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is provided every Sunday from 9:30 AM – noon for newborns to age four. Rebecca Roberson, Coordinator. Please remember to sign-in using our red weekly attendance pads. Thank you!. Usher Committee.
is provided every Sunday from 9:30 AM – noon for newborns to age four. Rebecca Roberson, Coordinator
Please remember to sign-in using our red weekly attendance pads. Thank you!
Usher Committee An Usher Committee is being formed. If you are interested in serving as Chairperson of this important committee, please contact Kathleen White.
Communication Committee Will be meeting on Monday, May 14th at 7 pm in the library to review and enhance the various ways we communicate within the church and outside the church. If you have some ideas, concerns, or interest please participate in an exploratory meeting or comment to Sandy Gibson (301-845-6727, gibsonjsjjb@comcast.net)
DISCIPLE CLASS/OLD TESTAMENT is being held for the next 8 weeks; Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 in the PH. Please come and join this interesting study of the Old Testament. For additional information, contact Kathleen White.
ZUMBA CLASSES We will meet on Saturday mornings from 10:00-11:00 for fun and exercise. The sessions will be held in the upstairs choir room. Cost is $5/person with a free will offering for the use of the space. Be sure you have eaten breakfast before coming to class (so no one passes out on me from low blood sugar). For questions, call June Barnhouse @ 240-409-1323
SUB SALE:Youth Fundraiser Walkersville Day Special. The sale of subs will be in conjunction with the Yard Sale and Used Books sale being held on Saturday, May 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All proceeds will go for carpeting the Youth Room. Subs will need to be picked up after 11 a.m. on May 19. See bulletin for more details and choices of subs.
NEW CHURCH WEBSITE The Church Council’s Website Committee is proud to introduce WUMC’s new website at www.walkersvilleumc.org. It is designed to be brighter and more user friendly and to offer content and capabilities to feature and enhance the work of our ministries and the life of our church. Expect to see new church email addresses soon using our new website!
YARD SALE!!! Please come out on Walkersville Day (Saturday!) and visit the youth’s ASP Yard Sale. If you would like to donate items to be sold please bring them to the Parish House- NOT BEFORE WEDNESDAY. All items, with the exception of clothing, will be gladly excepted!
NEW MEMBERS will be recognized on Sunday, May 20 at the 9:30 a.m. service. There will be a “meet n’ greet” in GH to welcome the new members after the 9:30 a.m. service.
Join us on Wednesday, July 25th, from 2-8 p.m. for our Blood drive in GTH
VBS Volunteer Training: All volunteers working at VBS must attend training. If you are working at both day and night VBS you only have to attend one meeting this summer. There will be a meeting after Church on Sunday, May 20 at 12:15 p.m. This will be a working lunch and pizza will be served. Some of the topics we will cover include curriculum, Safe Sanctuaries, and new policies that will be in place at both VBS sessions.
The Youth are working to get new carpet for the Youth Room! So far they have raised, over $900, but they are still in need of $1200. Please check the Breeze way for needed donation items
WHS BACCALAUREATE will be held on Sunday, May 20th at 7 p.m. in Georgetown Hall. Everyone is invited to attend. Please come out and support the WUMC and WHS seniors as they move on to the next phase of their lives. For additional information, contact Kathleen White.
The Giving Tree is now being used for ASP. Please stop by and take a card to help the youth of our church.
THANK YOU PASTOR COLIN! Sunday, June 3 at 3:00 p.m. We’ll be celebrating Pastor Colin’s ministry time with us as we raise funds to support Night of Peace family shelter in Baltimore. All of our musical groups will share two of their favorite selections from this past year and we’ll hear some presentations about the shelter from our youth. There will be dessert in Georgetown Hall after the concert. Contact Wanda Heurich or Nancy Mullins for additional information.
WUMC Facebook Page John Grimes takes care of the Church’s Face Book. From John: "For all you Face Book(ers) out there... Visit our page and click "like"! Join us!”
CHARITY EVENT: ‘Come be a part of Frederick’s Inaugural HeartChase event on June 9! Enjoy some friendly competition as you race around Baker Park completing challenges to earn points, all while supporting a worthy cause. Teams are now being formed. For additional information visit: http://honor.americanheart.org/heartchasefrederick or contact Leslie Baker: leslie.baker@heart.org. Game On! Thanks! Leslie Baker
RECOGNITION SUNDAY is scheduled for Sunday, June 10 at the 11 a.m. service. The Sunday School teachers and new acolytes will be recognized for their service to the Church this past year.
Pathways All children in grades K-5 are invited to attend Pathways every Wednesday night from 7-8 pm
Old Fashioned Picnic Lunch Social and Basket Auction--Sunday, June 10 The ASP team is again planning to hold their annual social and basket auction. This year it will be an old fashioned picnic lunch social complete with fried chicken and all of the trimmings to be served right after the 11 am service in Georgetown Hall. We are asking those attending to bring a side dish if your last name begins with A-M or dessert if you last name begins with N-Z. The chicken, drinks and all else will be provided.
Weekday Nursery School Monica Crone, Director 301-845-4282 Ask about our openings!
Adult/College ASP This summer, join our you adults/adults for a mission trip with ASP. The week is June 6, 2012 at the Chavies Housing Service Center of ASP. This date is specifically for college/adult groups. Submit the application to register at http://asphome.org/apply to volunteer. Adult rate is $325 per person. See Bryn Gibson for details.
New E-mails Please see the bulletin for a list of new e-mails for all Church Office Staff. A link is also available at www.walkersvilleumc.org/staffemails
CORNUCOPIA PROJECT This spring the Walkersville United Methodist Church is planting a vegetable garden! We need help to support our community and Glade Valley Food Bank. We are in need of volunteers to help tend the garden, donate supplies, or whatever else you are able to do. Please contact Angela Kleimola at 301-366-7942 or email at angelakleimola@yahoo.com if you are interested in helping out.
Soul Sista’s Calling All Women! Please Join Us for Soul Sista’s from 7-8:30 the First Monday of every Month
VBS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • We are looking for volunteers for Vacation Bible School this summer. July 9th-13th from 9am-12pm. Please contact Betsy Kobbe, Ann Wadding, or Cynthia Jett for more information.
Want an announcement added to the slide show? Please Contact Mitch Woolley at: mitchell.woolley@gmail.com Or Myesha White at: eshababy7@gmail.com