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When Disaster Strikes What You Need to Know, Do, and Have On Hand

When Disaster Strikes What You Need to Know, Do, and Have On Hand. www.whentechfails.com www.matstein.com. “Is it not already too late if one waits until one is thirsty to begin digging a well?.” —Chinese Proverb. “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst” —A wise Yankee saying.

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When Disaster Strikes What You Need to Know, Do, and Have On Hand

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  1. When Disaster StrikesWhat You Need to Know, Do, and Have On Hand www.whentechfails.com www.matstein.com

  2. “Is it not already too late if one waits until one is thirsty to begin digging a well?.” —Chinese Proverb “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst” —A wise Yankee saying

  3. Why I Wrote When Technology Fails I asked for “guidance & inspiration” and received a pictorial outline for the whole book! The voice of inspiration indicated that huge numbers of people would need this information soon!

  4. How Could it Fail? • Natural: Fire, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, etc. • Major Grid Melt-Down: EMP or solar storm; terrorism, earthquake or superstorm. • Pandemic (like 1919 Spanish Flu, which killed 50-100 million worldwide and pretty much shut everything down for months) • Peak Oil • Financial melt-down or societal collapse

  5. Your Inner Compass • Mother nature built the most incredible survival mechanism into each and every one of us. • The “intuitive spiritual self” can “see around corners”. • “Gut Feel” or “still small voice” • Rational mind is a tool. Only as good as the info it has to draw upon. Imperfect at best. • If it flip-flops, it is ego / mind talking • Spiritual or not, it does not matter, you have it!

  6. Your Disaster and Prep Plan • Develop a plan (see handout checklist) and tailor it to your budget, desires and the state of the world. • Start simple and basic with 72-hour grab-and-go survival kit (see handout) . • Develop self-healing and first-aid skills and supplies (see handout). • Build self-reliance, food storage, and personal protection/self-defense supplies and skills into your long-term plan.

  7. The Rule of Threes • Most of us can live about three minutes without air • Three hours without shelter or proper clothing in extreme weather=hypothermia • Most of us can live about three days without water when active in hot weather • Most of us can live at least three weeks without food.

  8. 72-Hour Grab-and-Run Kit • Provides food, water, first aid and basic emergency supplies for yourself and family for three days or more. • Thorough list in handout • 1 gallon H2O per person per day X a family of four weighs 100 pounds! • Water filter with carbon core plus “Steripen” and/or “PolarPure” (chlorox bleach is cheap and usually effective)

  9. A Few Key Items • Water Filter: I like MSR, or Katadyn with field serviceable ceramic cartridges to remove bacteria and carbon core for chemicals, tastes and odor.

  10. SteriPen • Zaps bacteria and viruses with UV. CAUTION: Requires clear water!

  11. Headlamp • Leaves hands free. LED bulbs super tough and low power = long lasting batteries. Waterproof and rugged.

  12. Colloidal Silver Generator • Kills all known pathogenic bacteria. Slower than antibiotics, but works when antibiotics fail.

  13. Multi-tool Knife • Leatherman or Swiss Army Knife

  14. Dry Bags for Hurricanes/Floods • Store your survival kits in dry bags for areas prone to flooding. Floatation in a crisis as well as keeping your stuff dry

  15. The Three “B”s • “Beans” (food and supplies-don’t forget H2O is most critical!) • “Bullets” (protection, self-defense, and shelter) • “Band-aids” (first aid, medicine and healing) • Training, skills and practice are at least as important as supplies!!!

  16. “Beans” • Start simple and build up depending on your available space and budget. • Store 2 weeks min, 2 months better, 1 year+ is best • Whole wheat properly stored can last for centuries. Brown rice rancid in 1-3 years. • Shelf life vs “real shelf life” • Develop gardening skills on public plots and window gardens if you don’t have the land. • Hunting vs foraging (Arizona survival story)

  17. “Bullets” • Guns and Ammo great for barter, personal protection, and hunting. • Safety first, and practice is a must! • Ammo and guns in locked storage around kids (I was almost a statistic at age 10) • Skill and practice worth more than “stuff”. • Safety in numbers. No skills? Supply the guns and ammo. No money? Supply the skills! • Basic info here (not for gun enthusiasts)

  18. 12 Gauge Shotgun • A slug will drop a grizzly at close range. • #7 buckshot is like a dozen .22 caliber bullets at one shot. • Buckshot much safer than a rifle or pistol inside a home (less wall penetration) • 20 Gauge nearly as effective, much less “kick”. Use what is comfortable! Practice!

  19. 10-.22 Ruger • Low cost ammo (pennies per shot) • Highly accurate, pump ten rounds quickly • With LR rounds, good range • Not imposing for many kids and lighter framed women. • Use what is comfortable! Practice!

  20. Civilian Military Style Rifleor Hunting Rifle • Hunting rifle (.30-06, etc) has superior accuracy and dropping power. Legal in all states. • Military style semi-automatic rifle with quick change magazines, not as accurate, illegal in many states (CA, etc), but superior for self defense in collapse scenario. • With night vision scope (expensive) for superior self defense in YOYO situation.

  21. “Band-Aids” (first aid and self healing) • Antibiotic resistant strains of “superbugs” • When the drugs don’t work, or are unavailable is the wrong time to start looking for alternatives • Start developing your set of alternative healing tools and skills today! • Learn and practice CPR and advanced first aid or EMT

  22. Top Alternative Healing Tools • MMS (miracle mineral solution). I suggest you stock up on a hefty supply of sodium chlorite and citric acid, the two simple raw ingredients (plus water) for making MMS. Make sure you have glass bottles for storing the MMS, and droppers or plastic dropper bottles for dosage and application. • Rapid 100% cures of malaria, kills parasites, usually heals severe arthritis, heals many cancers, AIDS, Hep C, knocks down may viruses, many molds and fungus, but not all!

  23. Colloidal and Ionic Silvers • Homemade for pennies a day, kills all known pathogenic bacteria. Use nebulizer for lung ailments. Use gels or on band-aids for skin issues. • Some risk of argyria (“Blueman” syndrome) if over used, or improper use (no salt!) • Multi-valent nano-particle silver from American Biotech Labs (ABL) has proven anti-viral capabilities that the homemade stuff does not appear to have (trade name ASAP, Silver Biotics and Super Silver).

  24. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) • Broad-band antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal extract. • Available at most health food stores in a small squeeze bottle • Typical dose: 10-15 drops diluted in glass of water or juice (very bitter if not highly diluted or in juice), taken 3-5X a day. • GSE has been used for Lyme, Candida, Giardia, amoebic dysentery, athlete’s foot, ringworm, gum disease, herpes, colds, flu, some forms of arthritis, etc.

  25. Beck Protocol • Blood electrification with simple device • Colloidal Silver (SOTA Instruments’ “Silver Pulser” device does silver and blood elec.) • Magnetic Pulsing • Freshly ozonated drinking water for detoxification • Used to help heal a wide variety of aliments, including Hep C and cancers. Best combined with Hulda Clark herbs for serious stage 4 and 5 cancers.

  26. Broad Band Herbs • Elderberry extract • Raw Garlic • Usnea (often an extract in combination with spilanthes) • Tea Trea oil • Oregano oil • Reishi mushrooms (and other mushroom/fungi, Astragalus, etc)

  27. Backup Power, Light and Heat • Multi-fuel MSR backcountry cookstove • Wood and kerosene heaters • Generators: small vs large, pros and cons • Small solar with small inverter for crisis backup power (when gas is gone…) • SolMan portable solar power packs • Lanterns, oil lamps and LEDs

  28. Generator with Transfer Switch • Transfer switch vs power cords • Whole house switch vs dedicated circuit switch

  29. SolMan Solar Power Pack • Battery storage plus quality inverter • Expensive but works when the gas runs out

  30. Communications • Cell phones usually first to fail • Multi-power radios (combo hand crank, solar, batteries and AC with shortwave) • Shortwave receivers (Grundig, Sony, C Crane, etc) and transceivers. • Scanners and/or NOAA radios with switchable alarms for serious weather alerts (cheaper analog works fine in many areas, expensive digital in others) See scannermaster.com for zip code test

  31. Receivers / Scanners

  32. EMP / Solar Super Storms • May 1921 solar storm 10X as strong as 1989 storm that knocked out Quebec Hydro main transformer. 1859 Carrington Event 50% stronger than May 1921 storm. • If either event happened today, grid down for years except in tropical latitudes. • Single EMP from terrorist or rogue state air burst nuke disrupts Dallas to Quebec! • HILF event (High Impact Low Frequency) game changing, economy busting, government toppling, mega-event.

  33. What to expect • 10-15% (much more if severe) of cars on the road disabled • Massive grid failures. 1-3 year delivery for large transformers, many times annual production capabilities. • SCDA, PLC microelectronics controls highly susceptible to damage (reactors, refineries, pipeline controls, just in time delivery systems) • Fuel delivery and dispensing system failures • Refrigeration and food distribution failures • Communications system failures

  34. Peak Oil / Gas Rationing • US military report says crisis by 2015 (major problems as early as 2012). UK and German militaries agree • Odd-even rationing of the 70’s won’t work due to self service stations (no attendants) • Matthew Simmons said US officials were on the verge of printing up rationing books after Hurricane Ike • Plug-in hybrids, motor scooters and electric bicycles provide hedge against rationing.

  35. It takes a village!! • Take a look at the person next to you. Look him or her in the eye. Most disasters, bring out the best in people! • Most of us do better in groups than alone • It takes a village!! (doctors, multiple skills, etc) • Prepping groups and survival partners. • No one can stay awake and alert 24/7. As part of a group of supportive people, you can watch each other’s back, share tools, skills, info, and resources.


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