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SIQ! Sports - Integration - Qualification

SIQ! Sports - Integration - Qualification. „ Only in sports i don´t feel like a foreigner !“ . „Sport has the power to unite people !“. Contents of this presentation : Information about SIQ! in general Specific informations about 3 central aspects : Sports for muslim girls

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SIQ! Sports - Integration - Qualification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SIQ! Sports - Integration - Qualification • „Only in sports i don´tfeellike a foreigner!“ • „Sport hasthe power tounitepeople!“

  2. Contents ofthispresentation: • Information about SIQ! in general • Specificinformationsabout 3 centralaspects: • Sports formuslimgirls • Afghan Steiermark Cricket Club • International Allstar League Graz

  3. SIQ!Sports – Integration - Qualification • = a social integrative project • target group: • - minors with granted refugee status • - minors with granted subsidiary protection status • local sphere of activity: • Styria (main area in Graz)

  4. SIQ!Sport-Integration-Qualification

  5. SIQ!Work withthetargetgroup • Courses: • weekly, freeofcharge, low-threshold • swimming • football • ball gamesforgirls • sportsforteenagegirls • summer: tennisandrunning • winter: ice-skating • monthly Kindergarten-sports

  6. SIQ!Work withthetargetgroup • Sports clubs: • contact – escort – intermediation -financial support • Sport events / competitions: • participation • organisation • International Allstar League Graz

  7. SIQ!Work withthetargetgroup • Adventuredays: • Skiingweekends • Climbing • Sledging • Go andseesportevents: • Football, basketball, volleyball,.. • GRAgustl: • Learn- andleisure time programme

  8. SIQ!Work withthetargetgroup • Qualification • How to become a coach, referee,....? → making an income with sports • clearing – registration – support • Approval of educations • Empowerment • Workshops • Afghan Steiermark Cricket Club

  9. SIQ!Sport-Integration-Qualification

  10. SIQ!Theoryandpublicrelation • Networking • Partners like Sportunion, GovernmentofStyria (sports), City of Graz, NGOs, ENGSO,… • Education and Information • Workshops (conferences, Styrian Football Federation,…) • Panel discussionsandconferences

  11. Contents ofthispresentation: • Information about SIQ! in general • Specificinformationsabout 3 centralaspects: • Sports formuslimgirls • Afghan Steiermark Cricket Club • International Allstar League Graz

  12. SIQ! Sports formuslimgirls • Cooperationwith University Graz – Sports Institute • Whyteenagegirls – espaciallymuslimgirls – lose thecontacttosports? • masterthesis • weeklysportcourse • paneldiscussion • conference • presentationoftheresults on 7. 12.

  13. SIQ! Afghan Steiermark Cricket Club • Empowerment! • Cooperation: Omega and SIQ! • Foundationof a club • Member of Austrian CricketAssociation • Club Board • Education • Youth work

  14. SIQ!Afghan Steiermark Cricket Club

  15. SIQ!International Allstar League Graz • CooperationwithYouthcenter Don Bosco andPeaceoffice Graz • Streetfootball-district-league • Pilotproject 2011 • 3 tournaments • 8 teams • onlyunder 18

  16. SIQ!International Allstar League Graz • Fair Play • self-governing • workshops • Not thebestplaying, themostactiveteamwins! • Austrian Sports Integration Award 2011!

  17. In additiontoimprovingthehealthof European citizens, sporthas an educationaldimensionandplays a social, culturalandrecreationalrole. • Sport helpstheimmigrantstodeveloprelationswithothermembersofsociety. • [EU whitepaper on sport]

  18. SIQ!Sport-Integration-Qualifikation SIQ! is supported by the European Refugee Fund (ERF), the federal ministry of the Interior (BM.I), the city of Graz (integration department) and the government of Styria (department for youth)

  19. SIQ!Sport – Integration - Qualification Thanksforyourattention!

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