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Contributed for Qualitative Subject

The Thesis Analysis. Communicative Behavior in General English of Adults Classes at LBPP-LIA Fatmawati: A Case Study by Ike Kusdiaty. Contributed for Qualitative Subject. By Nuryadina Augus Rini. TITLE. The Points:.

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  1. The Thesis Analysis Communicative Behavior in General English of Adults Classes at LBPP-LIA Fatmawati: A Case Studyby Ike Kusdiaty Contributed for Qualitative Subject By Nuryadina Augus Rini

  2. TITLE The Points: Communicative Behavior in General English of Adults Classes at LBPP-LIAFatmawati: A Case Studyby Ike Kusdiaty

  3. Abstract …The study is intended to reveal the classroom practice in the terms of classroom activities and classroom languages. The sample of the study are elementary, intermediate, and high intermediate classes of General English of Adult Programs (GE-AP) at LBPP-LIA Fatmawati… …Communicative orientation of language teaching (COLT) observation scheme (Nine Spada, Maria Frochlich and Patrick Allen:1984) is used as an instrument to analyze how teachers manage the classroom…

  4. Chapter I PROBLEMS Introduction • It is to find out whether the COLT observation scheme is capable of capturing the communicative orientation in GE-AP Program at LBPP-LIA • It is to determine the characteristics of the communicative orientation in terms of classroom activities and classroom language.

  5. Chapter I The Points: 1.2. Statement of The Problem • Is the COLT observation scheme capable of capturing the communicative orientation in GE-AP at LBPP-LIA Fatmawati? • Are the classroom activities communicatively oriented? • Is the classroom language communicatively oriented?

  6. Review of Related Literature Chapter II INSTRUMENT COLT observation scheme (Nine Spada, Maria Frochlich&Patrick Allen 1984) • Classroom activities • Classroom language

  7. The Points: Chapter II P R O B L E M S I N S T R U M E N T X

  8. Research Methodology Chapter III DATA ANALYSIS • Organization time spent for each category / visit (in minutes) • Organization percentage of time spent of each category / visit • Organization mean percentage of time of each category / class • Organization mean percentage of time of each category for elementary classes

  9. The Points: Chapter III PROBLEMS & INSTRUMENT X Data Analysis

  10. Research Findings And Discussions Chapter IV 4.1. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES (5 SUB POINTS) 4.2. CLASSROOM LANGUAGE (2 SUB POINTS)


  12. Conclusion And Suggestion Chapter V CONCLUSION …The domination of the teachers are significant. The domination combine with some teaching techniques which encourage students to use the language communicatively proved that the characteristics of communicative orientation in the GE-AP LBPP-LIA Fatmawati is considered as the representative of traditional and communicative teaching techniques was represented in the classroom activities and classroom language…

  13. Conclusion And Suggestion Chapter V SUGGESTION • The present study indicates that in the classroom interaction, teachers play dominant role in controlling the activities done in the classroom. • To foster communication, teacher should be able to encourage students to use as much English as possible especially when students are doing the activity in group / pair work • Authentic materials would be best advantage to relate between the language in the classroom and outside world • It would be better if students know what they expected to learn and why • Teacher should consider some factors like attitudes, intuition and personality of the learners.



  16. Analysis STRONG POINTS • The research thesis used is qualitative study and it is done by the writer • COLT instrument, procedures and scheme are used in this research completely • Investigation was done well • In chapter IV, (Research Findings and Discussions) Ike designed it complete and details.

  17. Analysis WEAK POINTS • Title is not described the target population specific • No reflection  problems, statement of the problem, instrument, data analysis, conclusion and suggestion • The concept of limitation analysis is not clearly done: classroom activities and classroom language or domination of the teacher or traditional teaching process.

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