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Importance of eating Calories when working out

Ethan Perkins, Tyler Bare, Alex Gobel. Importance of eating Calories when working out. Anything that has energy has calories Calories are important to daily life because they are the energy of the body. Calories .

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Importance of eating Calories when working out

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  1. Ethan Perkins, Tyler Bare, Alex Gobel Importance of eating Calories when working out

  2. Anything that has energy has calories Calories are important to daily life because they are the energy of the body. Calories

  3. Calories are basic heat energy. It is what gives the body its needed nutrients and energy to work properly. What are Calories?

  4. Calories are contained in anything with energy. Many nutrients contain calories, such as Fat, Carobohydrates and Protein. Fat has the highest concentration of Calories Where are Calories?


  6. Exercise – Activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain and improve physical fitness. What is Exercise?

  7. In a regular Work Out, you are constantly exercising. By exercising, you are using up the heat energy, or Calories, in your body. Working Out

  8. To keep up with the loss of calories in your body, you are constantly eating. If you are not losing the calories you eat, it is stored and later turned into the fat in your body.

  9. The larger your body is, the more energy it takes to participate in a particular physical activity. The difference is greater for more intense activities. For example, a person who weighs 160 pounds will burn about 219 calories in an hour of ballroom dancing, compared with 324 calories for a person who weighs 240 pounds Calories affecting Exercise

  10. The bigger your body is, the more Calories it takes to run and operate. The maintaining calories are used up for natural processes in the body.

  11. When working out, you are using calories. The calories used take away from the maintaining calories used to run your body.

  12. The more intense your workout, the more calories you need to take. If you do not eat enough calories, your body will ‘hibernate’ and freeze all calorie usage

  13. Changes in weight can help you determine if you are compensating properly for the additional calories that you burn through physical activity. If you want to maintain your weight and you end up gaining weight, you are eating too many calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to exercise or eat less to create a calorie deficit of between 500 and 1,000 calories per day

  14. Calories can make or break your goal. Too many calories that are unused can cause weight gain. Not enough calories can cause you to not lose any weight at all. So, how does Calorie intake affect your workout?

  15. Your metabolism, typically 1200-1800 calories, are the calories burned by your body. Even if you are not moving at all, these calories are burned by natural processes Calories Affecting Your Workout

  16. Say you live a sedentary lifestyle (You spend your day in a chair or desk). You only burn about 300-500 calories a day from walking around, etc. This gives you 1800 – 2000 calories to maintain your body naturally Sedentary Lifestyle

  17. Say you live a active lifestyle (Construction, outside work). You would probably be burning close to 1000 calories a day on your job. This means you would need about 2500 calories a day to heathily maintain your body. Active Lifestyle

  18. It gives us the energy needed to run our body during the workout. SO HOW DOES IT AFFECT OUR WORKOUT?

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